Known around here
From 1965
Crazy how most of this applies today...
Oldie but goodie!
From 1965
Crazy how most of this applies today...
Bill replied, I am a dick-tator and Hillary is a sour puss.
THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY COUNTRY By Jane Fonda & Michelle Obama Illustrated by Michael Moore Foreword by George Soros | HOW TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST By Dr. Jack Kevorkian | THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BILL By Hillary Clinton | The Sequel: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HILLARY By Bill Clinton | THINGS I CANNOT AFFORD By Bill Gates | THINGS I WOULD NOT DO FOR MONEY By Dennis Rodman | THINGS WE KNOW TO BE TRUE By Al Gore & John Kerry | GUIDE TO THE PACIFIC By Amelia Earhart |
TO ALL THE MEN WE HAVE LOVED BEFORE By Ellen DeGeneres & Rosie O'Donnell | GUIDE TO DATING ETIQUETTE By Mike Tyson | THE AMISH PHONE DIRECTORY | MY PLAN TO FIND THE REAL KILLERS By O. J. Simpson | HOW TO DRINK & DRIVE SAFELY By Ted Kennedy | MY BOOK ON MORALS By Bill Clinton With introduction by The Rev. Jesse Jackson And foreword by Tiger Woods with John Edwards | HOW TO WIN A SUPER BOWL By the HOUSTON TEXANS | AND, JUST ADDED: My Complete Knowledge of Military Strategy By Nancy Pelosi |
Oh no you done it now, let me get my soapboxJust musings.
Another thing that bugs the heck out of me is the general terms with ever changing definitions that the Dimowits use. What, exactly, is "social justice" and, better still, how is "social justice" defined by law and should, or even can, it be? Bet no one can answer that with any certainty since it is a constantly changing and moving target.
"Reproductive rights" is another one. That, by the very words, implies that reproduction is involved, IE having a baby. Turns out, it has been twisted around to mean eliminating a fetus at will, at any time, even after birth. Where does the line between aborting a fetus cross that line and become killing a human? Science now says it may be as early as three months into a human pregnancy since a fetus reacts to pain at that point implying that sentience has occurred. The Dimowits always say that "we must follow the science" but not with "reproductive rights".
When does the right to protest cross any lines? Apparently never since if there's a protest going on and someone sets fire to a building, occupied or not, loots a business or trashes an entire downtown area making it impossible for the general public visit or businesses to operate, it's still just a "peaceful" protest. I will say that is there are any deaths involved that arrests are usually made and prosecutions may occur, but that seems to be a pretty lenient limit to me as it must to those who have lost everything they have worked for must feel.