I have a problem with his analysis of the second video, changes in sound. The first 3 that sound more muffled is from one camera position. Then the person swings the camera (cell phone I suspect) to the right and that is where you hear a very different sound. So the microphone on the cell phone is now pointing in a very different direction and that will change the sound recorded. These are not the greatest microphones.
His analysis of the guy getting shot in that video by that lady. He states that it is from the first round and that one hit Trump's ear, hit this guy and then blasted the railing and disintegrated. I am not too sure that the first round hit Trump. It sure looked like it was the second one that hit Trump. He states that he believes that a larger bullet had to be used, like a .308 he states, since he thinks that a 5.56 would not have disintegrated as it would have slowed down and tumbled. I find it hard to believe that the guy got shot by a .308 that went through his body and just walks down the stairs holding his side. Maybe a grazing shot? Also he seems to be grasping at straws with his height estimates.
The idea that there were two or three shooters and they all shot within seconds of each other just does not seem possible. Especially if Crooks was rushed due to the LEO spotting him. However, one of the posts here stated that he was using 'encrypted communications', so maybe they were synchronized to begin shooting.
It is an interesting analysis though.