US Elections (& Politics) :)

BREAKING: Senior IRS Agent Comes Forward, Says Biden is Blocking Criminal Prosecution of His Son

A whistleblower has come forward with allegations of preferential treatment and political interference by federal prosecutors appointed by President Joe Biden in order to protect his son, Hunter Biden, from criminal tax charges.

In a letter addressed to multiple US Senators, the agent reveals he has already made legally protected disclosures internally at the IRS, through counsel to the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, and to the Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General.

“The protected disclosures: (1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected” the letter wrote.

BREAKING: Senior IRS Agent Comes Forward, Says Biden is Blocking Criminal Prosecution of His Son (
OK Judge Threatens Christian Preacher with Arrest for Using Bible Verses in an Online Protest

An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years after he expressed his moral and religious concerns in posts about a church that endorses same-sex marriage and a public drag queen performance in front of children.

A team of attorneys with The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, has stepped in to help Rich Penkoski. They're asking the Oklahoma Supreme Court to overturn the five-year restraining order against him, denouncing it as excessive and a clear violation of the pastor's First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.

Penkoski leads the Tennessee-based online ministry Warriors for Christ.

Rutherford Institute attorneys also point out that in the absence of any actual threats by Penkoski or proof that he sought to incite violence through the use of Bible verses, the court's rationale appears to be based solely on claims that LGBTQ leaders felt harassed and fearful about how others might react to the Bible verses cited in the preacher's social media posts.

"Religious individuals have a clear First Amendment right to publicly cite Bible verses that reflect their concerns about moral issues of the day without being accused of stalking, harassing, or terrorizing those who are offended by the sentiments," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute.

He warned, "This case is a foreshadowing of the government's efforts to insulate the populace from all things that might cause offense by criminalizing nonviolent First Amendment activities (speech, thought, and actions) perceived as politically incorrect."

According to the institute, in one of Penkoski's social media posts, he shared another church's public photo of a same-sex wedding involving leaders of an LGBTQ organization and quoted Bible verses describing God's judgment of sin.
In a second post, Penkoski criticized the church's publicly shared photos of children celebrating Pride Month.

In a third post, Penkoski weighed in on a regional effort to ban adult-oriented entertainment in public spaces.

Attempting to refute what he believed were false statements by one of the leaders of the LGBTQ group who told the city council that no adult-oriented entertainment, obscenity, or sexually suggestive performances had occurred at a Pride event, Penkoski posted a video clip of the LGBTQ leader's public statement to city council along with a video and photos of a drag queen behaving in a sexually suggestive manner near children at the Pride event.

Although there was no evidence that Penkoski ever contacted, spoke to, tagged, or met the public figures leading the LGBTQ group, the trial court—based upon claims that the LGBTQ leaders felt terrorized and harassed by Penkoski's three social media posts on religious and political issues—imposed a five-year protective order against him
Under the terms of the court's order, which Rutherford Institute attorneys condemn as so vague and overly broad as to chill lawful First Amendment activities, Penkoski could be subject to arrest and up to one year in jail for engaging in conduct that might cause his accusers to fear for their safety, which could broadly be interpreted to prevent him from citing similar Bible verses critical of the church's or LGBTQ group's activities.

Affiliate attorneys Joe M. Fears and Richard D. White, Jr. with Barber & Bartz are representing Penkoski on the appeal to the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

OK Judge Threatens Christian Preacher with Arrest for Using Bible Verses in an Online Protest | CBN News
Ex-top spy admits Hunter Biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election, Blinken involved

Aformer acting CIA director has admitted to Congress that he organized the letter that falsely portrayed Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation in an effort to influence the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden and that he did so at the direction of current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a letter released Thursday by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan.

The extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer Michael J. Morell provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2021 was not an organic intelligence community initiative but rather a political dirty trick originating with Blinken and the Biden campaign.

Jordan sent a letter demanding Blinken answer a series of questions about Morell's stunning testimony, as lawmakers weighed the enormity of America's top diplomat being willing to accuse a nuclear-armed superpower of interfering in the 2020 election without evidence. That letter included major snippets of Morell's testimony.

Morell, who retired as deputy CIA director after a long and storied career and served as its acting chief, was on the short list in fall 2020 to be Biden's CIA director when he became involved in the letter. He ultimately did not receive the job.

Ex-top spy admits Hunter Biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election, Blinken involved | Just The News