Stand alone LPR

Thanks @wittaj. As i understand it, LPR systems should provide some type of database or timestamped info on the license plates captured. Will that be possible in my NVR with my setup? Or will i just need to go through the video/snapshots manually to find the license plate captures?
'Hi Avotek, the OpenALPR service offers a Watchman subscription of $5 a month per camera. With that you can get 5 days of records via their web browser, and can also periodically download the plate records to a CSV file for local CSV storage. The images are already stored locally on your HDD, and the image storage capacity setting can be configured in their software client. But to connect a plate to a local image past the 5 day limit you can look into Gymratz' free Downloader and Viewer apps as found on this LPR forum. I have over 2 years of plate data using a Z12 and the OpenALPR service and GymRatz' apps.
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I am fairly certain that the HFW7442H-Z4 coupled with the appropriate Dahua NVR will capture plates.

See the following thread:
Ok I just got permission from the board, to order the Loryta IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E IP. If I woulda had that last night I would have gotten a plate off that parked car( possible Chevy Blazer)mar81.jpgmar82.jpgmar83.pngmar84.jpg
the Asian Mail theft guys were back again last night looking at our mail room with keen interest. except thier key doesnt work anymore :). These are iphone images of the computer screen. so yeah they suck.
Camera showed up today. That was less than 3 days! Ordered about 11:50pm tuesday nite. Came Thursday at 3pm, Bench booted it at 3:05. Changed IP i gotta run 130 feet of Cabling.