The Typical picture of a Perp on Nextdoor-type Apps with Consumer Grade Cameras like Ring, Nest, Arlo, Canary, Wyze, etc.

Anyone recognize these 3? And thanks to the power of record on motion only, they were only recorded going and not coming. Yes there are 3 people in that video on the driveway to the right, you can make out 3 sets of white sneakers barely LOL


Oh thank goodness they also did a digital zoom, that always makes it better:


Not that this would have been any good given the camera and the distance, but that chair is bouncing so much IR back at the camera that it completely washed out the exposure.
Anyone recognize these 4 door checkers - yes there are 4 - in 2 pairs - 2 directly across the street and 2 next house down. They stole a gun out of one of the cars :banghead:

^ But look at how crisp and clear the brickwork and the street scene are!
I am a member in a home improvement group on Facebook, and it is not uncommon to get questions about security cameras. Every time, without fail, it is always suggested to go with Reolink, Eufy, Ring, etc. And, every time, I always give my spiel about wired > wireless, avoid all of the cameras mentioned, take it seriously, etc.

Needless to say, no one ever listens to me.

This is a picture from the most recent exchange. He says the night time capture is great! When I asked about settings, he said "i didn’t change anything more than basic settings on the whole system."

My guess is this would produce a blur if someone walked through. When I asked to post a capture of that, he went radio silent.


My cameras (RLC-833A) have had many issues with false alerts lately and honestly it’s been since at least the last updates. Maybe it coincided with the motion mark beta, I’m not sure about that part. I’ve had to reduce the sensitivity due to so many false alerts. My cars are always parked the same way. Someone suggested it was the Christmas lights setting them off at one point but that’s not the answer anymore. Either way, 3 separate cameras didn’t trigger this person at all. Any suggestions on what I can do? Do we need to upgrade the cameras? I did the exact same thing this person did earlier and it wasn’t until I was on top of the camera waving that it triggered. Not much I could have done differently here but if I’d had been alerted, I would have at least woken up. I get woken up by false alerts all night but then a real issue and nothing?

My cameras (RLC-833A) have had many issues with false alerts lately and honestly it’s been since at least the last updates. Maybe it coincided with the motion mark beta, I’m not sure about that part. I’ve had to reduce the sensitivity due to so many false alerts. My cars are always parked the same way. Someone suggested it was the Christmas lights setting them off at one point but that’s not the answer anymore. Either way, 3 separate cameras didn’t trigger this person at all. Any suggestions on what I can do? Do we need to upgrade the cameras? I did the exact same thing this person did earlier and it wasn’t until I was on top of the camera waving that it triggered. Not much I could have done differently here but if I’d had been alerted, I would have at least woken up. I get woken up by false alerts all night but then a real issue and nothing?

A lot of love for Reolink in that sub LOL. OP needs better cams and follow the advice here of not updating firmware on a camera that is working for them! They could change settings but you can only do so much with the reo.