US Elections (& Politics) :)

What in your opinion could he have done better for Covid?
As we all know, facts do not hold any weight in today's media. About the only thing Trump could have done better would be to have done less badmouthing the medical 'experts', CDC, and WHO. Not saying he had to abide by their wishes, but don't badmouth them. That only played into the MSM's hands and gave them ammo to use to stir things up against him. All of what @BobRegnar states is true and facts. But just like Hunter Biden's laptop, the liberal MSM could care less about it. They do not cover it.
I see what you mean,
Took early action to cut off travel from China
Built the world’s leading testing system from nothing
Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread
Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies
Took action to protect vulnerable Americans
Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time
Provided support to workers and businesses
Paved way for reopening to get America working again
Surged resources to hot spots as they arose
Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered

while democrats:
govs forced sick people into nursing homes to die alone
called actions to restrict the virus spread xenophobic and fear mongering,
invited tourists to come to Chinatown for the party
invited tourists to come to New York
forced people to isolate "for their own good"
forced businesses to remain closed and go bankrupt an put hundreds of thousands out of work.
encouraged riots, looting, burning of cities and targeting police
excused the "mostly peaceful" America-hating rioters while locking up those who wanted to assemble at church
refused to allow relief money for the people they forced into ruin

But they forced everyone to wear ineffective masks, bashed Trump and refused any cooperation, so they're the heroes? Yeah, that sounds right.
And don't forget, Trump did all of this while the House was trying to impeach him and they did not give a fuck about covid.
I'm a register republican. I do believe the current democratic party is sick to the core and not at all like the far better party we had 20, or even 10 years ago.

Despite that, I do believe the polls that indicate a Trump loss. This election is not about biden, but rather about Trump. Through a concerted media campaign over four years to spur up hatred of him--and btw I fully acknowledge he has made it extremely easy on them--TDS is intense. So, probably he loses. There will be talk of a crisis within the republican party but I don't see that. I just see a flawed candidate. He didn't handle covid that well, and if not for covid the polls currently would be reversed, because biden is a horrifically weak, utterly unimpressive candidate by every measure.

In any case, he put three justices on the court, and of course the recent confirmation of ACB was perfectly legal and reasonable and the democrats--as we all know--would have done the same thing if they had the chance.

Buck up soldier, you're in for a treat next week.
What in your opinion could he have done better for Covid? Each state has their own power to do what they see fit or feel is best for their state. They also seemed to get federal assistance easily for Covid. My opinion of course..
Some stuff he was fast on some he wasn't. I think we should have had a national lock down early on and, though he lacked the power to do it, he should have constantly coached it and pushed for it if for no other reason than CYA.
IMHO the polls put out by the media are suppression polls. They are meant to discourage Trump supporters. Look at what happened in 2016 and what they said about Hillary Clinton.
The polls were not as far off last as some think. But, interpretation of them was definitely wrong, with some people claiming a victory with far higher odds than anything showed. I think the polls are off now, too...I just don't think they are off enough for him to win. I've been wrong before.
I see what you mean,
Took early action to cut off travel from China
Built the world’s leading testing system from nothing
Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread
Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies
Took action to protect vulnerable Americans
Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time
Provided support to workers and businesses
Paved way for reopening to get America working again
Surged resources to hot spots as they arose
Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered

while democrats:
govs forced sick people into nursing homes to die alone
called actions to restrict the virus spread xenophobic and fear mongering,
invited tourists to come to Chinatown for the party
invited tourists to come to New York
forced people to isolate "for their own good"
forced businesses to remain closed and go bankrupt an put hundreds of thousands out of work.
encouraged riots, looting, burning of cities and targeting police
excused the "mostly peaceful" America-hating rioters while locking up those who wanted to assemble at church
refused to allow relief money for the people they forced into ruin

But they forced everyone to wear ineffective masks, bashed Trump and refused any cooperation, so they're the heroes? Yeah, that sounds right.
I'm in NY state. I have to submit to our governor who is so proud of himself he wrote a book about leadership during covid. Yes, the nursing home death governor.

Trump should have been more consistent and transparent.
I'm in NY state. I have to submit to our governor who is so proud of himself he wrote a book about leadership during covid. Yes, the nursing home death governor.

Trump should have been more consistent and transparent.
First of all it is up to each states Governor to take action to see fit. It is not the president job to run every state.
Get a grip on real life.
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I'm in NY state. I have to submit to our governor who is so proud of himself he wrote a book about leadership during covid. Yes, the nursing home death governor.

Trump should have been more consistent and transparent.
All that while sending a Hospital Ship on it's way and not taking advantage of the temporary hospital set up in the Javits Center.
The polls are very deceiving, Trump draws hundreds if not thousands to his rally's while Biden draws dozens???

You're off by a factor of ten, at least. Trump draws thousands if not tens of thousands while Biden is lucky to get a dozen or two.

The polls were all saying the same thing last election. The media was saying the same things about the polls and who was going to win the last time. They got their butts handed to them and they're trying to get even this time, but are making the same, fundamental, error of believing their own bullshit.
Like I said, early voting is like Nancy Pelosi saying "You have to pass this bill to find out what's in this bill". To me, people that vote early are uninformed to begin with, and articles like this tend to prove that out.
Did you by chance see the recent pro Prop 15 ad? It pits "People of Color" against Whites by showing that small group of White Supremacists(that's what MSM called them anyway) that marched with tiki torches prior to the Charlottesville mayhem, and at the end of the ad says "supported by co-founders of BLM".

Prop 15 would only degrade the middle class even more. Is that their intentions?

I would guess less than 1% of those mostly kids who marched in Virginia own real estate. So why would they put that in there hmmm. Commercial property owners are all white supremacists? The ad put that tiki torch clip in and said "this is who opposes Prop 15".
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Trump should have been more consistent and transparent.

There are those who fight real battles in the arena for everyone to see their strength and their weakness and there are those who sit at home in safety and comfort judging their every action and decision with the benefit of hindsight saying he should have done this and he should never have done that. Pick up that sword and shield and go do battle in the public arena if you have the courage.

Trump fought a new, manufactured disease for which there was no history or defense to guide his actions. No one else did better. Not the so-called experts, not other countries, certainly not the democrats. Most all were wrong at every turn. The anti-Trump media played up every number, while the anti-Trump deep-state devised plans to make everything appear worse than it was, for the sole purpose of bashing Trump over the head with it and hopefully snatching an election away from him. They couldn't care less about sacrificing you and your family's well-being and lives for the sake of their power.

I'll never understand people being so helpless they need someone to decide for them how to live. Trump is there to run the government for us, not our lives and not to be a cradle-to-grave nanny.

(not directed at you, @LittleBrother just bouncing off your post.)
Some stuff he was fast on some he wasn't. I think we should have had a national lock down early on and, though he lacked the power to do it, he should have constantly coached it and pushed for it if for no other reason than CYA.
The polls were not as far off last as some think. But, interpretation of them was definitely wrong, with some people claiming a victory with far higher odds than anything showed. I think the polls are off now, too...I just don't think they are off enough for him to win. I've been wrong before.

Well its really easy to look back right now and see what people could have done differently but in the beginning every expert was giving opinions and information was changing daily.. I mean Covid facts are still changing to date!

I'm in the group that feels the states are the ones that are supposed to be doing as much as they can without federal help. I mean.... whats the point of having govenors, mayors and lieutenant govenors if we want the president to micromanage states as well?
Hindsight is always 20-20
First of all it is up to each states Governor to take action to see fit. It is not the president job to run every state.
Get a grip on real life.

That is exactly correct. It is up to the Governor of that state. I am so sick and f$$$$g tired of everyone blaming the President for every f$$$$$g thing that happens. OMG...grow the f$$k up please. That is why we have state governments and a federal goverment...they are separate for a reason. My wife keeps asking me why doesn't the President send in Federal Troops to stop the rioting. Its simple, the Governor of each state should be taking action, not the POTUS. This is what the founding fathers intended...smaller federal government. The states should take care of state business. IF they need assistance, it is up to them to ask for it.
To me, people that vote early are uninformed to begin with, and articles like this tend to prove that out.
Not to argue, but I voted early. There was absolutely nothing that could come out to make me change my mind. There is no way in hell I would vote for Socialism, and that is what the Dems are leading the charge to. I am very happy with what Trump has accomplished in his 4 years. I could never support Biden and his buddy Beto "I'll take your guns away" O'Rourke. This bullshit of Biden saying he would form a bipartisan commission to revamp the supreme court is a smoke and mirrors way to pack the court.

Sorry, end of rant.
Most recently, certified poll-watcher Raymond Stewart provided another sworn affidavit and complaint to the Harris County district attorney alleging irregularities in early voting procedures.

Stewart, a former peace officer who was serving as a certified poll watcher, says he saw a large stack of Texas driver’s licenses left on a table between two sign-in stations. In his sworn statement, he says election workers coming in from drive-through polling stations would sometimes sort through the stack of licenses, choose one, scan it for voter check-in, and obtain a ticket to bring out to the drive-through voter.

Other irregularities identified by poll watchers include insecure transport of election documents. Harris County Republican Party Vice-Chair Kevin Fulton said that individuals without identification were picking up from polling sites unsecured boxes of surrendered mail ballots, mail ballot cancellations, provisional affidavits, statement of residency forms, and other “critical documents” and taking those materials without documenting chain of custody.