Are you definitely setting the parse_mode parameter?
Indeed the possibilities are near endless. One thing I've been intending to add are a couple of 'snooze button' links that will tell BI to supress notifications for 15M, 1H, 3H etc. So eg. if I'm out in the workshop out of hours I can quickly tell BI to stop pinging me every few mins without having to log in and change anything manually. Will get around to it eventually.
I intended no criticism; was just genuinely curious if the macro might be expanding differently on your system.
I understand.
OTOH why settle for only one… when we can do both, just in case the cell signal is good.
Code:{KEY}/sendphoto -F chat_id={ID} -F photo=@"D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH" -F caption="[*&CAM*](&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg) [UI3](&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1) \- &MEMO" -F parse_mode=MarkdownV2
Indeed the possibilities are near endless. One thing I've been intending to add are a couple of 'snooze button' links that will tell BI to supress notifications for 15M, 1H, 3H etc. So eg. if I'm out in the workshop out of hours I can quickly tell BI to stop pinging me every few mins without having to log in and change anything manually. Will get around to it eventually.