Slow first load in app?


Young grasshopper
Mar 16, 2019
Auburn, MA
I only have 3 cameras but when I first load Blue Iris though the app it's a good 10-20 second delay before it will show me a live view. It does this both on my Android phone and my wife's iPhone.

I am perplexed because when I open up the WebServer UI everything is instant. This would lead me to believe a setting in the app is the issue.

However, when I use the same app on my phone to connect to my dad's Blue Iris server the load is also instant. Which points at my server being the issue.

So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what's going on given the above. Anything I can try?
Are you using your phone on the local home wifi network ? To test turn off your cell services on the phone. Iif it is fast then it is either your cellphone network or your outbound internet provider
Are you using your phone on the local home wifi network ? To test turn off your cell services on the phone. Iif it is fast then it is either your cellphone network or your outbound internet provider

Hello, I just tried disabling mobile data and the initial first load of the camera view is still slow. Any other tricks?
Just to verify that BI is on your local home network and the phone is on the same network.
Verify you connect with the app, then you get a all camera index with your groups and individual cameras defined. You click on a single camera and the view is slow.

Define slow 2 second, 1 minute ???
Just to verify that BI is on your local home network and the phone is on the same network.
Verify you connect with the app, then you get a all camera index with your groups and individual cameras defined. You click on a single camera and the view is slow.

Define slow 2 second, 1 minute ???

Yep my BI server is sitting within eyeshot of me in my home.

Your next statement is correct except that it's not the single camera views that are slow, it's the loading of that view with "all camera index" at the top that is slow. Once that loads I can click single cameras and see them within a second.

When I say slow I am talking 15-20 seconds. I would think this is just normal except that when I connect to my father's server (which I also set up) it's much much faster.

If I close the app on my phone completely, and re-open it immediately the next load will be fast. Almost as if after not connecting for some time there is some sort of initial cache/load going on that takes a bit.
Same issue here. I figured it was normal.

That's why I switched to tiny cam as a viewer. Much much nicer "all camera" view, and it loads instantly.

Issue is I still need the BI app to view alerts because I'm recording as BVR, not mp4
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I have had the same issue for a few months now. It seemed to coincide with when I added a few more cameras (from 3 to 6). It takes a good 10-15 seconds to load the main screen with all cameras showing after opening, but once that occurs everything runs fine. Happens even on my home network which can't be using cell connection because I would have to turn on my VPN first to connect by cell.
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I have had the same issue for a few months now. It seemed to coincide with when I added a few more cameras (from 3 to 6). It takes a good 10-15 seconds to load the main screen with all cameras showing after opening, but once that occurs everything runs fine. Happens even on my home network which can't be using cell connection because I would have to turn on my VPN first to connect by cell.

The odd thing is it doesn't happen with my father's BI server, though he only has two cameras and I have 3 so maybe something with having more cameras causes this.
I only have 3 cameras but when I first load Blue Iris though the app it's a good 10-20 second delay before it will show me a live view. It does this both on my Android phone and my wife's iPhone.

I am perplexed because when I open up the WebServer UI everything is instant. This would lead me to believe a setting in the app is the issue.

However, when I use the same app on my phone to connect to my dad's Blue Iris server the load is also instant. Which points at my server being the issue.

So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what's going on given the above. Anything I can try?
Have you performed this: Optimizing Blue Iris's CPU Usage | IP Cam Talk
Did you exclude all BI folders from any antivirus? Including Defender.
I have 4 cameras and it is instant for me. Did you mention what version of Blue Iris you were using? Could be different versions that you and your dad are on...
Do you have limit decoding unless require check on any of your cameras ? if so uncheck it.
Have you performed this: Optimizing Blue Iris's CPU Usage | IP Cam Talk
Did you exclude all BI folders from any antivirus? Including Defender.

I just walked through this again. There were a few things I was missing (or may have been added since I originally spun up my server last year) but corrected that. Unfortunately it made no difference in performance of the initial app load.

What bitrates do you have choosen in the app?


Do you have limit decoding unless require check on any of your cameras ? if so uncheck it.

Unchecked on all.
I did some playing around myself and found the culprit... but no great solution. I threw an old SSD in my server and moved the Database directory Path over to the SSD. Now each time I load the app it's pretty much instant. Everything else such as New is still on the HDD so the issue seems to be the initial read of that database file from the mechanical hard drive. Never had this issue using Milestone last year with the same drive but I understand Blue Iris behaves differently.

Any ideas here? Are you guys all using an SSD or is your database folder working fine in a mechanical HDD? How big is this file supposed to be by the way? My clips.dat file is 4.5GB. I don't particularly want to use an SSD for a single directory.
I did some playing around myself and found the culprit... but no great solution. I threw an old SSD in my server and moved the Database directory Path over to the SSD. Now each time I load the app it's pretty much instant. Everything else such as New is still on the HDD so the issue seems to be the initial read of that database file from the mechanical hard drive. Never had this issue using Milestone last year with the same drive but I understand Blue Iris behaves differently.

Any ideas here? Are you guys all using an SSD or is your database folder working fine in a mechanical HDD? How big is this file supposed to be by the way? My clips.dat file is 4.5GB. I don't particularly want to use an SSD for a single directory.
Yes most folks on the forum are using ssd's and they are recommended by the developer. You should run the OS, blue iris and the database folder on the ssd. They are so cheap its silly not to.
Yes most folks on the forum are using ssd's and they are recommended by the developer. You should run the OS, blue iris and the database folder on the ssd. They are so cheap its silly not to.

I read over the optimization guide and unless I missed it I never saw an SSD being a requirement. Anyways, I went ahead and reluctantly bought one moving the appropriate folders over to it. Milestone always did fine on my mechanical HD and even the webUI for Blue Iris loaded fine using it. It was only the app that chugged along. Anyways the app seems to be performing better... for now.
I read over the optimization guide and unless I missed it I never saw an SSD being a requirement. Anyways, I went ahead and reluctantly bought one moving the appropriate folders over to it. Milestone always did fine on my mechanical HD and even the webUI for Blue Iris loaded fine using it. It was only the app that chugged along. Anyways the app seems to be performing better... for now.
It is in the recommend specs on the blue iris website. If buying a 30-50 dollar drive is so painful and milestone worked fine, then use milestone. Every pc I touch gets an ssd. Its foolish not to. That said, I have access to two pc's running BI with mechanical drives that load just fine - i just tested them. You may have a slow drive or a dying drive or something else messed up in your setup. You should be running the entire OS, BI and the database on the ssd.