Russia doesn't want all of Ukraine and that is a fact, they didn't even want the current occupied areas. The Donbass area who are mainly ethinc russians wanted to join russia in 2014 itself after the US led coup overthrew the russian friendly govenment. Instead russia wanted the Minsk accord to work.How on earth do you think Russia does NOT want all of Ukraine ?
What have you been smoking ??
Did you look at their original strike plans ??
Moldovia was even on the hit list.
Remember in 2014 ukraine military still had ww2 style weapons. It would have been easy for Russia to run them over. Since 2014 US and Nato had been arming and traning the Ukraine military.
Secondly not a single russian neo con social media or news media outlet in russia has put all of Ukraine as potential for annexing regions. They do not want anything west of the main Dnipro river that separates the two halves of southern ukraine for a simple reason is that there are no russian friendly citizens in that part of ukraine.
The wet dream of neo cons in russia is to get everthing east of the river and get the russian speaking southern Odessa. But the strategic objective for russian military is to cut of ukraine sea access by taking over Odessa. That is why in the beginning of the war you saw those landing ships lurking just outside the Ukraine missile range.
So yes they do not want entire ukraine for a simple fact is the eastern part of ukraine hates russians especially once you get closer to the Polish border. Its one thing to capture it but its impossible to govern it with everyone around that hates you.
Most of the initial gains by russia at the start of this war is without firing a single bullet (figuratively) reason being is those where places mainly of russian ethnicity.
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