US Elections (& Politics) :)

The rather “sudden” leaks and media reporting isn’t some magical coincidental awakening, it’s a semi coordinated sign that those who are in control have come to the conclusion that the dementia-patient-in-chief has worn out his usefulness and is so far gone that even their reliably ignorant liberal progressive Democrat base of useful idiots have begun to see through the facade.

That's just giving the atombrained way too much credit.
Aw, poor baby. He says he was directing people to the capitol, he seems to have forgotten the parts where he said they need to go INTO the building, indicating he knew it was wrong.

Rep. Thomas Massie says:

Ray Epps is the only person I’ve seen on video January 5th and January 6th urging and directing people to go into the Capitol. In a text message on January 6th he bragged that he orchestrated it. Why do democrats and the media portray him as the victim? So bizarre.
Other than FBIden and Nurse Jill, how many other people live at the White House on the taxpayers dime? :wtf: :mad: ==>> Hunter Biden may be living at the White House to evade legal papers from his baby mama


"Roberts’ legal maneuvers in Arkansas lend weight to the rumor in Washington, DC, that Hunter has been living at the White House with his second wife, Melissa Cohen, and their 3-year-old son, Beau, allegedly to avoid being served with legal papers."

But wait.....there's more!

"The New York Times reported in November, when Naomi Biden, 28, Hunter’s eldest daughter with ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, and husband Peter Neal were married on the South Lawn, that the couple “live at the White House, according to two people familiar with their living situation.” "
Well not so much of an issue for me. I am old and probably don't have THAT many years left. By the time these dumbed-down 'doctors' hit the streets, I probably won't be around. Or just do not allow 'young' doctors near me.
My stepson is an ER nurse at a AL hospital. This past week there was a horrible accident in the ER drive-up as a frenzied woman dropped off someone in serious distress. The driver failed to put the car in park, jumped out to open the car door for the person she brought in, the car knocked her down, rolled over her head, crushing her skull and killing her. It was a grisly scene. He told his mom, a retired nurse of 25 years, that a couple of the new RN's were so shocked they stated they were going to seek counselling and one stated she had to go home after witnessing such as event.

Now just what the Hell did you expect becoming a nurse? There's puke, shit, blood and guts involved with the job frequently. Sick and injured people go to the hospital! It's your job to be there and help care for them! What did you think you'd see and do there? Arrange flowers? Watch Tik-Tok on your phone?

My point? Not all, but way too many of these late Gen Y's and early Gen Z's are our latest crop of snowflakes. Few of them have the initiative to excel in any endeavor they choose. God forbid you try to get them to come in early, on the weekend or work over....hanging with their friends is more important. Besides, a record number live in their basements for years; I blame the parents for that.
Aw, poor baby. He says he was directing people to the capitol, he seems to have forgotten the parts where he said they need to go INTO the building, indicating he knew it was wrong.

The deep states media programing the atombrained.
My stepson is an ER nurse at a AL hospital. This past week there was a horrible accident in the ER drive-up as a frenzied woman dropped off someone in serious distress. The driver failed to put the car in park, jumped out to open the car door for the person she brought in, the car knocked her down, rolled over her head, crushing her skull and killing her. It was a grisly scene. He told his mom, a retired nurse of 25 years, that a couple of the new RN's were so shocked they stated they were going to seek counselling and one stated she had to go home after witnessing such as event.

Now just what the Hell did you expect becoming a nurse? There's puke, shit, blood and guts involved with the job frequently. Sick and injured people go to the hospital! It's your job to be there and help care for them! What did you think you'd see and do there? Arrange flowers? Watch Tik-Tok on your phone?

My point? Not all, but way too many of these late Gen Y's and early Gen Z's are our latest crop of snowflakes. Few of them have the initiative to excel in any endeavor they choose. God forbid you try to get them to come in early, on the weekend or work over....hanging with their friends is more important. Besides, a record number live in their basements for years; I blame the parents for that.
I agree with you but I would think it is one thing to work around injured people and another to witness how they die.
I agree with you but I would think it is one thing to work around injured people and another to witness how they die.
It may be but in a hospital setting you would need to be able to cope with both...if not, you're in the wrong profession. :cool:
They "MIC" and warmonger Rupert Murdoch don't want a anti war journalist while they prop up ukraine with lot of arms with this conflict escalating. Historically FOX and CNN are the global cheerleaders for US led regime change wars with their 24x7 live report from the ground, you can still see those videos on youtube.

After Tucker leaves we have no one in MSM that will ask common sense questions and the US regime change wars (not a week goes by without Tucker using the words regime change).

Sean Hannity is not as knowledgeable as Tucker and is more of political. Where as Tucker topics are very broad with foresight, with unrivaled international audience.
it will be interesting to see what he does and what his leaving will do for Fox News ratings.
Socialism/Communism at it's finest, silencing the Truth...

O'Keefe recently, now Tucker

They can't let the Truth be told...well I got News for them, the Truth ALWAYS Wins in the end...
it will be interesting to see what he does and what his leaving will do for Fox News ratings.

Tucker should be able to make his own media empire ..

He's got the loyalists who will follow him ..

Note, his bias is clearly Anti-Biden / Democrat .. so you can expect him to take positions against that. He's clever enough to know how to spin that bias to seem accurate each and every time ..