US Elections (& Politics) :)

Its very easy to label information that one doesnt like as propaganda or conspiracy. Yet so far all the conspiracy which MSM labels them as become true.

Regarding the green men in 2014, rewind the tape a bit further.

I have not taken the easy path on this one .. I've done the digging and know well the history of Russia disinformation .. if you follow the facts and dates of the events you should easily see the Russian Disinformation which some claim is true.

Just like the knowledge I've gained in IP PoE security cameras, I have taken and put a lot of time into understanding this war and topic, and avoided much of the typical "consumer" information from the main stream media on this.

You may chose to be blinded if you do believe that piece ..

Zero Hedge while some articles are good, not all are .. and this is one which clearly is not, just looking at the first claim:

On February 16, 2022, a full week before Putin sent combat troops into Ukraine, the Ukrainian Army began the heavy bombardment of the area (in east Ukraine) occupied by mainly ethnic Russians.

as I noted, this follows the standard operating procedures of Russia / Soviet Union ..

You can learn more about Psy-Ops here:

FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1)
MCRP 3-40.6A
Headquarters, Department of the Army

Psychological Operations
Tactics, Techniques,
and Procedures


Its very easy to label information that one doesnt like as propaganda or conspiracy. Yet so far all the conspiracy which MSM labels them as become true.

Regarding the green men in 2014, rewind the tape a bit further.

SO you are stating that the masses of Ukraine where easily led by a secret operation of the USA to elect Nazi's to run Ukraine .. so that begs the question, Why did Putin secret operation to control Ukraine fail?

The answer is the Ukrainians have agency .. they have decided for themselves what they want, and have stood up and picked up bottle and petro to make cocktails for Putin's troops .. even putting themselves at risk ..

This is not unlike the support people in Texas and other states gave to Trump .. ( or should I believe that was all a part of a secret operation by Putin to manipulate Americans ? 0

So the bottom line .. are people without agency and easily manipulated?
SO you are stating that the masses of Ukraine where easily led by a secret operation of the USA to elect Nazi's to run Ukraine .. so that begs the question, Why did Putin secret operation to control Ukraine fail?

2014 during ukraine coup Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance :

2021 vote Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance :

2022 nato countries, voted against condemning nazi. Just like all the news media.
Not saying you’re right or wrong.

But Zerohedge didn’t write that. They actually write very little outside of economics stuff. They are primarily an aggregator of content from around the Interwebs.

Most of the site including that article, which I found interesting, are written by others. This particular article was written by Mike Whitney , an investigative journalist.

I don’t think most have any doubts about the Ukrainian people, but their government, in cooperation with some in the US govt, are far from virgins in the whole affair.

iirc, nor was the USA innocent or a Virgin to WWII prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .. nor the 9/11 attacks, yet we seem to agree that those were a step to War for the USA

note, there are a few I have meet which honestly believed that the USA deserved to be bombed at Pearl Harbor due to their attacks on Japan with the Atomic Bombs .. again, imho we really should require people to pass history class before giving them the right to vote.

Claiming the victim is not a virgin is not a defense imho for rape by a rapist ..

I passed history class.

And I attempted to share another viewpoint that doesnt agree with yours of the reasons behind the current Ukraine war, let alone the ongoing escalation.

As I said before, I hope it all works out well. We'll just have to agree to disagree

That view point is simply Putin Propaganda ..

ah yes .. and American Soldiers kill them selves ..


And I attempted to share another viewpoint that doesnt agree with yours of the reasons behind the current Ukraine war, let alone the ongoing escalation.

Facts do not support that "view point" that was shared .. you can just look at the satellite photos, you can look at the time line, you can look at the posts from Russia, .. with OSINT it it so clear how that particular piece is full of deceit ..

What Russia Doesn’t Want You to See Happening in Ukraine
Removed. Posted in wrong forum
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I have a selfish request to take the ukraine discussion to the ukraine thread. If it stays here, I will quit looking at this thread as I quit looking at the ukraine thread long ago. I'd love to state my reasons, but that would just start another endless dialog.