Chris Dodge
Pulling my weight
I'm using AI Tools VorlonCD , Need assistance with Telegram to send photo alerts. Started an acct with Telegram, made a group, got chatid and also token. Unable to sent alerts and have attempted to troubleshoot the errors in the logs. The images are sent to the folder C:/AI Tools/ error. The file resolution was lowered to 1280x720 and file size is approx 600KB . Any assistance is appreciated with this issue and anything identified in the logs. The upload is partial, can upload full if needed. Thanks.
[30.08.2020, 04:28:14.565]: DetectObjects> - (Error: No predictions? JSON: '{"success":false,"error":"invalid image"}')
[30.08.2020, 04:28:14.583]: DetectObjects> - ERROR: Failure response from DeepStack. JSON: '{"success":false,"error":"invalid image"}'
[30.08.2020, 04:28:14.683]: TelegramUpload> uploading image to chat "405397243"
[30.08.2020, 04:28:15.631]: TelegramText> ERROR: Could not send text "[30.08.2020, 04:28:14.583]: - ERROR: Failure response from DeepStack. JSON: '{"success":false,"error":"invalid image"}'" to Telegram.
A few thoughts.
- Both deepstack and telegram seem to think the image C:\AI_Input\MNHD.20200830_043459407.jpg is invalid. Or perhaps it cannot access it because it is still being written/accessed. Seems less likely since my code waits for full read-write access of the image before sending to deepstack.
- Try disabling the feature in BI that lowers the DPI, leave it along and see if that helps. Maybe BI isnt create a valid image or its holding the file open too long.
- Can you manually view images that fail?
- Plenty of drive space free?
- Anything special about the C:\AI_INPUT folder? Is it a hardlink/junction? Are there a bajillion images in that folder? Is it SSD or mechanical drive? (Each camera should have its own folder now, and disable the input path on main settings screen)
- At an admin command line run CHKDSK /f C: and press enter. Let it run on restart, then restart the machine. Maybe something logical wrong with the drive.