US Elections (& Politics) :)

Wow, Europe IS pretty much lost.

After the Swiss and Finns joined the Germans, Austrians, and Swedes in bailing out there energy providers, who are facing trillions in margin calls; new legislation covering Switzerland’s energy supply will make heating homes to more than 19°C unlawful in the event of an energy shortage.

In addition, hot water should not be heated to more than 60 degrees, and portable electric heaters, saunas, and heated swimming pools are prohibited.
Wow, Europe IS pretty much lost.

After the Swiss and Finns joined the Germans, Austrians, and Swedes in bailing out there energy providers, who are facing trillions in margin calls; new legislation covering Switzerland’s energy supply will make heating homes to more than 19°C unlawful in the event of an energy shortage.

In addition, hot water should not be heated to more than 60 degrees, and portable electric heaters, saunas, and heated swimming pools are prohibited.

This winter there will be riots in the streets. They will all gather around burning buildings, dumpsters and cars to stay warm at night.
Wow, Europe IS pretty much lost.

After the Swiss and Finns joined the Germans, Austrians, and Swedes in bailing out there energy providers, who are facing trillions in margin calls; new legislation covering Switzerland’s energy supply will make heating homes to more than 19°C unlawful in the event of an energy shortage.

In addition, hot water should not be heated to more than 60 degrees, and portable electric heaters, saunas, and heated swimming pools are prohibited.

I wonder when they will be enacting laws regarding how much "home square footage" is allowable per household? Probably never, because the elite politicians all probably have homes much larger than they "need to be" based on number of people in the home. But, I can see in a dystopian society that head of household gets 1,500 sq feet to start with then 250 extra sq feet per person.
If you break the law then by all means, put them in jail. I don't know whether he's guilty of breaking the law or not but my issue is unequal application of the law. If it's a lib then no investigation, no lawsuit and purposely buried. If it's a Trump supporter then it's the full force of the gubermint even on made up rumors that have no merit. We've seen this time and time again.


WOW! all the rats jumping ship:

Ron Dicker
Thu, September 8, 2022 at 8:33 AM·2 min read

Fox News host Geraldo Rivera tweeted Wednesday that he “could never support” longtime friend Donald Trump again.
Rivera, a rotating co-host on “The Five,” said the ex-president’s baseless cries of voting fraud ended his allegiance permanently.
“Election Deniers depress me,” Rivera wrote. “I blame President Trump for his shameful campaign to slander and undermine American faith in our elections. For all his positive accomplishments, and there are many, I could never support him again. Without fealty to the Constitution, we’re [second] rate.”
WOW! all the rats jumping ship:

Ron Dicker
Thu, September 8, 2022 at 8:33 AM·2 min read

Fox News host Geraldo Rivera tweeted Wednesday that he “could never support” longtime friend Donald Trump again.
Rivera, a rotating co-host on “The Five,” said the ex-president’s baseless cries of voting fraud ended his allegiance permanently.
“Election Deniers depress me,” Rivera wrote. “I blame President Trump for his shameful campaign to slander and undermine American faith in our elections. For all his positive accomplishments, and there are many, I could never support him again. Without fealty to the Constitution, we’re [second] rate.”
Rivera is a liberal as they come. You are correct he is a rat. I hope you are beaten to a pulp by a criminal released early to the point you require a wheel chair. Your senile schmuck in the Whitehouse is destroying this country. 30-40 percent inflation.
I would think that those who have skills that merit a wage higher than "minimum wage" would receive the higher compensation. If you are 50 years old and have the same skills as an 18 year old who is earning the minimum wage then I'm not sure why you'd get paid more for just being old. And if you do have more and better skills that would be useful for a business then I would assume you'd change jobs to get the higher pay. Basic supply and demand for labor is what drives wages unless artificially set by the gubermint.
What gets me is the thought some people have that Minimum Wage Jobs are suppose to support you. These type jobs were designed as starter jobs and not lifelong careers. I have a 16 year old grandson who just started work at a large grocery store, Sacking, his starting pay is over $10 an hour., I think $12, anyway, back in the late 70s, early 80s when I was a Sacker for Krogers, I got Only minimum wage. $2 an hour. I did not stay there long, ended up on a construction site where I made twice that as a Green hand/Grunt...
Nuff said....

It all started with the chopper moms ( or helocoptor moms) why should a child stand up for themselves if mom is going to do it for them. Where was the tough love in raising a child by teaching actions have consequences.
I think the Divorced generation is also to blame. I know my divorce helped spoil our son. Each of us young stupid divorced parents were trying to out do the other, my son got Everything...Kids know how to work their parents, in a split family it makes it much easier for them.

I will never forget my child telling me when I disciplined him it was Child Abuse. What?, I came unglued, keep in mind this was a time when kids were suing their parents. Of course I told him, you have not experienced Child Abuse, YET :) But since I wanted to continue to see him I had to be lax on my discipline or my Ex would keep him from me, which she did a few times. Divorced parents often have their hands tied.

Thank God, my son has turned into a very fine Adult who loves God and Country. He is extremely strong too, my Ex remarried and he grew up with 4 sisters. They are all Woke Liberal Democrats. He is holding strong as the only Republican sibling. He still is a bit spoiled IMO but aren't we all in our own way, seems each generation is more spoiled than the previous.
I think the Divorced generation is also to blame. I know my divorce helped spoil our son. Each of us young stupid divorced parents were trying to out do the other, my son got Everything...Kids know how to work their parents, in a split family it makes it much easier for them.

I will never forget my child telling me when I disciplined him it was Child Abuse. What?, I came unglued, keep in mind this was a time when kids were suing their parents. Of course I told him, you have not experienced Child Abuse, YET :) But since I wanted to continue to see him I had to be lax on my discipline or my Ex would keep him from me, which she did a few times. Divorced parents often have their hands tied.

Thank God, my son has turned into a very fine Adult who loves God and Country. He is extremely strong too, my Ex remarried and he grew up with 4 sisters. They are all Woke Liberal Democrats. He is holding strong as the only Republican sibling. He still is a bit spoiled IMO but aren't we all in our own way, seems each generation is more spoiled than the previous.
I think now the process has ended. My father wanted me to have a better life than he did and as did his father before him. When you care more for your self now than what you pass down to help make them better is why we are seeing this.

You are also correct in that the broken family has had an impact on this as well.
Jumping on the fake "political correctness" train based on of some woke victimhood mantra fails again. Even worse, the University of South Carolina women's basketball coach is trying to perpetuate a lie. Lying/Cheating liberalism marches on. They have no shame making up their own fake "facts".


What gets me is the thought some people have that Minimum Wage Jobs are suppose to support you. These type jobs were designed as starter jobs and not lifelong careers. I have a 16 year old grandson who just started work at a large grocery store, Sacking, his starting pay is over $10 an hour., I think $12, anyway, back in the late 70s, early 80s when I was a Sacker for Krogers, I got Only minimum wage. $2 an hour. I did not stay there long, ended up on a construction site where I made twice that as a Green hand/Grunt...

Around 1964-1965 I worked at a cinema as an usher for $.75 (yes - 75 cents) per hour, soon moved to a job sacking groceries for $1.15/ hour. I thought I was rich. The education I got from working with the public was more valuable than the money I made.
Biden Justice Department Appeals Judge Cannon’s Ruling For a Special Master in Trump Raid Case

Obviously Joe Biden’s corrupt FBI and DOJ have something to hide.

Joe Biden’s corrupt Justice Department on Thursday appealed Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling for a special master to review documents seized by the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago.

“Notice is hereby given that the United States of America. Defendant in the above-captioned matter, appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit from the order of the district court entered on September 5, 2022.” the DOJ attorney wrote.

NEW: Biden Justice Department Appeals Judge Cannon's Ruling For a Special Master in Trump Raid Case (

My comment: It sure looks like the FBI and DOJ have something to hide. How come they do not want an outsider to look this over?
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