Ya my port is working now. Had to put in and the login info from the back of the box to get into it. Then put it into bridge modeYou might have a different modem than I do. I just got Spectrum service at a new home and it came from them already in bridge mode and I have no idea how to access its web interface if it even has one. The modem I got is all black with one coax port, one ethernet port, and I think two phone ports which I'm not using.
Maybe it is different because I'm a new customer or maybe because I got the gigabit service which comes with their managed wifi router (which I did not even plug in) in addition to the modem??
Anyway do you have your port forward working now?
Yep, it seems to be working like I would expect. Lived at that place for 29 years...never knew it was also a gateway..Awesome, is everything working properly now?
Looked at the wiki and the VPN on Asus, pretty complicated and never got it to work. I"ll stick with port forwarding..
Yep got it setup for my home network. Now just need to figure out how to do a site to site vpn so its always on, and all my parents have to do is connect to it and they can see my cameras and vice versa..You will want VPN over port forwarding.
OpenVPN is simple, but we make it way more difficult than it needs to be lol.
You will need a DDNS as your WAN IP address is subject to change at anytime by your ISP (although most do not change often) or you are paying for a static IP address. You can create that from within the ASUS router.
I was there too once with OpenVPN...tried to do all this research to find directions and got to the point I said screw it and just enabled it and kinda of followed what it was asking and it worked.
Just go to OpenVPN and enable it and see what it says - probably asks you to create a user/PW, DDNS name, encryption method, and create certificate. Then email that certificate to you and save the certificate on your mobile device. Then install the OpenVPN app and select the certificate and then connect and you are on your home network.
It really is simpler than our minds make it out to be.
This is a decent guide as well. It has been awhile since I set mine up, but it was that general process.
OpenVPN on a Asus router
Sept 2021 Turned off comments because of ads July 2021 Bought a new Asus router, an RT-AX86U. Loaded it right away with Merlin firmware, s...randyshomeprojects.blogspot.com
Whats the consensus for remote WAN port forwarding? Yay or nay?
Whats the consensus for remote WAN port forwarding? Yay or nay?
Looked at the wiki and the VPN on Asus, pretty complicated and never got it to work. I"ll stick with port forwarding..
Read the help for your particular Router.Yep got it setup for my home network. Now just need to figure out how to do a site to site vpn so its always on, and all my parents have to do is connect to it and they can see my cameras and vice versa..