Ahh okay@ChrisX - If you have Camera > Actions > Settings > "Trigger Cancels" enabled it would not preform any of the actions except calling the trigger URL's. Its an experimental feature I'm not really sure works yet anyway.
Running on PI4 + NCS2, no issuesRaspberry Pi 4, has anyone installed deepstack on it and got it to work? I've done it ok on a 3 B+.
I've got it activated but for some reason it's not responding to requests from AITool.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo deepstack start "VISION-DETECTION=True"
Python 3.7.3
nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'
nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'
[setupvars.sh] OpenVINO environment initialized
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
1269:C 05 Sep 2020 21:04:06.503 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
1269:C 05 Sep 2020 21:04:06.503 # Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1269, just started
1269:C 05 Sep 2020 21:04:06.503 # Configuration loaded
DeepStack is Active
Active APIs:
[GIN] 2020/09/05 - 21:12:50 | 200 | 1.479571ms | | GET /
[GIN] 2020/09/05 - 21:12:50 | 200 | 13.596837ms | | GET /assets/img/deepstack.png
[GIN] 2020/09/05 - 21:12:50 | 200 | 966.481µs | | GET /assets/img/loader.gif
[GIN] 2020/09/05 - 21:12:50 | 200 | 365.393µs | | GET /assets/img/dark-background.png
View attachment 69972
I put my sd card from the Pi 3B+ into the 4 and that runs ok so i don't know why it won't run on a new SD card and software installed using the 4.Running on PI4 + NCS2, no issues
Pi 4 with 4Gb 32bit is running at about 0.8 seconds.Those are pretty decent times. What res images were you using? 1080?
Pi 4 with 4Gb 32bit is running at about 0.8 seconds.
My interest in the pi is for power consumption reasons. I'm trying to be self sufficient which is hard during the winter months.
Pi 4 with 4Gb 32bit is running at about 0.8 seconds.
[07.09.2020, 19:39:32.756]: (1/6) Uploading image to DeepQuestAI Server
[07.09.2020, 19:39:43.113]: Cleaning cameras/history.csv if neccessary...
[07.09.2020, 19:41:12.789]: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException | A task was canceled. (code: -2146233029 )
[07.09.2020, 19:41:12.811]: ERROR: Processing the following image 'F:\BlueIris\AIinput\frontsd.20200907_193756526.jpg' failed. Can't reach DeepQuestAI Server at
[07.09.2020, 19:41:12.843]:
[07.09.2020, 19:41:12.855]: Starting analysis of F:\BlueIris\AIinput\frontsd.20200907_193801585.jpg
[07.09.2020, 19:41:12.866]: (1/6) Uploading image to DeepQuestAI Server
[07.09.2020, 19:42:52.892]: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException | A task was canceled. (code: -2146233029 )
[07.09.2020, 19:42:52.911]: ERROR: Processing the following image 'F:\BlueIris\AIinput\frontsd.20200907_193801585.jpg' failed. Can't reach DeepQuestAI Server at
[07.09.2020, 19:42:52.935]:
[07.09.2020, 19:42:52.947]: Starting analysis of F:\BlueIris\AIinput\frontsd.20200907_194008188.jpg
[07.09.2020, 19:42:52.959]: (1/6) Uploading image to DeepQuestAI Server
I don't see a mask in that second photo. How did you create your mask? Is it possible that the whole photo is a mask?Hello, I was hoping someone has seen something like this before. I'm using the AI Tool with a mask over a fire hydrant as it gets marked as a person often but the tool is not triggering when an actual person is seen outside of the masked area. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this situation?
Yes, it's a small fire hydrant on the right-hand side, painted white. Here's the actual mask image -->I don't see a mask in that second photo. How did you create your mask? Is it possible that the whole photo is a mask?
Is this the masked image from AI Tool? The reason that I ask is because the masked area should show as black and not white. I believe that you have the mask inverted. When you open the actual .png image of the mask that AI Tool uses you should only see the masked area and not the image/background.Yes, it's a small fire hydrant on the right-hand side, painted white. Here's the actual mask image -->
No resizing in BI and I can@t understand it as its ok when analyzed by deepstack on a desktop but not by the Pi.@Tinbum - I would prop the pi up a little, let it see outside the window. Poor little guy probably feels neglected sitting over there in the corner half covered in the national geographic magazines. Or is that just mine?(only used as a 'PiHole')
Hmm do you have the BI resize image option enabled? If so, try disabling to see if anything changes.
The DPI scaling on your monitor could be a factor. See if it happens when you set to 100% dpi. Or maybe play with AITOOL shortcut > compatibility tab > DPI settings.
Are you VNC'd'd or remote desktop to view the image? If so, see if that is a factor.