US Elections (& Politics) :)

when Obama was elected I gave him the same open mind that I give all presidents, but he quickly jumped the shark when he accepted the nobel prize. He knew he didn't deserve it, and even remarked that getting nominated was ridiculous, but he accepted it anyway.

As far as trumpets (or whatever people are calling them) are concerned. They tend to be more of them than you realize, and are very vocal in their defense of him; anyone who disagrees is a traitor in their eyes. I have even seen a few "in god we trust" flags with the "god" portion crossed out and "trump" written over it being flown by these zealots. If I were Christian this would likely chafe my willy somethin fierce. It reminds me of when Obama was president and many liberals thought he (Obama) was basically heaven sent and anyone who disagrees with him was racist for doing so.

I’m no zealot. Nor do I agree with or defend Trump all the time. I don’t like him much personally, but I like the majority of his policies and can only judge the opposition by their words and deeds. But the election is a binary choice like it or not. You either pick a candidate or sit out.

I tend to talk about specific factual events, policies, and outcomes, and the few liberals we have here don’t seem to be able to have that type of discussion. I am critical of those who throw out nothing but Twatter headlines with no clue about the actual facts or the ability to argue their point. It’s a sign of someone who either doesn’t have a clue or is too lazy to do their homework before trading grade school barbs.
There are days when I want to bitch slap Trump. He can put his foot in his mouth pretty well, but he has delivered so many positive things in spite of what the lamestream and libtards portray. He's not a politician which is exactly why he got elected. He thinks and speaks in a way that is not related to politics but is based on getting things done. We wanted someone with a different viewpoint and not beholding to the swamp that our Government has become. He's done a good job there, too, cleaning out as much as he can as he goes, but it's a terrible uphill battle made worse by the lamestream and libtards. The libtards deserve special mention in this aspect since they are so far down in the swamp they're actually the mud at the bottom.

Looking at Sleepy Creepy Joe and his 47 years of swamp dwelling puts him in that bottom level of the swamp, the very bottom of the mud. He's never voted to lower taxes, not once, in those 47 years. He's made so many racist statements that it boggles the mind, not to mention his close association with Grande Klegals and such of the KKK. Let's not forget the KKK was formed by the Dimowits as their enforcement arm. Now he wants to do away with the tax breaks that Trump has done. So tell me exactly how that won't raise taxes on those making less than $400K? The taxes he will raise wil get passed down to those making less than that magic $400K as well. His energy policy will make energy costs go way up, again hitting those earning less than $400K. In other words, he's lying right out of the box. I won't even start with how he got from being a lower/middle income person to a multimillionaire with multiple million dollar homes. The laptop drive will shed some light on that whole story.
I always tell people that I have to look at the black and white for President Trump. IMO and from what I have seen, he has done more for this country then even Ronald Regan did. I do not blame him for lashing out....think what he could have gotten done WITHOUT the constant 4 years of attacks on him! Doesn't mean I like his twitter rants, his verbal rants, but I don't blame him at all. And you know what? He has probably been the most POLISHED President we have had in a very long time. Look what Obama did with the IRS, the FBI, the attack on the API and Fox News. Corrupt? Hell yes he was. So was Richard Nixon, 'The Kennedy's' (yes, I said plural), and the list goes on. He has not used the IRS or the FBI to attack his opponents. Think about it.

I was skeptical in the beginning. I figured, 'Why would someone this filthy rich want this headache?' I have no doubt that he has grown, and I truly do believe he is so passionate with his 'verbal messages' because he really does love this country. No different then any one of us posting in here.
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Headlines you never see: "MAGA-hatted thugs beat the blue blood out of "mostly peaceful" Hide'n-Biden voters."

Those damned Trump supporters are out of control with their vocal support and refusing to kneel down, defending themselves and crying about their freedoms being taken away.

If you think Ayn Rand and George Orwell imagined dystopian futures, wait until you see what the reality is like.
Like the rest of us, Tymb and CT are mature enough to wade through the available information to sort fact from fiction. That they don't reflects an extreme lack of intellectual integrity and not worth our time.
I haven't noticed many, maybe 2-3, people that appear to be liberals commenting in this threat, and most of them appear to just be trolling conservatives. Franken, who I've seen post in the pandemic thread, does appear to go out of his way to provide data points and the sources he derived them from, and as far as I can tell he hasn't insulted anyone despite being insulted himself by others.

There could be other liberals commenting, but they are likely flying under the radar by keeping their posts non-partisan.

There are a few "WTF" moments that the president has caused that I can think of that I took issue, but I do support many of his stances (though I wish he would try to be a bit more tactful).

That said Biden got rich being a senator the same way every other Senator has. I think Mitch McConnell started off with a modest net worth and is now the 6th richest in the senate. This is why I think those with a high net worth should get paid a very basic amount and be responsible for all of their own travel costs.

Didn't the president say he was leaving the country if he loses?

One I do have respect for, though disagree with on politics, is @Frankenscript . He's a smart guy willing to engage in factual discussion. He doesnt try and hide behind vague or sensational Twatter headlines or troll (much). I can enjoy having a discussion with him, (even though his politics are all messed up ;)

So it IS possible, but it takes two
Rank Choice Voting?

If the dems thought rolling dice, roulette wheels or picking names out of a hat would give them an advantage in elections that's what they would change the rules to do.
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yep that is the guy I was referring to. I couldn't remember his full name, and also couldn't be fussed to go looking for it :). On the pandemic related stuff I generally agree with his posts, but I haven't seen him post on topics outside of the pandemic yet.

though I do share your respect of his behavior on the forums, even the more snarky replies are simply playful, and are devoid of the vapid maliciousness common in political discourse.
Do you have to wonder about somebody like yourself who signed up on the forum on October 2, 2020 And has no camera related posts while focusing I’m pushing the liberal agenda. Are you going to tell us who you work for?
I try very hard to NOT get wrapped around the axle about this. I enjoy discussing politics with level headed people....but once it starts to get our of control, I am out of there. Nothing will be gained from it. My neighbor across the street, we get along great. Our politics are polar why can him and I stand in the middle of the street and have a calm discussion about it? And still remain strong neighbors as well?
Yep, I was around.

By any chance have you heard about:

It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day

NOt much of a contest with respect to lies wouldn't you agree??
Show us your tax return to indicate how much you have paid to charity and provide your address so we can send an illegal family to live with you. Thought so. Stop ramming that down our throats. Work hard and you can achieve without leeching off the rest of us.
He likes our pizza so much that when I say the word “pizza”, he wants to get in his high chair. Two and a half years old.

View attachment 73064

Hell, give me THAT PIZZA and I will mow your lawn AND jump in that chair! :p

Kids are great. I have done SO MANY BAD THINGS in my life, but my two daughters just seem to make them go away. They are 8 and 12. Yes, I started late...
Ah yes, verbal vomit. Good one. You're just SO articulate... :rolleyes:

Walks like a duck and all...

The last discussion you jumped in in the middle of was with ctgoldwing where he posted an article about 50 supposed "former intelligence" types who claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop and emails were a bogus 'Russian Conspiracy". (where have we heard that debunked lie before?). By their own words they had NO evidence, it was all opinion and conjecture.

I then posted a couple of different articles that actually showed factual photos of documents with his signature, and email snips, as well as statements by the FBI and DNI both clearly stating that it had nothing to do with a Russian conspiracy.

Opinion and conjecture from Twatter vs hard facts and testimony of people who have actually seen the evidence.

You've added nothing in the way of factual rebuttal, simply verbal vomit.