Here's some more that puts the lie to the no-antifa bullshit the press seems obligated to include.
More will come out in the next couple of days but bug spray is not a lethal force weapon. The shooter tried to take the pepper spray and got bitch slapped. Seems like I've seen that tactic used somewhere before.
Listen to the BLM shirted agitator. The shooter appears to continue his methods with the murder victim.
Let's see who defends the TV station, pinkertons, and the shooter.
More will come out in the next couple of days but bug spray is not a lethal force weapon. The shooter tried to take the pepper spray and got bitch slapped. Seems like I've seen that tactic used somewhere before.
Listen to the BLM shirted agitator. The shooter appears to continue his methods with the murder victim.
Let's see who defends the TV station, pinkertons, and the shooter.

Matt Dolloff, Shooter in Denver Murder – Who Is He?
Matt Dolloff has been identified as the shooter of Lee Keltner in yeterday's rally in Denver, Colorado. But is a cover up involved?