Known around here
when Obama was elected I gave him the same open mind that I give all presidents, but he quickly jumped the shark when he accepted the nobel prize. He knew he didn't deserve it, and even remarked that getting nominated was ridiculous, but he accepted it anyway.
As far as trumpets (or whatever people are calling them) are concerned. They tend to be more of them than you realize, and are very vocal in their defense of him; anyone who disagrees is a traitor in their eyes. I have even seen a few "in god we trust" flags with the "god" portion crossed out and "trump" written over it being flown by these zealots. If I were Christian this would likely chafe my willy somethin fierce. It reminds me of when Obama was president and many liberals thought he (Obama) was basically heaven sent and anyone who disagrees with him was racist for doing so.
I’m no zealot. Nor do I agree with or defend Trump all the time. I don’t like him much personally, but I like the majority of his policies and can only judge the opposition by their words and deeds. But the election is a binary choice like it or not. You either pick a candidate or sit out.
I tend to talk about specific factual events, policies, and outcomes, and the few liberals we have here don’t seem to be able to have that type of discussion. I am critical of those who throw out nothing but Twatter headlines with no clue about the actual facts or the ability to argue their point. It’s a sign of someone who either doesn’t have a clue or is too lazy to do their homework before trading grade school barbs.