Update and Memory


Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas USA
I just fired off a couple of separate emails to support and I'll drop them here to see if anyone has any ideas - I've gone through everything and tried to tweak and now I'm on fresh hardware - plenty of CPU, memory, disk, and disk throughput - no extras.

No auto updates, no file history, no extra processes running. This is a workstation dedicated to BI. I went apesh*t and just provisioned it for future growth and it's great but I have this lingering issue that has now followed me from the old hardware environment where I just exported the registry and built a very clean slimmed-down (featurewise) Windows 10 Pro build with the Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK - i7-6700 something, 32GB, 512GBSamsung 960 Pro, and a 1TB 960 Pro.

I've got 14-16 cameras - mostly HiK - running mostly 1920x1080 - some at 2whatever by whatever (4mp), 6 fps, direct-to-disc, hardware decoding inbound only (not on playback), 5 fps for web access, lots of other tweaks trying to follow best practices and everyone's experience so I'm missing something.

Windows updates are off, BI updates are off. BI runs a service as SYSTEM (on old hardware BI ran as a service as a local admin). When I manually kick off an update it hangs at the point that it should be killing BlueIrisService.exe. I wrote a simple script that I kick off (and I've gotten good at it) right at the moment it needs to finish the update that simply does "taskkill.exe /f /im BlueIrisService.exe /f" so for whatever reason the update won't kill that service. In fact its a bitch to kill it at any time.

Let's say I reboot and log in. BlueIrisService.exe has already kicked off and that process is running as SYSTEM. I have the console in the startup folder so that runs in the local user context and that is a local admin user.

Memory will start off around 2-3GB and CPU is under 20. Memory will just climb slowing and CPU and within 24 hours or so we're pegged at 80-90-100% and memory will climb up to 7GB or more but never more than 8.

My workaround is just a scheduled task to reboot every 24 hours that that thing boots fast and the service fires off but I don't autologin. What is most important is capturing and saving the video - console is just gravy but we do prefer to have the console running as it is on a shelf in the living room. I have the monitor on a zwave outlet with a rule that if no motion in that room for more than 90 minutes it powers off - that has nothing to do with this but I am aware of burning the monitor so I wanted to have a solution.

When my wife walks in the room she wants that thing on so the motion sees her and turns the power to the monitor on before she gets there - pretty cool..

What am I missing or where should I look? I'm going to start digging in because I remember there are threads about CPU and memory but if you have any ideas throw 'em out..

I also script backing up the registry hive for BI daily so if I needed to rebuild this thing I could do it fast.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I just fired off a couple of separate emails to support and I'll drop them here to see if anyone has any ideas - I've gone through everything and tried to tweak and now I'm on fresh hardware - plenty of CPU, memory, disk, and disk throughput - no extras.

No auto updates, no file history, no extra processes running. This is a workstation dedicated to BI. I went apesh*t and just provisioned it for future growth and it's great but I have this lingering issue that has now followed me from the old hardware environment where I just exported the registry and built a very clean slimmed-down (featurewise) Windows 10 Pro build with the Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK - i7-6700 something, 32GB, 512GBSamsung 960 Pro, and a 1TB 960 Pro.

I've got 14-16 cameras - mostly HiK - running mostly 1920x1080 - some at 2whatever by whatever (4mp), 6 fps, direct-to-disc, hardware decoding inbound only (not on playback), 5 fps for web access, lots of other tweaks trying to follow best practices and everyone's experience so I'm missing something.

Windows updates are off, BI updates are off. BI runs a service as SYSTEM (on old hardware BI ran as a service as a local admin). When I manually kick off an update it hangs at the point that it should be killing BlueIrisService.exe. I wrote a simple script that I kick off (and I've gotten good at it) right at the moment it needs to finish the update that simply does "taskkill.exe /f /im BlueIrisService.exe /f" so for whatever reason the update won't kill that service. In fact its a bitch to kill it at any time.

Let's say I reboot and log in. BlueIrisService.exe has already kicked off and that process is running as SYSTEM. I have the console in the startup folder so that runs in the local user context and that is a local admin user.

Memory will start off around 2-3GB and CPU is under 20. Memory will just climb slowing and CPU and within 24 hours or so we're pegged at 80-90-100% and memory will climb up to 7GB or more but never more than 8.

My workaround is just a scheduled task to reboot every 24 hours that that thing boots fast and the service fires off but I don't autologin. What is most important is capturing and saving the video - console is just gravy but we do prefer to have the console running as it is on a shelf in the living room. I have the monitor on a zwave outlet with a rule that if no motion in that room for more than 90 minutes it powers off - that has nothing to do with this but I am aware of burning the monitor so I wanted to have a solution.

When my wife walks in the room she wants that thing on so the motion sees her and turns the power to the monitor on before she gets there - pretty cool..

What am I missing or where should I look? I'm going to start digging in because I remember there are threads about CPU and memory but if you have any ideas throw 'em out..

I also script backing up the registry hive for BI daily so if I needed to rebuild this thing I could do it fast.
Search memory leak... It's an intel driver issue


Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas USA
Thank you sir - you know you have mentioned it before and unrelated but I had an issue last week where I couldn't get two built-in DP ports to work at the same time and the answer was updated video driver - will try that now and we'll see how it goes.


Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas USA
I did go in and update the video and so far that seems to have done the trick. Here's the deal - I manually had installed the Creators Update for 10 and that contained a newer driver than Intel themselves is publishing for the 580 (I think) video. So getting to a Intel-released driver vs one from MS seems to have done the trick. This morning it was still barely at 20% and 3.5GB which is normal.


Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas USA
Thank you. So it isn't just me :). I will check it out. Did you just script killing it the process? I made a quick and dirty script but didn't automate anything. Just one line. You did it right. Thanks a lot.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
That helper tool checks the running processes every 1.5 seconds. If it finds any blueiris.exe processes running from the same folder as an "update*.exe" then it kills the blueiris.exe processes and waits for update.exe to stop before continuing its loop.