US Elections (& Politics) :)

You just can't make this shit up. Write fake shit claiming those on the right are creating propaganda when if fact our own government is funding propaganda. What will become of this....nothing, nada, zilch, zero.
You know bigredfish, at this point, I think we really need for it all to burn completely down and start over from scratch. There are many, many harsh decisions that need to be made...but these leaders, aka: spineless ass wipes, will not make them.
Only when it is all burned down, do I think they will do so. And we as conservatives and those that believe in our way of life, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, God-Country-Family (no particular order), well, we really don't need to do shit.
The liberals and looney-ass left will do it all by themselves. There is a lit match about 1" from the fuse...I just wonder when it's going to be set.

Its a pity really.
And this guy can bite me. Enthusiasm to only destroy this country and our children...that's about it.

I believe that guy is warning conservatives. That is the message.
True, except he's wrong.

Those are NOT the reasons they won and will likely again. Its because they cheat their asses off and lie through their teeth at every opportunity. They are useless lazy scum, call them what they really are.

Remember the 4 basic Tenets of Liberal Democrats
1- Hypocrisy is embraced, Lying is a way of life
2- No personal Responsibility
3- No Accountability for ones actions
4- More Free shit for me
Just the blatant lack of respect of the US Constitution is sickening. It's a tool to be used against the American people when they see fit to use it as a weapon (lawsuit after lawsuit to muck up the works). Claims and predictions that Trump will destroy "democracy" and start WW3 but none of their bullshit fantasy lies about what would happen with Trump in office ever happened. The left contorting reality with the help of their media propaganda wing and Americans too stupid, fat and happy with their TicTok to even care. Damn, it's like The Matrix. Just plugged in with a fake fantasy AI simulator keeping them happy to be coupled to an incubator; no desire to be free or have free thoughts. Sometimes I think those who believe reality is really a super advanced AI simulator and we are all just subroutines just might be right. :idk:


Someone needs to slap her and tell her “ shut up bitch and make me a sammich!”

Watch: The Most Ridiculous 75 Seconds Of Bullshit From Davos Yet On "Ecocide"
They’re all psychotic…..

Watch: EU President Demands Globalist Control Over All Information
Looks like Trump, who's "big hands" seem to show open sores. Looks like Secondary Syphilis to me. Explains the advanced dementia too. You would think that Putin in those years prior to 2016, would've insisted that the Hookers had a full medical first...