Breitthe ultimate source for the truth, lmaorof. Can't you do any better?
Truth deniers will always come up with 'alternate facts'.
Face it, your Clown in Chief is a failed businessman (daddy's $$$ only goes so far), has no moral compass and is probably a tax cheat and those are his best attributes.
I hope you feel good about picking up this dbag's fair share of taxes.
Mentioned as a question to Trump was if he would denounce Proud Boys.
From my limited understanding of this group, they are not racist. They are what you might call American Chauvinist. I believe they are multi ethnic with both Black and Hispanic, etc., mixed chapters. I get that they are basically pro America, pro 2nd Amendment.
Also they(PBs) are not looters and arsonist and murderers as Antifa, those in support of BLM, and those that buy into the Critical Race Theory are. They(PBs), the small groups that might have appeared across the country, were what maybe 15 -30 max in number and committed ZERO looting of businesses, zero arsons, and zero murdered, or pulling citizens from cars to beat them down.
Antifa, BLM supporters on the other hand numbered in very likely 10s of thousands across the country, and committed numerous arson, beat downs, and looting of businesses. They basically set numerous cities on fire and looted countless businesses
To put PBs on the same footing as Antifa or radical BLM supporters was deceitful.
The Leftist will falsely call any opposed group with majority white men, "white supremacists".Trump did clarify on what he said last night,
View attachment 71718
Indiana's senators respond to President Trump's remarks to extremist group Proud Boys
President Trump on Wednesday said, “I don’t know who the Proud Boys are.”
Trump says he doesn't know Proud Boys, but 'they need to stand down,' as he faces backlash for not criticizing white supremacists
Facing criticism for not denouncing white supremacist groups during the debate Tuesday, President Trump said he's "always denounced any form of any of that."
And if they keep going down that path, and win the election, they're going to begin to understand the concept of "Atlas Shrugged"
LRBN Liz: “Chris Wallace must be exhausted from carrying Joe Biden around on his back all night.” Pretty funny.