US Elections (& Politics) :)


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Just a tiny word to those laughing about California and Medi-Cal giving free health care to illegals thinking, how stupid are the taxpayers there to allow this...

And I quote, "Medi-Cal, like all Medicaid programs, is financed using federal and state dollars." Yep, that means that WE are paying for it regardless of what we may like to think...
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Just a tiny word to those laughing about California and Medi-Cal giving free health care to illegals thinking, how stupid are the taxpayers there to allow this...

And I quote, "Medi-Cal, like all Medicaid programs, is financed using federal and state dollars." Yep, that means that WE are paying for it regardless of what we may like to think...
After completing a 2 yr degree at a California community college, my wife applied as a transfer student to CSU-San Marcos. This was all planned in advance knowing the timing of admissions-- a common practice to take basic courses for dirt cheap at the Community College before getting the 4-yr degree at much higher per-credit rates. Everything was going as scheduled...then...
She got a denial letter stating all slots were filled for the term. WTF. That same night on ABC7 news, they ran a story about how CSU-SM saved several openings and admitted ILLEGAL ALIENS, showing several of the parasites who benefitted from that bullshit use of state resources. The state-funded school DENIED a property-owning and taxpaying RESIDENT, VOTER, AND CITIZEN, in order to provide a subsidized education at a state university to persons who are in this country ILLEGALLY. How in the F does that make any sense.
Aug 3, 2015
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So, does anyone here think there are any accounting/audit records, possibly at the GAO for the supposed "foreign aid" packages going out of our country? I'd have to imagine more than 50% of those funds are funnelled into kickbacks for the politicians and their commie friends at NGOs with Soros connections. WTAF can we do to stop this shit? March on Washington? We saw what they did on Jan 6, arresting people who were not even on the Capitol grounds. Assemble a convention of the states and dissolve the Congress, forcing them all out? Or just keep our mouths shut, wait another long, tedious, aggravating year and hope for the best, IF elections are even held, and IFF they are fairly counted. HAH!! Can you believe I even said that?

Now, "hello" to whoever is monitoring these forums. We know you read, we know you listen. It's how you determine the pulse of the nation. Well, my pulse is too damned high, and I'm fed up with all the bullshit. Rip the f*cking band-aid off the wound, get some sunlight and fresh air on it. Oh, and while you're tearing off bandages to expose the wounds, would you PUH-LEEZE recall the broadcast licenses of all the so-called major networks? Or force the ouster of their C-level executives and board members? They are clearly failing to serve the public's interests. Also, shut down the FBI and CIA and get those people off the public payroll. If not, at least cut out the rot at the top, would ya? Same charge, they are not acting in the best interests of the majority of US citizens. Let's see, who else? Oh yeah, the federal Department of Education. If they've made any positive, constructive contributions to our nation's schools, I'm certainly not seeing it, anywhere.

Yeah, I'm pissed off, and I'm tired of waiting.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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You should see the shit the GOP and GOP congress critters are getting on Twatter. I've joined in the merryment. Last post by Senate GOP claiming their bullshit accomplishments, I simply posted "Blah, blah, blah". Most others were FAR more volatile.

There's a movement brewing to vote for anybody BUT incumbent GOP congress critters. I think at this point its better to just help throw kindling on the fire, sit back and watch it burn down, so we can get started rebuilding sooner.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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So, does anyone here think there are any accounting/audit records, possibly at the GAO for the supposed "foreign aid" packages going out of our country? I'd have to imagine more than 50% of those funds are funnelled into kickbacks for the politicians and their commie friends at NGOs with Soros connections. WTAF can we do to stop this shit? March on Washington? We saw what they did on Jan 6, arresting people who were not even on the Capitol grounds. Assemble a convention of the states and dissolve the Congress, forcing them all out? Or just keep our mouths shut, wait another long, tedious, aggravating year and hope for the best, IF elections are even held, and IFF they are fairly counted. HAH!! Can you believe I even said that?

Now, "hello" to whoever is monitoring these forums. We know you read, we know you listen. It's how you determine the pulse of the nation. Well, my pulse is too damned high, and I'm fed up with all the bullshit. Rip the f*cking band-aid off the wound, get some sunlight and fresh air on it. Oh, and while you're tearing off bandages to expose the wounds, would you PUH-LEEZE recall the broadcast licenses of all the so-called major networks? Or force the ouster of their C-level executives and board members? They are clearly failing to serve the public's interests. Also, shut down the FBI and CIA and get those people off the public payroll. If not, at least cut out the rot at the top, would ya? Same charge, they are not acting in the best interests of the majority of US citizens. Let's see, who else? Oh yeah, the federal Department of Education. If they've made any positive, constructive contributions to our nation's schools, I'm certainly not seeing it, anywhere.

Yeah, I'm pissed off, and I'm tired of waiting.
We look forward to your video :lmao:



Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Trump is getting hammered on twitter for the FBI building post. The diehard influencers of Trump on X are doing a 180, saying we need the FBI and all it needs a new guy in charge.
This is causing a split among MAGA into two camps one his MAGA in its true sense aka America First these people on X are calling out Trump on issues he got it wrong and are okay with Trump ego issues but not okay with change of actual princliples and policies. Many of the Veterans, wife of Veterans, J6 people, Patriots fall into this.
Then there is MTGA/MTPA make Trump great again/president again (these two hats are also spotted in Trump rally), these people will blindly follow Trump because they like Trump for being Trump and not exactly because of his policies.

Trump being only on Truth social means he is leaving in a Echo Chamber. Even the Nikki Haley VP thoughts might have only been dismissed only after the backlash that he recieved on X, that made Trump Jr first to respond to it.

Lot of these MAGA or True America first are jumping ship to Vivek.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Yup is pretty clear now that the Blob, understanding that Pedo Joe ain't gonna make it another 11 months, and with no viable alternative, is going to promote Nikki!

This makes sense in a way, she's a war slut, she will take orders (and probably anal) well, and the Blob can point to her victory as proof that they arent biased! CNN, like all Democrats liberals, may be hypocrites but they're equal opportunity hypocrites! Whomever will keep the charade going and can be led by the nose is fine by them. Remember, its all one corrupt Uniparty, those R's and D's are just meant to keep the plebes fighting.

Vivek Slams CNN For 'Egregious Interference' After Town Hall Answers Go Viral
Vivek Slams CNN For 'Egregious Interference' After Town Hall Answers Go Viral | ZeroHedge


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Trump is getting hammered on twitter for the FBI building post. The diehard influencers of Trump on X are doing a 180, saying we need the FBI and all it needs a new guy in charge.
This is causing a split among MAGA into two camps one his MAGA in its true sense aka America First these people on X are calling out Trump on issues he got it wrong and are okay with Trump ego issues but not okay with change of actual princliples and policies. Many of the Veterans, wife of Veterans, J6 people, Patriots fall into this.
Then there is MTGA/MTPA make Trump great again/president again (these two hats are also spotted in Trump rally), these people will blindly follow Trump because they like Trump for being Trump and not exactly because of his policies.

Trump being only on Truth social means he is leaving in a Echo Chamber. Even the Nikki Haley VP thoughts might have only been dismissed only after the backlash that he recieved on X, that made Trump Jr first to respond to it.

Lot of these MAGA or True America first are jumping ship to Vivek.
The Trump statement. “He was absolutely being sarcastic, telling the FBI to stay in Washington, and deal with the excessive crime there. Not run away to a distant location and pretend the crime doesn’t exist.”

That is how I understand it.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Agree, I think it was taken out of context. But I do think the Jab issue and not coming out forcefully saying he'll push to cut major funding/clean house for the FBI/DOJ are weak points that will be exploited if he doesnt turn around on them.
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Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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I’m just joking. Still a lot of disgruntled commies down there. It’s still a leftist hell hole, and he’s got his work cut out.
It will be impossible to clean that shit hole up. If there is any chance of a comeback the next president is going to have to go full Argentina on DC. Gut every department and program and start from the ground up.


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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The Trump statement. “He was absolutely being sarcastic, telling the FBI to stay in Washington, and deal with the excessive crime there. Not run away to a distant location and pretend the crime doesn’t exist.”

That is how I understand it.
Trump doesn't want to gut or shutdown the FBI, Steve Bannon called out Trump for it yesterday. Trump influencers where given orders to either toe the line or where given the marching orders according to one the few people in Trump influencer group messaging who said it on X. Some where forced to delete their earlier tweets.

So lets call a spade a spade.
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Aug 3, 2015
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Trump doesn't want to gut or shutdown the FBI, Steve Bannon called out Trump for it yesterday. Trump influencers where given orders to either toe the line or where given the matching orders according to one the few people in Trump influencer group messaging who said it on X. Some where forced to delete their earlier tweets.

So lets call a spade a spade.
This agrees with one of the Q posts that said there were still a LOT of very good people within the FBI.
As is typical, the rotten scoundrels always make the most noise.

I came here today to mention, if anyone has been watching the Rose Parade, isn't it peculiarly interesting, how small/lame the floats appear this year?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I think there are certainly/y some good people in the FBI, CIA, Local LE, I know some well.... thats not the issue to me.

The issue is that MOST will follow orders to keep their job, their pension, and their benefits REGARDLESS of how absurd the order is.

See Nazi Germany


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I think there are certainly/y some good people in the FBI, CIA, Local LE, I know some well.... thats not the issue to me.

The issue is that MOST will follow orders to keep their job, their pension, and their benefits REGARDLESS of how absurd the order is.

See Nazi Germany
That is exactly what is happening throughout our government. That is exactly how the left controls things.