Tariffs and Dahua

...and steering us away from over-regulation, more bureaucracy, poor trade agreements and socialist-leanings.......IMO. :cool:
...and steering us away from over-regulation, more bureaucracy, poor trade agreements and socialist-leanings.......IMO. :cool:

Socialism is defined as "a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies."

Listening to folks throw the term “socialism” around these days is much like listening to the gun grabbers talk about “clips.”

Apparently neither completely understands what they’re talking about.
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Actually - I don't believe I read that link or that you posted it.
I need that 5 minutes of my life back.
Socialism is defined as "a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies."

Listening to folks throw the term “socialism” around these days is much like listening to the gun grabbers talk about “clips.”

Apparently neither completely understands what they’re talking about.

Seems that "definition" might be a bit of an over simplification.

I do like the analogy about "clips" though. I used to be one of those obnoxious self important gun aficionados who would interrupt someone when they said "clip" and say "you mean magazine, if it has a spring and a follower, it's a magazine". Made me feel superior and that I had generally dominated the conversation with my smug superior knowledge. Probably made the other guy think "what an ass-hole". And it didn't actually help make him any smarter. So I don't do that anymore. I know it may not be the fully accurate term, but I am smart enough to know what they mean. And it is really irrelevant to the point anyway isn't it?

I feel the same way when I hear the right say "socialist" or the left say "democratic socialist". I know what they mean.
Long story, China is very big and our system is leader decide everything, their kids learn and lived in US, but house like buy hamburgers. we have large population their salary below 15usd per day, I think around 100000000 at this level. They live in remote villiages, and grown vegetables for themselves, when they have heavy illness, they really waiting to die, gov only offer support for normal medicine or surgery. So the capitalism pay very less money for these guys and work 14hours per day sitting before the desk to produce phones and computers, and all others items. No one can resist, because they have family, they have to work. Some guys resist throw into the prison. Chinese real estate price at some place much higher than US. For example in my city, Shenzhen average price is 12000usd/square meter. But house still very hot, the dream is to buy a house at their working city. In China if no house at their working city, kids have to pay big money to go to rubbish schools. So adult have to work as a slave. China has a different culture , for exmple when I buy a house in Shenzhen, my parents , my grand parents and my mom’s parents will take money out to help pay for the expensive house. I think this totally different to western world.
Do business in China , small business or private business never have tax. House no tax after you buy. So young guys set up a company to do software,or do E-commerce business, and other working very easily. So more and more new business coming out easily, gov even loan to these guys without any interest and offer 300-400k usd for them as gifts.
US No.1 in the world , I think China still need 30-40 years to catch up, some areas China still too weak. For the intellectual property , Chinese law is doing very bad, Chinese company also suffer from this. So some guys stolen from USA as @fenderman said, to make other guys work as his own. I am shame of this bad way.
China still have a long way to protect intellectual property, also need the press from US. For the tariffs , some items even add 250%, Chinese products still cheaper than US, this also the truth. US company earn too much money from China too, i think all US company here each year can sell 200billions USD here , Boeing ,Apple product,computers, cars, medcine , machines , chemicals , Walmart ,KFC, Mcdonload , and all kinds of service. Sure they create jobs , and good tax for our gov.
So an opening world is good for most guys.

Most normal guys like us, have to work hard and enjoy life and help others if have the ability,that is it.
... I know it may not be the fully accurate term, but I am smart enough to know what they mean. And it is really irrelevant to the point anyway isn't it?...

No, it’s as far from irrelevant as can be. If one is trying to get to the truth, words certainly matter, unless one is purposely trying to obscure a point, support a lie, or is one is ignorant.
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...Most normal guys like us, have to work hard and enjoy life and help others if have the ability,that is it.

Thanks for all that Andy. I’m going to help you by buying another camera from you real soon now. :)
Thanks for all that Andy. I’m going to help you by buying another camera from you real soon now.
Haha, , the world is simple, but sometimes very complicated. USA is a great country, I will visit there soon. Our news said USA is very dangerous , full of guns and killing. Fake news, lol
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...Our news said USA is very dangerous , full of guns and killing. Fake news, lol

This is all part of an international conspiracy to make everyone afraid in order to control the population. As evidenced by this “Make your life safer”...

Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. - Douglas MacArthur
i think it is not really better in other parts of the world.
We are so fortunate to pay up to 52% income tax, VAT is 21% on most products. 1 liter of car fuel is about €1,70 where 80% of the price is some kind of tax. Base electricity is €0,04 per kWh but add different taxes on it to make it €0,21 at the end.

So here it is also divided in Have and Have-not.
We still have strong social system for non able to work getting income, but there is much pressure on that system by people not wanting to work (or having no education at all so no jobs for them)
Europe pays Turkey not te let in all the refugees (of which large part are economic refugees)
Southern Europe is full of them, and Northern Europe does not want to take them in. So there is stress on that level. Ah well got to work on changing my skillset as i am turning 50 this year. The age for post work allowance and lower taxes shifted from 65 to 68 or about that (i guess i look at 70 for me as it still shifts)
So people that do/did physical hard work die before they get it, or are totaly worn out.

Welcome in my part of the world ;(

And on topic, we have import tarif also. (5-15% on things)
Everything above 21€ cost will be import taxed, and that after that VAT taxed.

One example is solar panels, like 30-40 cents import tax per wattpeak from China.
Will be gone 1st of September, so it is expected that we will be swamped by cheap solar panels after that. But i will buy Sunpower form the USA, perhaps made somewhere else though.

I read that USA will add 30% tariff on Solar panels.

So Andy is my friend with his free import shipping for the Dahua cameras..
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Socialism is defined as "a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies."

Another is "....a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
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Another is "....a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Tony, when you say “socialism” I believe you actually mean “Democratic Socialism,” which is a horse of a different color, and does not necessarily entail the government owning the means of production, but rather highly regulating the means of production...

…democratic socialism, in which extensive state regulation, with limited state ownership, has been employed by democratically elected governments (as in Sweden and Denmark) in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth…
I believe you actually mean “Democratic Socialism,” which is a horse of a different color, and does not necessarily entail the government owning the means of production, but rather highly regulating the means of production...

You are correct.

I realize I am not qualified to lecture on the topic, but even if I were, it's not easy to define in a few sentences what takes up +30 pages just on the topic of "socialism" in Wikipedia. However, here's an excerpt, also from Wikipedia, which attempts to further define "democratic socialism" and "social democracy":

"Democratic socialists and social democrats both advocate the concept of the welfare state, but whereas most social democrats view the welfare state as the end itself, many democratic socialists view it as a means to an end."

Further, Wikipedia defines "welfare state" as "..... a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the social and economic well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life."

For me, that "equitable distribution of wealth" part is the biggest pill to swallow and I am totally opposed to riding either of these 'horses', regardless of color.

Is Wikipedia the be-all and end-all as an accurate source for defining such theories and policies? I cannot say. But I am confident they (its contributors) know more about the subject than I do.

God Bless America! :headbang:
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