Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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When we still cannot release over 3000 pages of JFK report after even Trump was in office. Reason given by CIA and FBI, that it would tarnish the image of the US institutions among US citizens and its allies permanently.
We all know CIA wanted to kill Castro, if that document was released. No one would be surprised nor will it tarnish any image of the CIA. But if those documents state that CIA was responsible or orchestrated JFK death, that would definitely tarnish the image.
If one can rig a election in the US in this day and age, anything is possible else where by the US in the world. If John Brennan can under oath lie to the congress that the US government doesn't spy on its own citizens. Anything is possible.

Lesser of two evils is a question, that needs to be asked throughout the world. I would bet once our economy takes a nose dive, when the WOKE takes over all the government branches. You can bet that even our closest allies would tell a different story.
US has a policy of "Are you with us or against US" and this works because US has the worlds most powerful military and economy.

That will change in 5 to 10 years time.
I do agree, in 2 years our military will not be the most powerful. after 4 years of wokeness being infiltrated in our military, it’ll take decades to build that back up.


Known around here
Nov 26, 2018
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Christmas Island
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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
There certainly is a lot of propaganda out there, both from the US, MSM, Russia and alternative media. Sifting through it all is next to impossible. I just doubt most of what I see and hope for the best.

The bottom line is, still, that Putin invaded a peaceful country with no recognizable justification based on many, many, International Treaties and "Laws". I do suspect that he underestimated the amount of resistance and over estimated the capabilities of his own military. Those are two mistakes he won't make again, though. Now he seems to be using the nuclear threat as well.

It's also interesting to note that this all happened as the CCP Virus mania is winding down. Kind of like a made to order new crisis for the MSM to blow out of proportion.
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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
I am happy that all the covid1984 experts now made a russian history and psychology master degree in a week to give us their explanation why everything happens and what happens next.

So cool :)

View attachment 120398
Rubio is making these comments coming out an intelligence meeting. He has a law and political science degree I believe, not phycology.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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When we still cannot release over 3000 pages of JFK report after even Trump was in office. Reason given by CIA and FBI, that it would tarnish the image of the US institutions among US citizens and its allies permanently.
We all know CIA wanted to kill Castro, if that document was released. No one would be surprised nor will it tarnish any image of the CIA. But if those documents state that CIA was responsible or orchestrated JFK death, that would definitely tarnish the image.
If one can rig a election in the US in this day and age, anything is possible else where by the US in the world. If John Brennan can under oath lie to the congress that the US government doesn't spy on its own citizens. Anything is possible.

Lesser of two evils is a question, that needs to be asked throughout the world. I would bet once our economy takes a nose dive, when the WOKE takes over all the government branches. You can bet that even our closest allies would tell a different story.
US has a policy of "Are you with us or against US" and this works because US has the worlds most powerful military and economy.

That will change in 5 to 10 years time.

We all know CIA wanted to kill Castro, if that document was released ..

Yes. This is largely thanks to the principles of a Western Democracy which protects the rights of the "press" and freedom of speech so that information can be found and dug up and shared.

Many authoritarian countries, the students and people are not allowed to learn such things. ( Gulag .. Tibet .. )

have some Cuban friends who still wish they would have succeeded in that operation ..


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Its obvious on here the war has stuck a chord with all the contributions. We all have our opinions so I'd like to pose a multiple choice question to everybody.

This might be a big assumption but im assuming wherever we are that we all agree that all our governments / countries are corrupt to some degree ( just some more than others lol ) and are responsible for many dodgy deals and atrocities. So

If your homeland is invaded would you

A. Roll over and get your belly rubbed
B. Flee to somewhere safe.
C. Say fuck you let's party


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Its obvious on here the war has stuck a chord with all the contributions. We all have our opinions so I'd like to pose a multiple choice question to everybody.

This might be a big assumption but im assuming wherever we are that we all agree that all our governments / countries are corrupt to some degree ( just some more than others lol ) and are responsible for many dodgy deals and atrocities. So

If your homeland is invaded would you

A. Roll over and get your belly rubbed
B. Flee to somewhere safe.
C. Say fuck you let's party
Belly rubbed of course


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Its obvious on here the war has stuck a chord with all the contributions. We all have our opinions so I'd like to pose a multiple choice question to everybody.

This might be a big assumption but im assuming wherever we are that we all agree that all our governments / countries are corrupt to some degree ( just some more than others lol ) and are responsible for many dodgy deals and atrocities. So

If your homeland is invaded would you

A. Roll over and get your belly rubbed
B. Flee to somewhere safe.
C. Say fuck you let's party
push em back push em back .. push em way back ..



Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Its obvious on here the war has stuck a chord with all the contributions. We all have our opinions so I'd like to pose a multiple choice question to everybody.

This might be a big assumption but im assuming wherever we are that we all agree that all our governments / countries are corrupt to some degree ( just some more than others lol ) and are responsible for many dodgy deals and atrocities. So

If your homeland is invaded would you

A. Roll over and get your belly rubbed
B. Flee to somewhere safe.
C. Say fuck you let's party
Enquiring minds would like to know who is performing the belly rubs?? :idk:


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Did Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Panama threaten the US. Yet we invaded them or ruined there people's lives with war or sanctions.
So ..

Q: Did Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Panama threaten the US. Yet we invaded them or ruined there people's lives with war or sanctions.

Libya: - yes, threatened to destroy the US dollar by shifting sales of Oil to another currency .. and to shift all of Africa to another currency ..

Syria: - yes, Assad approved a natural gas pipeline from Iran through Iraq to Syria to feed Europe after it got approval from Russia, having previously declined a proposal from Qatar's pipeline.
This was 100% related to the Russian aggression vs Georgia and Russia's geopolitical strangle hold on Europe for energy ..

Venezuela: yes - again Oil related .. larger issue to threatening the interests of the US and world system of trade.

Panama: - I actually did not study that one much ..

Truth is, that people do not appreciate their level of privilege when they live in the USA, Europe, or anyone of the powers that have reliable global trade. After WWII the US helped to establish a solid system for world trade which benefits many more than the old theories of zero sum economics. Interdependence should in theory reduce conflict, and the USA was acting as the world police to ensure trade was possible with little conflict.

Pax America did well for many countries .. and now many fail to really understand this because they've been feed leftist / pacifist / woke / "everyone needs to use the right pronouns" in their schooling instead of learning more real politics and proper world history.