Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

A Russian victory does not bode well for the USA ..

"In order for Putin to remain in power he has to be in existential war with the West"

What If Russia Wins? The Fallout for Ukraine and Beyond
Preston Stewart

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Lessons Learned in Sinking the Moskva​

I am sure that poor to horrible Damage Control practices and training were in effect, actually NOT IN EFFECT at all. US Navy ships, this is a TOP concern and training and maintenance is a very, very serious issue. I was part of the Marine Detachment on the USS Long Beach. One of my additional duties was as the DCPO....Damage Control Petty Office. I was one of the few to ever be a certified DCPO as a Marine. Anyways, 'gun decking' (doing your job half ass or not at all) your maintenance would quickly get you standing in front of Skippers desk in no time. It really was very seriously taken.
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How the West Brought War to Ukraine

"However, a more judicious consideration of the Ukrainian crisis reveals that there are two sides to this story, only one of which is being told. On September 9, 2023, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg committed a gaff, meaning that he accidentally revealed the truth. In testimony to the European Union Parliament, Stoltenberg made clear that it was America’s relentless push to enlarge NATO to Ukraine that was the primary cause of the war and it continues to this day. Here are Stoltenberg’s deeply revealing words:"

"The background was that President Putin declared in autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition not to invite Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that. The Opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. … We rejected that. So, he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite”.

"Had the United States not pushed NATO to the border of Russia; not deployed nuclear-capable missile launch systems in Romania and planned them for Poland and perhaps elsewhere as well; not contributed to the overthrown of the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014; not abrogated the ABM treaty and then the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty, and then disregarded Russian attempts to negotiate a bilateral moratorium on deployments; not conducted live-fire exercises with rockets in Estonia to practice striking targets inside Russia; not coordinated a massive 32-nation military training exercise near Russian territory; not intertwined the U.S. military with that of Ukraine; etc. etc. etc. – had the United States and its NATO allies not done these things, the war in Ukraine probably would not have taken place."
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How the West Brought War to Ukraine

"However, a more judicious consideration of the Ukrainian crisis reveals that there are two sides to this story, only one of which is being told. On September 9, 2023, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg committed a gaff, meaning that he accidentally revealed the truth. In testimony to the European Union Parliament, Stoltenberg made clear that it was America’s relentless push to enlarge NATO to Ukraine that was the primary cause of the war and it continues to this day. Here are Stoltenberg’s deeply revealing words:"

"The background was that President Putin declared in autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition not to invite Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that. The Opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. … We rejected that. So, he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite”.

"Had the United States not pushed NATO to the border of Russia; not deployed nuclear-capable missile launch systems in Romania and planned them for Poland and perhaps elsewhere as well; not contributed to the overthrown of the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014; not abrogated the ABM treaty and then the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty, and then disregarded Russian attempts to negotiate a bilateral moratorium on deployments; not conducted live-fire exercises with rockets in Estonia to practice striking targets inside Russia; not coordinated a massive 32-nation military training exercise near Russian territory; not intertwined the U.S. military with that of Ukraine; etc. etc. etc. – had the United States and its NATO allies not done these things, the war in Ukraine probably would not have taken place."

you know, there are those that claim WWII was started by Poland ..


Which has a number of parallels to the claim that someone other than Putin started the Russo-Ukrainian war

TIK .. covers the historic parallel well :


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Good to be challenged on our bias, Paul Warburg does a good job :

USA does not have enough leverage on Ukraine.
USA does not have enough leverage on Russia.

Expect war to continues despite Trump's expressed ability to stop the war.

What you’re not being told about Trump and Ukraine
Paul Warburg

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Many of those seriously following the Russo-Ukraine war believe the USA does not really want Ukraine to "win"

Q&A: Does the West Really Want Ukraine to Win? JAS-39; UN is Quiet
Military & History

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Russia intercepts all missiles .. and it is only Debris which hit the target ..

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"This attack is a political sign .. missiles too expensive for conventional usage .. effect on ground too little for cost benefit .. I do not see this as a sign of strength .. first use of an ICBM ( IRBM ) in a conflict .. "

Russia Used an "NUKE-Missile" against Ukraine!
Russia Used an "NUKE-Missile" against Ukraine!
Doesn't surprise me. If Russia put missiles into Cuba, wouldn't we react with some strong message?
Doesn't surprise me. If Russia put missiles into Cuba, wouldn't we react with some strong message?


1) Why does some think that Russia still holds the power that the Soviet Union did ?

The Soviet Union was able to basically enslave Eastern Europe and use their economic resources in an attempt to bring Communism to the world.

Russia's economy is the size of Italy, or of Texas .. stop wanting to give Russia back Eastern Europe. The Eastern Europeans do not want to be Russian.

Russia does not deserve the power we have allowed it in the UN. We should pull their seat and give it to the EU

2) Should we as Christians, allow the Islamic empire take over Israel ?

Seriously, should we allow that ?

3) USA and Europe .. many in the USA fail to fully understand that Europe is significantly different historically. If we allow loose borders in Europe, it will get ugly again. WWI WWII perfect examples of that.

4) Having issues .. simple GIVE UKRAINE BACK their nuclear weapons.

5) Honestly at this point, all allies of the USA should understand USA is not a great ally, and that they should build their own nuclear weapons.

6) Cuba and nuclear weapons .. USA can and will stop it, we have the power to do so and should do so.

See the Monroe doctrine.
I see a lot of arguments here to start a direct war between Russia and USA, but not an answer to what I thought was a simple question.
I see a lot of arguments here to start a direct war between Russia and USA, but not an answer to what I thought was a simple question.

simple answer .. MAGA .. a Great Country does not allow a country whose GDP is less than the value of Nvidia to push it around ..

Time for some serious 4D chess for a win to America
What you’re not being told about U.S. missiles striking Russia
Paul Warburg

3D printed mines ..

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a Great Country does not allow a country whose GDP is less than the value of Nvidia to push it around ..
Does a nuke from a poor country do less damage than a nuke from a rich country?
Does a nuke from a poor country do less damage than a nuke from a rich country?

Does a bullet from a cheap gun do less damage that a bullet from an expensive gun ?

Honestly, China has Nukes .. perhaps we should just give it Taiwan, Japan, and India .. ??
Saying it more clearly, when backed in a corner, I think having nukes is a big a factor, perhaps bigger than economic differences, in a country's potential to push others around. I know we nailed the USSR with economic leverage, but this time it's a different attack dog in a different corner, and we're carelessly prodding it.
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Saying it more clearly, when backed in a corner, I think having nukes is a big a factor, perhaps bigger than economic differences, in a country's potential to push others around. I know we nailed the USSR with economic leverage, but this time it's a different attack dog in a different corner, and we're carelessly prodding it.

Exactly why we should give back Ukraine their Nukes ..

As Russia, USA and not abiding by their commentments
Ukrainians voted for independence from USSR on this day Dec 1, in 1991 ..

EVEN Crimea .. voted 54% to break away from the USSR.


compare that to the popular vote in the USA ..
