IIRC, Gulf War V1.0, the A10 became the first US aircraft to have a group of enemy GROUND combatants SURRENDER to THE PLANE. A group of Sadam's Republican Guard surrendered to a circling A10, waving white flags, waiting for US troops to arrive to take them into custody. Why? Because they knew what the A10 can do to heavily armored vehicles, let alone anything less protected. There is no place to hide. They didn't call it "whistling death" for nothing.
Proof that if you leave the engineers to actually do their job without micromanaging a project into oblivion, design it right the first time, you don't have to replace it every few years with a new "improved" design. The B52 "Buff" is another classic example. Still flying and will be for years to come. Has one and only one purpose: Haul as much ordinance as possible, as far as possible, and drop it on someone's head if they refuse to play nice. 70 years later, it still does that.