Hillary can go straight to hell, just a little sooner then she plans on I hope. Old Kankles just wants to be in the spot light, still trying to be recognized and known, that's all. Just a bitter old hag, married to a rapist.Hillary Clinton calls on Pentagon to slash spending on F-35 stealth fighters, tanks, aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons and says they WON'T help in a war with China as she warns 'deep savings' in the military budget must be found
Hillary Clinton has called on Congress to slash the Pentagon's budget and shift funding to 'domestic renewal' and foreign diplomacy, arguing that expensive weapons systems from the Cold War and war on terror are no longer needed.
In a lengthy essay published in Foreign Affairs magazine on Friday, the former secretary of state laid out her vision for restructuring U.S. defense spending, while accusing the Trump administration of mismanagement.
'Today's competition is not a traditional global military contest of force and firepower,' Clinton wrote.
Hillary Clinton calls on Pentagon to slash spending
In a lengthy essay published in Foreign Affairs magazine on Friday, the former secretary of state laid out her vision for restructuring U.S. defense spending.www.dailymail.co.uk
Comments by me: The check must have arrived in the mail from China. Can you imagine the position this country would be in if Hillary had one. Biden needs to be asked if he supports this statement by Hillary.
If biden wins the election we lose the trade war and china will get a surplus from dems where CCP fills their pocket.
The fact that people still buy goods from china is that most of domestic manufacturer charge a lot I mean "a Lot" also Amazon is another problem where people buy form Ali Baba and ship directly to Amazon warehouse. Do not Forget that China was built on US dollars and democratic support, I support jobs replaced with robots than paying CCP in any form of tax.
True Image of CCP is Luckin Coffee where I lost over $160k Just because Chinese companies cook their sales book etc and I wonder how us Treasury still allows them to be openly traded in Nasdaq.
The moral of the story is that factories should be brought back to USA back.
Its good to fight a war now when we can win than fight a war later with less chances of wining.
You are correct Rahhazar, factories need to come back to the US. With that said, we have backed ourselves into a 'Chinese supplied' corner. I chuckle at my wife (not good for my health). She gets so upset with almost everything coming from China, but damn if she doesn't love her iPhone.