1) The log should show some of the last things it did before it freezes but most likely the Deepstack server has stopped responding. It is kind of buggy sometimes. After 60 seconds I think it will timeout with an error in the log. You may want to set up more deepstack servers on other machines to take over if one freezes.
2) Where are you looking at the object? On History tab or in Mask Manager? In Mask Manager it sometimes doesnt show the exact picture that originally had the object in it... Have to work out a better way to handle that. If in HISTORY tab that its wrong it could be the bug referenced a few pages back several times.
3) It is probably running fine and you dont have to stop/start. It wont say 'activated' because it doesnt really know until you get your first object detection back from deepstack server. Stopping and starting it just allows AITOOL to have full control over the processes and report output from deepstack.
1) Here's where the log picks up and shows the .jpg it froze on.
[21.09.2020, 15:19:55.143]: ImageQueueLoop> Adding task for file 'Driveway_AI.20200921_151954844.jpg' (Image QueueTime='0.0' mins, URL Queue wait='0ms', URLOrder=1 of 1, URLOriginalOrder=1) on URL '
[21.09.2020, 15:19:55.145]: ImageQueueLoop> Done adding 1 total threads, ErrCnt=0, ImageProcessQueue.Count=0
[21.09.2020, 15:19:55.147]: DetectObjects> - Starting analysis of S:\BI_AI\Driveway_AI.20200921_151954844.jpg...
[21.09.2020, 15:19:55.159]: DetectObjects> - (1/6) Uploading a 312570 byte image to DeepQuestAI Server at
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.206]: DeepStack> Server.exe> [GIN] 2020/09/21 - 15:19:57 | 200 | 2.046302s | | POST /v1/vision/detection
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.207]: DetectObjects> - (2/6) Posted in 2048ms, Received a 121 byte response.
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.209]: DetectObjects> - (3/6) Processing results...
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.211]: DetectObjects> - Detected objects: Person (99.68%),
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.212]: DetectObjects> - (4/6) Checking if detected object is relevant and within confidence limits:
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.213]: Outsidemask> ->Camera has no mask, the object is OUTSIDE of the masked area.
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.214]: DetectObjects> - Person (99.68%) confirmed.
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.216]: DetectObjects> - The summary

erson (99.68%)
[21.09.2020, 15:19:57.217]: DetectObjects> - (5/6) Performing alert actions:
[21.09.2020, 15:20:00.847]: OnCreatedAsync>
[21.09.2020, 15:20:00.849]: OnCreatedAsync> ====================== Adding new image to queue (Count=1): S:\BI_AI\Driveway_AI.20200921_152000844.jpg
[21.09.2020, 15:20:01.127]: WaitForNextURL> ---- All URL's are in use or disabled, waiting...
2) Looking at the History tab.
3) Good to know, thanks!
4) I added #4 after you replied.
Appreciate it!