Troubleshooting Hikvision DS-2CD2132F-IS and audio through BlueIris


Getting the hang of it
Apr 17, 2015
I have a mic wired into my camera and can get audio thorugh the web interface when move the slider to max for the volume then click the two way audio button. for whatever reason i cant get it from the camera into BI. any suggestions? ive tried different audio mode, resetting/restarting the camera and blueiris
I have a mic wired into my camera and can get audio thorugh the web interface when move the slider to max for the volume then click the two way audio button. for whatever reason i cant get it from the camera into BI. any suggestions? ive tried different audio mode, resetting/restarting the camera and blueiris
make sure your audio settings are enabled in blue iris. In blue iris options > audio make sure output is set to not specified. In the camera it should be set to g.711ulaw
Make sure you are using the hikvision 2cdxxxx from the drop down and not hikvision rtsp.
both suggestions done, i have two netsurvellence cameras that are giving me audio just fine right now so its a problem specific to the camera setting.


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problem solved, took a bit to figure though. for anyone with similar problems you need to change the video type under the video tab from video to video&audio. thanks for the suggestions as well fenderman.


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Great. There were a few recent posts where that was the issue.. Should have mentioned it, but what threw me is that you were getting audio in the browser...glad you figured it out.
I have the same problem but nothing on this page has helped me solve it. I can hear the audio if I stream directly to the browser (and on the Android mobile app) but I can hear no sound in Blue Iris.

I have attached screenshots. Hopefully someone can see something wrong?

2019-12-05 (1).png2019-12-05 (2).png2019-12-05 (3).png2019-12-05 (4).png
I have the same problem but nothing on this page has helped me solve it. I can hear the audio if I stream directly to the browser (and on the Android mobile app) but I can hear no sound in Blue Iris.

I have attached screenshots. Hopefully someone can see something wrong?

Hmmm....the last screenshot has the "audio" "path" grayed out. :wtf:
Any suggestions?

Although I use Blue Iris, I have no Hikvision cams and my 6 cams have the mikes built-in and work fine with BI.

I see the first screenshot of cam's webGUI shows "Video & Audio" for sub stream....what about main stream?