South Carolina Homeowner Shoots Intruder

I had just read that a bit earlier. You go girl!
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If That was in NY she would be charged and her firearm would be taken away, then a POS lawyer would sue her for shooting that poor crackhead because he is just trying to earn his living the only way he knows how.
If That was in NY she would be charged and her firearm would be taken away, then a POS lawyer would sue her for shooting that poor crackhead because he is just trying to earn his living the only way he knows how.

Same in California, but with special enhancements if the guy is a member of a protected class.
Gotta appreciate her tactics, stayed behind cover
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If my car's in the driveway, lights are on, TV screen glare dancing on walls and windows plus audio and you break in my house we'll see if you can dodge all 18 of the 9mm's coming at you until I heard your carcass hit the floor.

If you're out only to rob you wait 'til it's apparent no one's home; if not, it means you're don't care about my welfare any more than I care about yours.
Here in the Great Nanny State, you have to offer them a cookies and milk or you'll get arrested instead of the intruder.
I'm not trying to start a political debate and I hate to say it brother but judging by your state's recent mid-term election results, I don't see that changing any time soon...:facepalm:
......But 1st you have to tell me how I'm going to be able to hunt and.... use up all this .223 and 7.62...and 40 and 45 and 12g and 50cal...???...!!!
...... Cuzz im sitting $20k plus easily.
Wow....and I thought I had a lot with $2k worth of .223 / 5.56, 9mm, .380 ACP and .22LR...I'm a lightweight, it seems.:cool:
@NoneYa44 , you might appreciate this, it was sent to me by a retired cop.

Spider webs. Hmmm, must be a bullet cam! ;)

I'm so glad I live in Wyoming. I'm sitting in the Doctor's office waiting for my mom to get a radiation treatment. Guess what's in my pocket? And probably a number of other folks here. :)
Spider webs. Hmmm, must be a bullet cam! ;)

I'm so glad I live in Wyoming. I'm sitting in the Doctor's office waiting for my mom to get a radiation treatment. Guess what's in my pocket? And probably a number of other folks here. :)
Hope your mom has a great outcome.:headbang:
But to make clear what happen last night in 1000 Trails California is a fucking travesty. Any of these mass shootings is. And I'm here to say if you have people like me out there...I will die to defend innocent people from such senseless acts of absolute cowardness. I have absolutely no problem what-so-ever engaging someone like that until he (or she) is out of commission. It's sad that we have come to it...The guns are already out there... Control can help over time... A long time... But right here right now.. You can't undue what's already in circulation... I just would rather be around sane people with guns... Waiting to defend against insane with no soul.

It's a little to early to tell what all is involved with him. As a Vietnam vet myself much of me feels sad for him and of course, everyone that was killed or wounded in that bar. There has to be a better process to spot those that are in trouble with PTSD or other mental issues, inside and outside of the military and certainly, when purchasing any firearm. It becomes next to impossible to change the outcome when the firearm was purchased in the past or borrowed. Clairvoyance is not a common human trait. But with what we can control, we have failed too often up to this point. Sure, many have been spotted but just one getting by or overlooked is one too many, especially when it has the outcome it had like in Thousand Oaks. The results are often horrific.

It's easy to Monday-morning quarterback and look back with that perfect retrospect...I'm as guilty of that as anyone. But I sure hope something positive comes out of has to. The cost is too high. Both sides of the aisle must reach across and join in and find some middle ground to help end this carnage. It will not be overnight and it will be a process that needs a lot of attention, not just from the media and their inflammatory diatribe. I mean something that works. I wish I knew the answer.