Getting comfortable
Oh I feel so much better today, Trump says we have a cure for the virus. Too bad no real experts agree with him
We can't deny the fact that the President's voice has changed, listen carefully. It sounds like he has the cold, seriously.
We can't deny the fact that the President's voice has changed, listen carefully. It sounds like he has the cold, seriously.
Proud Boys
I AM A PROUD WESTERN CHAUVINIST WHO REFUSES TO APOLOGIZE FOR CREATING THE MODERN WORLD Follow us and join us Https://ProudBoysUSA.com https://parler.com/profile/theproudboys https://gab.ai/TheProudBoysUSA https://www.minds.com/proudboysusaproudboysusa.com
And Arjun a woman wants a proud boy not a wimpy leftist like B.S.
Can't say for sure. It came from Dan Savino's Twitter feed. but it does say "Lake Charles, Louisiana! "Any idea where that was OS?