Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
SF Bay Area
I've figured out how to send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks from Blue Iris Actions without using external scripts.

This approach uses curl and the Pushover API, and provides functionality similar to that recently described for Telegram <link>.

EDIT (5/16/2022) - For those who prefer a TLDR version of this thread, I’ve appended a copy-paste-ready API Reference section, and a Testing section to the end of this post. I’ve also added links to key topic posts that have appeared later (e.g., custom sounds, emergency notifications).

Pushover also lets you
  • specify which of your Pushover devices receive the notification (so you don't have to get the notification on every device on which you've installed the app)
  • use built-in Pushover sounds <list> (and Pushover's new custom sounds <link>). See these posts: <Intro>, <Download all Blue Iris Sounds> … EDIT (7/4/2022) If you want to try custom sounds, please note these requirements: ”… sound files must be in MP3 format and are limited to 500 kilobytes in size, and for iOS devices, cannot be longer than 30 seconds or they will not play.”
  • send emergency notifications. See these posts: <Intro>, <Overriding Android Do not disturb>

  • Pushover can only send pictures that exist in your server's file structure. This means it cannot send Blue Iris database images, The examples below assume you are saving high-res alert images, either directly in the 'Trigger' tab, or if you are using AI (DeepStack), by checking 'Burn label mark-up on alert images'. EDIT (1/8/23) These settings are no longer required. See this <post>.
  • Streaming UI3 on remote devices can result in choppy video if you don't have an excellent cellular connection. In this case you can view an adequate stream by adding &streamingprofile=Jpeg%20HD to the UI3 URLs in the code sections below.
EDIT (11/16/2022) About Pushover:
  • If you have any qualms about migrating to Pushover as your primary notification service, read this 2022 10-year anniversary blog post by the developer. I think his commitment and longevity is admirable.

Blue Iris Action setup:
via Camera settings > Alerts tab > 'On alert...' action set


Example 1...

Notification as received in the Pushover App.
Note that this example includes 2 hyperlinks in the message body.
IMPORTANT: The hyperlinks are active only AFTER you touch the notification.

Notification as touched.
  • The 1st hyperlink 'Hi-Res' shows the full-size markup that you can pinch/zoom to read the tiny AI labels.
  • The 2nd hyperlink 'UI3' streams the alert on your device.
Here is the code that you need to enter into the 'Parameters' field for Example 1.
Code: -s --form-string "token=YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

Required & optional edits:
  • You must replace the placeholders YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE and YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE.
  • You must edit the 'attachment' string to reflect the actual path to your Blue Iris 'Alerts' folder.
  • Placeholders YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE and YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE are optional. Leave as is, or edit them as desired. For the former, you can specify multiple devices using a comma delimiter. Keep in mind that these are devices names as shown in your Pushover account.
Example 2...

Notification as received in the Pushover App.
Note that this example includes no hyperlinks in the message body.

Notification as touched.
Note the hyperlink below the image - it uses 'UI3' to stream the alert on your device.

Here's the code that you need to enter into the 'Parameters' field for Example 2.
Code: -s --form-string "token=YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" --form-string "url_title=Stream Alert via UI3" --form-string "url=&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

API Syntax Reference Guide

Required code:
Code: -s --form-string "token=YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string  "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"
Essential arguments:
--form-string "token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE"
(EDIT 11/25/22) TIP: To future proof these arguments -- in the event that you create a new account, or a new application token -- you might consider storing your token strings in Blue Iris macros... to learn more, see the section near the end of this post.

--form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO"
- Note that the message text may include Blue Iris macros, and HTML formatting code.
- Note that use of HTML formatting code requires an add-on argument.

-F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"
NOTE: Failure to observe this syntax is the top reason why new users report first use problems
- Be sure to prefix the path with @ (the ‘at sign’ ).
- Be sure to provide the full path to your Blue Iris 'Alerts' folder.
- Be sure to pay attention to spaces … e.g., some users have a space between Blue & Iris
EDIT (9/29/22) Be sure that alert images are actually being saved to the folder path specified… <example>
EDIT (1/8/23) Attachments are size limited at 2.5MB 5MB (Mar 2025)
EDIT (2/8/23) You may not need to use settings 'Add to alerts list: Hi-res JPEG files' or 'Burn label mark-up onto alert images'. See this post. Note the caveat.
- EDIT (5/24/23) For a work around for the attachment file size limit, see this post

Add-on arguments:

To include links and HTML formatting tags in the message argument:
--form-string "html=1"

To include a UI3 link to stream the alert:
--form-string "url_title=Stream Alert via UI3" --form-string "url=&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1"

- REDACTED (9/30/22) the @ before &ALERT_DB is recommended for Blue versions For the reason why, see this post.
- To restrict data usage on mobile devices, you can add a URL argument like &streamingprofile=Jpeg%20HD to the UI3 URL. For more options see UI3 help (URL parameters).
- UI3 now supports short form URL parameters, allowing users to shorten long URLs. For example


To send to specific device(s) only:
Use a comma delimiter. Keep in mind that these must be device names as shown in your Pushover account
--form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE"

(EDIT 11/25/22) TIP: To future proof this argument -- e.g., when you get a new device -- you might consider storing your device list in a Blue Iris macro... to learn more, see the section near the end of this post.

To use a custom notification sound:
Must be a sound names from this Pushover list, or a custom sound from your Pushover account dashboard.
--form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE"

(EDIT 11/25/22) TIP: To future proof this argument -- e.g., you find a better sound -- you might consider storing your sound name in a Blue Iris macro... to learn more, see the section near the end of this post.
See these posts: <Intro>, <Download all Blue Iris Sounds>

To send emergency notifications:
Edit arguments retry and expire as desired. The units are seconds.
--form-string "priority=2" --form-string "retry=30" --form-string "expire=300"

To fix SSL errors:

If notifications just won't work from Blue Iris actions, or if you see a SSL error when using the --verbose argument when debugging the curl command in cmd.exe... thanks prsmith777 <link>. More details <here>.

Testing using the Windows Command Prompt

To verify that curl.exe is installed on your system, type curl.exe -V in a cmd.exe window.


To test your API command syntax before using it in a Blue Iris 'Run a program' action, try sending it directly in a cmd.exe window.


EDIT (6/21/2022): You can also add add argument --verbose to examine details.


EDIT (1/29/2023) Do not use the Action Set ‘Test’ button (lightning bolt) to test your Pushover ‘Run a Program’ actions. Use real triggers instead, e.g., actually walk in front of the camera... To learn more, read the Help PDF, specifically the section ‘Testing the Action Set’ in the ’Alerts and Actions’ chapter. See also this thread <link>.

Using Blue Iris actions requires that you are not running the Blue Iris service using a LocalSystem account.
To learn more, read the Help PDF, specifically the first section in the Administration chapter.

If you are already running the Blue Service service using a user account, then try these 'tricks':
1. Make sure the macros are resolving when requested from the service <link>, and/or
2. Capture the actual Pushover API command in a *.txt file for inspection <link>.

How to store and use your pushover credentials (and device_list and sound) in Blue Iris numbered macros

You might like this trick to shorten your lengthy API command strings, and future proof your setup... With it, your API commands may look like this:
Code: -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string  "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH" --form-string "device="%998" --form-string "sound=%999"
Note the numbered macros %996, %997, %998 and %999 in the credential, device and sound arguments.

To successfully execute the code above, you first need to create the macros.
1. Edit the registry directly -- or perhaps safer, use your browser and the URLs below -- to create numbered macros higher than %10.
Replace my webserver address with yours.
2. Open 'regedit.exe'.
3. Navigate to registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Macros.
4. Double-click reg key %996 and paste in your pushover 'token'.
5. Double-click reg key %997 and paste in your pushover 'user'.
6. Double-click reg key %998 and paste in your pushover devices list (comma delimited).
6. Double-click reg key %999 and paste in your pushover sound.

1. Why do this? If you ever need to change your API credentials and/or device list (new devices?), storing them in macros is far easier than editing all the Blue Iris actions that use them. It also reduces the string length of the API command.
2. Of course you can use any macro numbers you want. I like high ones for constants, and I reserve lower numbers for my dynamic macros.
3. EDIT (9/29/22) Another reason you may want to change your credentials in the future is that Pushover lets you create multiple applications. For example, you could create applications like 'Blue Iris Tools', 'Blue Iris Actions', 'PowerShell', and 'OpenHAB' to separately track notifications from each source. A neat benefit of this is that you can view stats for each application in your Pushover dashboard; furthermore, each Application has its own 10,000 notifications quota! <link>
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Nice! I had to use a batch file and powershell script to make it work. This is much cleaner, I'll have to give it a try.
I'm hoping someone can help with some things to try / investigate.

I have a few cameras, and using them to send a curl command to my Pushover account. The alerts work perfectly, and really fast.

I added a new camera (a doorbell camera from Amcrest). I have it all set up in Blue Iris, and can see the video perfectly.

Here's the problem. The camera will trigger, and send the pictures to DeepStack. DS will return with a hit, and record a short clip of the motion (buffered and all). I can see in the alerts filter from BI that the camera tripped, found a person, and recorded it. It also shows the icons saying it found a person, and a percentage of certainty.

There is where the problem is. For all other cameras, I have a curl command in the alert and it sends a Pushover notice. This camera does not, and I'm at my wits end with things to try or investigate.

Here is the alert curl command (again, this works in 5 other cameras, just not the last one):

-s --form-string "token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" --form-string "url_title=Stream Alert via UI3" --form-string "url=&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1" -F "attachment=@D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

Hoping for some help....
I do not see any issues with your syntax.

My only suggestion is to make sure the highlighted settings in the screenshot below are what you really want for the problem camera.
In particular both 'Enabled' and the 'Profiles' settings.

Appreciate the reply. I checked the settings, and all are as expected.

Ironically, the camera giving me fits simply started reporting yesterday afternoon. I didn't (don't recall) doing anything. So I'm stumped, but happy (for now).

Will watch this and see how things go.
This is nice since it allows a few extra perks! I been using a simpler setup of Gmail server with an email to my Pushover email address
I'm trying to set this up, but am having some issues getting it running. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind.

In your Configure Run Action Tab, for file, it simply says Curl. On my system, I downloaded the CURL program and copied the files to the Blue Iris folder on my C: drive. Then, I put the location of the .exe file in the file location (C:\BlueIris\Pushover_upload\curl-7.81.0-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe). Is this correct?

For the Alert images, you say that Pushover can only send pictures that exist in your server's file structure. Does this mean that I can use the high res images that are saved in the original C:\BlueIris\Alerts folder from my motion events, or do I have to save a separate .jpg in the record tab when triggered?

One more thing... If I don't need to specify a specific Pushover device or sound, or access to the ui3 clip, I'm assuming I just cut that whole part of the script out? I'm really just looking for a faster, more reliable way to get push alerts with images versus the email server method that I use right now which is severely delayed most of the time.

Thanks for any help you can provide. I'm sure I'll have more questions.

I've figured out how to send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks from Blue Iris Actions without using external scripts.

This approach uses curl and the Pushover API, and provides functionality similar to that recently described for Telegram <link>.

Pushover also lets you
  • specify which of your Pushover devices receive the notification (so you don't have to get the notification on every device on which you've installed the app)
  • use built-in Pushover sounds <list> (and maybe Pushover's new custom sounds <link>, but I've not tested this).

  • Pushover can only send pictures that exist in your server's file structure. This means it cannot send Blue Iris database images, The examples below assume you are saving high-res alert images, either directly in the 'Record' tab, or if you are using DeepStack, by checking 'Burn label mark-up on alert images'.
  • Streaming UI3 on remote devices can result in choppy video if you don't have an excellent cellular connection. In this case you can view an adequate stream by adding &streamingprofile=Jpeg HD to the UI3 URLs in the code sections below.

Action setup:
View attachment 102328

Example 1...

Notification as received in the Pushover App.
View attachment 102329
Note that this example includes 2 hyperlinks in the message body.
IMPORTANT: The hyperlinks are active only AFTER you touch the notification.

Notification as touched.
View attachment 102330
  • The 1st hyperlink 'Hi-Res' shows the full-size markup that you can pinch/zoom to read the tiny DeepStack labels.
  • The 2nd hyperlink 'UI3' streams the alert on your device.
Below is the code that you need to enter into the 'Parameters' field for Example 1.
Code: -s --form-string "token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string  "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" -F "attachment=@D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

Required & optional edits:
  • You must replace the placeholders YOUR_TOKEN_HERE and YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE.
  • You must edit the 'attachment' string to reflect the actual path to your Blue Iris 'Alerts' folder.
  • Placeholders YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE and YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE are optional. Leave as is, or edit them as desired. For the former, you can specify multiple devices using a comma delimiter. Keep in mind that these are devices names as shown in your Pushover account.
Example 2...

Notification as received in the Pushover App.
View attachment 102332
Note that this example includes no hyperlinks in the message body.

Notification as touched.
View attachment 102333
Note the hyperlink below the image. it uses 'UI3' to stream the alert on your device.

Here's the code that you need to enter into the 'Parameters' field for Example 2.
Code: -s --form-string "token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" --form-string  "user=YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" --form-string "url_title=Stream Alert via UI3" --form-string "url=&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB&maximize=1" -F "attachment=@D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"
To avoid specifying the path, curl.exe needs to be located in a folder listed in the Environment system variable ‘Path’... Mine is located in 'C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe'.

*.jpg files in the C:\BlueIris\Alerts folder should work just fine...
I use 'attachment=@D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH'

If I don't need to specify a specific Pushover device or sound, or access to the ui3 clip, I'm assuming I just cut that whole part of the script out?
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To avoid specifying the path, curl.exe needs to be located in a folder listed in the Environment system variable ‘Path’... Mine is located in 'C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe'.

*.jpg files in the C:\BlueIris\Alerts folder should work just fine...
I use 'attachment=@D:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH'

This looks so promising, and I feel like I have it so close to working. I have verified that curl is available in the environment Path, and even have tried pointing directly to the curl.exe in C:\Windows\System32 in the Alert, Action (Run program/script) File: box.

Maybe if you look over my syntax for the Parameters line you will spot the fault:

-s --form-string "token=redacted" --form-string "user=redacted" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "html=1" -F "attachment=@C:\Blue Iris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

I have deliberately tried removing the strings for "Device Names" and "Pushover Sounds" for debugging purposes. I do have High-res JPGs going to the Alerts folder at C:\BlueIris\Alerts. Are there any further debugging steps you can suggest?

BTW: I have also tried the alternate Python based script version of this Pushover integration by @scudre and have it working perfectly, so I know my Pushover Token and User Keys are valid.
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Maybe if you look over my syntax for the Parameters line you will spot the fault:
Your syntax is fine. I just successfully tested it by replacing 'redacted' with my credentials.

When you are testing the syntax are you using the test button from the 'Action set' dialog?

If so, I think know what's happening. The macros are not resolving.

The reason for this is described in the help pdf.... see this excerpt from the 'Testing the Action Set' section.

To verify, try assigning your curl action to a preset of one your cameras. (This is easier for testing as you don’t need to wait for the camera to trigger.) The action will fail to send a pushover message if you use the test icon in the 'Action set' dialog, but it will work if you execute the camera preset from any Blue Iris application.

To see why this is so, try assigning the following 'Run a program' action to another preset;
File: msg.exe

This run action sends a self-closing popup message to your screen. (You can use other macros if desired.)

When you execute the preset's 'On call' action from 'Action set' dialog, the macros do not resolve.

However, when you execute the preset via a Blue Iris app, the macros do resolve.
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I really appreciate the help on this, thanks.

Sadly, I am not at home to test your ideas at the moment, I will check this evening. I have tried my current setup using both the test button (nice catch as to why that isn't working, thanks), but also in "real world" testing with actual triggers from the cameras, but no luck either way. As I mentioned previously, the other Python based Pushover script does work, but curiously I also cannot get the true built-in push notifications working from BlueIris to the official android app. That might be unrelated though, as I will see a popup within the android app if it is open when an alert is triggered, just no sound or notification at all if the app isn't in the foreground at that moment.

Not sure where this leaves me though, as it seems we cannot trust the test button to help in debugging issues like this, and the logs don't seem to help either. I was so pleased to find this option, as the other script doesn't provide a simple path to automatically open UI3 from an alert photo, and so far, I haven had any luck using the official BlueIris app for notifications whatsoever as they don't really come in if the app isn't in the foreground.
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Regarding the problematic Android app, have you tried:
1. Reviewing the app's 'Notifications' setting, including checking that all of the Notification categories are enabled?
2. Making sure the app's 'Battery' setting is 'Unrestricted' (not 'Optimized')?
3. Uninstalling / reinstalling the app?
Also confirm that you are not running the Blue Iris service on a 'Local System' account.

Using your Windows Login ensures the service can access the local file system (your alert images). Here's the excerpt from the help pdf:

View attachment 118765

View attachment 118763
Well, I don't have any immediate results (no alerts just yet), but the likely solution here for fixing my Blue Iris app notifications not coming through was the battery optimization, as it is the only possibility that didn't already meet the criteria. Yes, I had already run through every other checklist item on my own, and knew enough not to run my Blue Iris service under the Local System account (it runs under my admin account).

That still leaves me wondering what is going on with my initial question of why I can't get the Pushover notifications working in this "scriptless" version, but progress nevertheless. Many thanks, I'll keep you posted if I get it solved.
Can you successfully execute the curl command from a cmd.exe window? It may require starting cmd.exe with administrative rights .

You'll need to replace &ALERT_PATH with an existing *.jpg file in your Alerts folder, like

The other macros (&WAN, etc.) will not resolve to their values, but will not prevent the api command from executing.

If nothing happens, test curl.exe as follows

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Well, I have progress to report, but a weird mix of partial successes.

Upon arriving home, when I RDP connected to my B.I server I was greeted with today's update of B.I. to, so I went ahead and installed it (I was on previously). I then went to the Alerts, Test tab and miraculously, the Pushover alert worked (even though you had said it might be problematic). Great! OK, how about a "real" walk-through test? Same, and with a photo attached as well! Cool, right? Well almost, as I still have no hyperlinks showing (remember, I am using your "Example 1" parameters, per the first post), and even after opening the notification, I still have no links. Also, even though I am using DeepStack, and the photo shows the box around a person with the percentage of likelihood, the text of the notification is generic in the sense that it only shows "motion detected", so something is still quite off in my installation. Does that give any hints?

Also, even though I thought we may have found the magic sauce to get the official B.I android app notifications working (by disabling the battery optimization for that app), there has been no change there either: I only get notifications if the app is open. Every other setting you suggested was already correct, all notification permissions have been granted, and I have tried the uninstall/re-install routine already. Do you think there is any chance it might have to do with my phone's B.I App access being permanently through an "always-on" OpenVPN connection back to my home router (so during the app setup screens both the WAN and LAN use the same "local" LAN address)?

Looking forward to further hints...

Edit: Scratch all of that, I accidentally had both your version of Pushover alerts AND the Python script version enabled (on this one "test" camera, so the alerts I was receiving were coming from the Python script version, not your script-less version. And still no "original" B.I App push notifications.
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I'm following this, too. I've been using the generic Pushover email address to send my alerts to, but I'm really interested to get your curl method working so I can have different alert sounds for different cameras.

I haven't had time to try your troubleshooting methods, but they look promising.
Yeah, I would love to not use the generic Pushover email as I think a curl/API would be quicker.

From what I have seen, others got it going by saving a jpeg, which I really don't want to set up, but if somehow the alert image could be pulled, it would be great.
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Ok, I just ran your suggested test from the (elevated, admin) command prompt and it worked perfectly, I did get the proper alert in the Pushover app. This of course was with a direct path to a photo in my B.I Alerts folder, as suggested.

What now?
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I'm not a coder and probably will never be one, but I tried this tonight and had instant success. I was going to use the python script method but this looked a lot easier for me with limited/non-existent coding skills

I set it up first on a camera under burn-in test in my office, added the hi-res jpg files to alerts, configured the immediate action tab and walked past the camera. As I sat back down at my desk, after a whole four step walk, my phone went off with a pushover notification.

I've set it up on all the front approach and car parking area cameras and will leave regular notifications in place for a day or two, but this sure looks like a real winner to me. SMS and email are too unpredictable, but this is fast and concise.

Kudos, and a half, plus a big thanks to @jaydeel. If a fumble fingered old coot like me can get this to work it's got to be pretty easy and bullet proof!