Tariffs and Dahua

Trump wanted any sort of war, whether a trade war, nuclear war or regular war...that clown got it and now the people will pay for it.

And the democrats want either a economic class war or a racial war.....both would be even better in their eyes!
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TonrR said:
And the democrats want either a economic class war or a racial war.....both would be even better in their eyes!

I don't believe that. However, I do believe that both the Democrats and the Republicans consciously promote "wedge issues" in order to divide and control Americans...and that is some evil fuQing shit brothers...
...A wedge issue is a political or social issue, often of a controversial or divisive nature, which splits apart a demographic or population group. Wedge issues can be advertised or publicly aired in an attempt to weaken the unity of a population, with the goal of enticing polarized individuals to give support to an opponent or to withdraw their support entirely out of disillusionment...
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Haha, , the world is simple, but sometimes very complicated. USA is a great country, I will visit there soon. Our news said USA is very dangerous , full of guns and killing. Fake news, lol

If you stay away from Chicago and Detroit, you are in pretty good shape.
We are full of guns, for a reason. But 99.999% of legal gun owners never use them in a crime of any sort.

Come visit Evansville, In. Very darn safe for the size city it is. ;)
Lots of places to put in a distribution center around here. ;)
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I visited the USA once back in 2001 and i was stuck there for a week extra for the 9/11 terrorist attack.
We drove from Indianapolis to Atlanta. I liked the different parts of the country we drove throug, very nice nature (at least the part i saw)
Most people seemed very busy, except for one family we met at dinner who started conversation with us as the recognised the Dutch language we spoke. The did visit the Netherlands once when they did a Europe trip.
Later learned they owned several gas stations and other companys. For the rest everyone seemed very busy.

I never felt not safe there. Even when we walked into a red lobster restuarant near Atlanta. We were very white compared to all the other people there. So we politely asked if we could eat there and they were very friendly.
It almost seemed not much white people went there, but no issues at all.
Thanks Obama!


For those too lazy to do their homework and/or are actually gullible enough to believe what they hear on CNN....

All three have done much better under 2 years of Trump than 8 years of Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama)

Jobs - Jobs report beats, unemployment rate falls to 18-year low
Stock Market - Dow goes from 18,589 on Nov 9th 2016 (day after trump Wins the election) to about 25,000 give or take the past 4-8 weeks
- where to start?
>The last year of the Obozo administration saw GDP growth at 1.6% as the economy was slowing. It is now almost double that at 3% under Trump
>Household Income - Household Income Hits All-Time High Under Trump, And He's Getting Credit For It
>Employment - Lowest Unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics on record
US Unemployment Rate Falls to 18-Year Low
Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June

Of course it could all come crashing down next week, or next year. As previously mentioned by myself and @mat200 the world is living under historic levels of debt, accumulated over 20+ years, particularly since 2007, so much so that its mathematically unsustainable. It WILL come crashing down, under this administration, or perhaps the next or the one after that. Many far smarter than me believe the recession of 2009 will pale in comparison.

I'd rather not get into the partisan debates on either the Democratic or Republican political parties.

Suffice to say, I concur with @bigredfish re the concerns about the - by all traditional measures would be described as a bubble.

Also, if you pay attention there has been a rather large amount of M&A activity and thus more monopolies or tendency towards that - and thus issues with regards to a more healthy economic system.
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I'd rather not get into the partisan debates on either the Democratic or Republican political parties.

Same here.

It seems that there are fewer and fewer places we can choose to spend quality time these days pursuing our hobbies/ obsessions without political divisiveness prying its way in.

Furthermore, I don't want to be banned from going to Hooters to enjoy delicious hot wings because they found out I'm a IPCT forum member. :rofl:

Sincere thanks to @bigredfish for posting an argument with reasoning and with supporting evidence. thumbsup.gif

The intent of this topic was to explore whether "the tariffs affect the price of our Dahua cameras" but it's apparently turned partisan political and, apparently, most want to argue that Tweeter is good for America. I would suggest everyone ponder these two (2) points...

First: It's a tad early in the game to argue that Tweeter has accomplished anything sustainable, or anything which is ultimately good for America. As @bigredfish and (and others) have pointed out, the economy may crash as a result of these policies and our relationships with America's allies may end up profoundly damaged and -- perhaps -- there may be more war...and it may be lawfully proven that Tweeter, and/or his minions, broke the law in a manner which is deemed by a jury of Americans as treasonous. Time will tell; we shall certainly see.

Second: It's hard to rebut the argument that this man is the most un-Christian individual to ever hold the American presidency...in fact, perhaps he is the most un-Christian man most us have seen in our lifetimes, or so says God...
Proverbs 6:16-19 said:
There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers.

The one thing I'm certain we all agree on is that God has blessed America and I'm certain that, in the long run, God will continue to bless America.

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The one thing I'm certain we all agree on is that God has blessed America and I'm certain that, in the long run, God will continue to bless America.

Indeed sir.

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The one thing I'm certain we all agree on is that God has blessed America and I'm certain that, in the long run, God will continue to bless America.

Amen, brother.
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But not effect overseas purchasing, but if the Trump do on 450 Billion, then will be disaster. lol.

It looks like he's getting another $200 Billion ready. Will this affect Dahua cameras?

Trump launches new tariffs on China - CNNPolitics

Say he does the 450 Billion, how much per camera would it really affect us? Would it be like $5.00 more we would have to pay for each camera worth $200?
It looks like he's getting another $200 Billion ready. Will this affect Dahua cameras?

Trump launches new tariffs on China - CNNPolitics

Say he does the 450 Billion, how much per camera would it really affect us? Would it be like $5.00 more we would have to pay for each camera worth $200?
For small purchasing, there is no effect at all, right now all the shipment to US still no tariffs required. 25% is 50usd , not 5usd, lol.
@EMPIRETECANDY - now that this round has been finalized (see USTR Finalizes Tariffs on $200 Billion of Chinese Imports in Response to China’s Unfair Trade Practices | United States Trade Representative) and goes into effect Monday, how will that impact you and shipping to the US?
Right now everything is ok, we have way to deal with it, just make the shipper' country change to some other country is fine. Always have way. So we will not add any cost to US clients. Let's see how it's going, we have many ways to deal with this. China also a big market for US company, we have 1.3 billion people, and US product and service here are very huge. I think they will find a balance. But that is politics.
How do you make the shipper country change? So it will ship out of some other country (not China)?
Many shipment ship from Korean, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore. Just ship these good via airline to these country then ship to US. But i think for us small packages, would be no problem to ship directly. Let's see how it's going on 24th.
The first shipment already at US now after Trump adding the tariff, seems all past without problem, anyone meet any tariff just send me message, Monday we will know if our shipment to the end users have tax or not. Monday here is public holiday, so can check email at night.
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The first shipment already at US now after Trump adding the tariff, seems all past without problem, anyone meet any tariff just send me message, Monday we will know if our shipment to the end users have tax or not. Monday here is public holiday, so can check email at night.
Thank you for your continued great service and good information, and your discussion earlier about how things work in your country. It is very nice to hear from someone actually living and working there.
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Any guys have problem about the customs tax? The first shipment passed the customs on 24th, let me know if all well.