OK, just took the plunge and ordered Starlink satellite a few minutes ago. Hope to see a fall 2021 roll-out to my area. VERY much looking forward to being Jessie's downlink amigo.
I've had 'em all since 2004: HughesNet ('04 to '06), WildBlue ('06 to '09), CenturyLink ADSL ('09 to '18) , AT&T mobile hotspot ('18 to '19) and currently, AT&T Fixed Wireless since Nov. 2019....they all pretty much suck. The current fixed wireless was great until a month ago, May 4th when a wind, rain and lightning storm rolled through. It was 25 to 40Mbps down/4-6 Mbps up reliably for 18 months until then, been out now for over a month now. AT&T replaced my modem and the outdoor powered antenna and its POE supply....no joy. I've spent over 2 hours via 6 phone calls to the CSR's...no more...I'm done with 'em. They couldn't find their butt with both hands.
You folks that live in the metro area of better developed/equipped areas with your 100 Mbps, 200Mbps and gigbit
downloads are fortunate in that regard. I love my 6 acres, 8 or 10 deer in the yards throughout the day/night and yes, even the 'coons, foxes, rabbits, snakes, owls and red tail hawks....not to mention plenty of bugs to round out the rural habitat.
I can't update PC's I repair for folks, can't order meds from the VA, pay my bills, order pet supplies, etc, etc..... y'all know how much all of us depend on the Internet. I had to use my wife's phone as a hotspot to place the order with Starlink and post this as I've maxed out my phone's 10GB data until the 20th, its was slowed down to 128Kbps which is a frickin' joke....just twice as fast as a 56K
(V.92) dial-up modem from 2000.....when it was mostly text being downloaded!