US Elections (& Politics) :)

Wanna know just how completely fucked up San Fransisco is?

Treat those animals who are shitting on the streets like a animal, they’ll learn.

When our cat was a kitten it shit in the house once. I grabbed that cat and rubbed its face in its shit and then put the cat in its litter box. The cat learned its lesson from that day on.
If by chance there are any peabrained leftist tuning in here. The libs shot this down. shoemer pillosi, and the rest of the libs, took a victory lap for shooting this down. Now they are celebrating the biden for wanting to buy what he has been tapping from the reserves for Over Three Times $$$ what Trump wanted to do for the American people, and that is only to replenish what the biden has stolen from the reserves. But remember the biden's motto, "We must Suffer our part"

the biden; freakin idiot

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I'm changing my pronoun from Grand, High, Exalted, Mystic Ruler to something more simple....Master of the Universe.
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What really needs to be disclosed is how many libs and RINO's, or those close to them, own oil stocks...

Or their children that got the cushy job at said oil companies.
This right here exposes just how corrupt the Federal Bureau of Incompetence is. All of them go on the Leftist tv stations showing just which way they have always leaned politically. Is there one single former disgraced fired employee of the Incompetence bureau that has not fully shown they are leftists on tv?

Video: Strzok: Barr’s comments about Durham probe are ‘appalling’
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Or their children that got the cushy job at said oil companies.
Tipping off family and friends is how they launder the money via paybacks under the table.

hunter’s emails show how he was pissed at having to pay for everything.

I can only imagine the cash withdrawals were slipped under the table to Brandon. Problem is a judge wouldn’t even allow evidence of daily cash withdrawals, unless their was film and audio of the transfers. But it would be interesting for the public to know how often cash withdrawals were taken and how much.
Then: From the Great Depression to WW2

Now: From recession to WW3