Hi there! I post this information here in case someone else is experiencing the same problem. Who knows, with a little bit of luck maybe someone can suggest a solution.
I prefer to set encoding for both the main strean AND the substream to H.265 and and I want to have the Iframe interval set to the same as the frame rate (25).
Like this:

It works well to set the wanted values and they are effective immediately.
Unfortunately the cameras reverts to the old values (for the sub stream only) every time it's rebooting. Like this:

It's a bit annoying to having to repeatedly having to set the same values over and over.
It occurs for 2 of my older camera models

Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong?
I prefer to set encoding for both the main strean AND the substream to H.265 and and I want to have the Iframe interval set to the same as the frame rate (25).
Like this:

It works well to set the wanted values and they are effective immediately.
Unfortunately the cameras reverts to the old values (for the sub stream only) every time it's rebooting. Like this:

It's a bit annoying to having to repeatedly having to set the same values over and over.
It occurs for 2 of my older camera models
- IPC-HDW5231R-Z

Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong?