Bricks work!!!
After my 1st. back surgery (discectomy S1-L5) while working in a computer shop.
Just think working in a computer store and blowing a disc!

While laying on the
exercise table and after the warm-up stretch on one of my finial rehab appointments,
my back blew out again!
Every time I visited my Ortho, during examination, he did the leg lift test.He would always
admonish me that I might "feel some pressure". It would always put my back into severe
spasms and a trip to the ER for another shot of Demerol was in order.
I was tiered of that B.S. after several trips and a new plan of action was in order! I had a garden
so it was not uncommon for me to bring in fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden. But this time
in my paper sack I had packed 2 bricks.
This time as he walked in, he spied the paper bag and thinking goodies were in in the bag, he said "Let's
get this done". I told him to "just hold on and look in the paper sack I brought this time". He spied the
bricks and with a quizzical look on his face he said " You brought bricks"? I said "Yes I did. If you hurt
me again today, I am going to drop your pants. I will then take those 2 bricks and you might feel some
pressure on your testicles"!!
The exams were different from that time forward and I received a 2nd. surgery to repair the 1st.