My stepson is an ER nurse at a AL hospital. This past week there was a horrible accident in the ER drive-up as a frenzied woman dropped off someone in serious distress. The driver failed to put the car in park, jumped out to open the car door for the person she brought in, the car knocked her down, rolled over her head, crushing her skull and killing her. It was a grisly scene. He told his mom, a retired nurse of 25 years, that a couple of the new RN's were so shocked they stated they were going to seek counselling and one stated she had to go home after witnessing such as event.
Now just what the Hell did you expect becoming a nurse? There's puke, shit, blood and guts involved with the job frequently. Sick and injured people go to the hospital! It's your job to be there and help care for them! What did you think you'd see and do there? Arrange flowers? Watch Tik-Tok on your phone?
My point? Not all, but way too many of these late Gen Y's and early Gen Z's are our latest crop of snowflakes. Few of them have the initiative to excel in any endeavor they choose. God forbid you try to get them to come in early, on the weekend or work over....hanging with their friends is more important. Besides, a record number live in their basements for years; I blame the parents for that.