US Elections (& Politics) :)

I could vote early, too, because I couldn't vote for a creepy, 47 year swamp dweller, that's older than me (and I'm over 70) and a Communist/Socialist/Marxist like he's running with. There is no concrete reason for "early voting" though. Even with the CCP Virus lines are long and they're long because of the messed up system being used. There's no reason not to vote on election day, it's called election day for a reason and not election week, month, season or year. If you request an absentee ballot, for a valid reason that could include being worried about the CCP Virus, that's one thing. Mailing a ballot, unsolicited to every name listed on voting roles that have not been maintained or checked for accuracy in decades is a whole other thing. Exactly how are those mail in ballots being verified as being genuine? If a real system was in place it would probably take a few months to review them all. To top it all off, I'll bet between 10 and 30 percent of those mail in ballots get disqualified or lost along the way. So much for Democracy, free elections and election day.

My reaction to all this is also influenced by the feeling that we are witnessing the end of free and fair elections. Mail in ballots are the start. It's already being expanded to include ballots received, and even post marked, well after the election. Heck, in Commiefornia they "found" sacks of ballots a few weeks after the election last time around and that's just one example. In Pennsylvania the signatures don't even have to match which means anyone can scribble on a ballot, mail it in and have it counted. If people aren't willing to invest the minimal effort it takes to go to a polling place and cast a vote once or twice a year, so be it. They are not interested enough in our system of government to even put out that little effort.

I'm stuck with having to use a mail in ballot because I'm in New Jersey and Comrade Murphy has decreed that is the only way I can vote, unless I have some kind of disability. We, wife an I, will be going to our polling place fully expecting to be in line for at least a few hours to turn in that piece of paper just on the principal of casting our vote in person. F$CK COMRADE MURPHY!!!!!!!
Not to argue, but I voted early. There was absolutely nothing that could come out to make me change my mind. There is no way in hell I would vote for Socialism, and that is what the Dems are leading the charge to. I am very happy with what Trump has accomplished in his 4 years. I could never support Biden and his buddy Beto "I'll take your guns away" O'Rourke. This bullshit of Biden saying he would form a bipartisan commission to revamp the supreme court is a smoke and mirrors way to pack the court.

Sorry, end of rant.

Not a rant, but more fact. Beto....pfffft. What a putz and powder-puff girl.
Not a rant, but more fact. Beto....pfffft. What a putz and powder-puff girl.
Dang, I wonder how he got his pedicure and manicure when the salons were closed.....:rolleyes:
I see what you mean,
Took early action to cut off travel from China
Built the world’s leading testing system from nothing
Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread
Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies
Took action to protect vulnerable Americans
Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time
Provided support to workers and businesses
Paved way for reopening to get America working again
Surged resources to hot spots as they arose
Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered

while democrats:
govs forced sick people into nursing homes to die alone
called actions to restrict the virus spread xenophobic and fear mongering,
invited tourists to come to Chinatown for the party
invited tourists to come to New York
forced people to isolate "for their own good"
forced businesses to remain closed and go bankrupt an put hundreds of thousands out of work.
encouraged riots, looting, burning of cities and targeting police
excused the "mostly peaceful" America-hating rioters while locking up those who wanted to assemble at church
refused to allow relief money for the people they forced into ruin

But they forced everyone to wear ineffective masks, bashed Trump and refused any cooperation, so they're the heroes? Yeah, that sounds right.

While I agree with most of this @BobRegnar

Masks have been proven to be effective in reducing the R value ( spread value ) of the virus

That stated, the Democrats were completely behind and failing on the Mask facts and data early on. They do not get a passing grade on this. Personally I believe Biden, Cuomo , Harris would have done a worse job if they were in charge.

In fact NY CIty failed completely with this, and should have from the outset required masks on the subway.
It was not until April that NY City fully addressed this
( you can find a NY City order on April 12, 2020 )

Example of just one data point which allowed a small business to do business:

Hairstylists with COVID-19 didn't infect any of their 139 clients. Face masks may be why.

By Nicoletta Lanese - Staff Writer 14 July 2020

Face masks: what the data say
The science supports that face coverings are saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic, and yet the debate trundles on. How much evidence is enough?

In fact if you dig more, you will find some states failed to prepare themselves:

How New York City’s Emergency Ventilator Stockpile Ended Up on the Auction Block
A 2006 pandemic plan warned that New York City could be short as many as 9,500 ventilators. But the city only acquired a few hundred, which were ultimately scrapped because it couldn’t afford to maintain them.

by Justin Elliott, Annie Waldman and Joshua Kaplan April 6, 1:05 p.m. EDT
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@sebastiantombs I did not state that I did vote in person. No mail in ballots for me. I am against it. See my post #3,762 above.

When I was overseas, you could vote absentee by going to the American Consulate. But then your vote only was counted if there was a close enough election that the absentee ballots could swing an election one way or another. I do not know if this is still the way it is done.
Sorry, I know it is frowned upon to post videos in stead of links, but this was sent to me so I have no link to it's original posting. But I really thought folks would like to see it. It's titled 'A True Bubba/Professional'


Have you seen any of the footage of the "peaceful protest" in Philly from last night. Right... Big screen TVs, other electronics, etc. all stolen from multiple stores. What exactly are they protesting again? On another note, I see that there are plenty of work boots and fathers day cards still in those stores...

It’s just those wacky social justice warriors having a mostly peaceful demonstration again.
Just so you know (if you have employees), you can now be sued for dismissing someone for not doing their job (because, of course, ALL of your customers are nothing but pesky racists)...

The peaceful protesters in Philly are protesting the death of a man, who happened to be black, who was shot as he advanced on two policeman, who were telling him to stop and drop the knife. The two police officers were backing up away from the knife wielding man as he advanced. The original call was for domestic violence. The knife wielding man had a long history of violent crime with and outstanding warrant for yet another, I believe. The whole incident occurred in "West Philly" which is a generally residential area with the typical smattering of small stores. The peaceful protesters broke up into groups and looted stores more toward, as in five miles away from the original incident, the downtown area of Philly where the pickings are much better. Apparently neither the police or National Guard monitored social media where this type of thing is planned and spread. Another fine example of looting and destruction being billed as a peaceful protest. The family of the dead man have been pleading for the rioting and looting to stop, but their words are falling on ears deafened by "I've got to get me some free stuff out of this".
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I meant to add that the festivities last evening and night included multiple car jackings, including cars/trucks that had been stolen and loaded with looted goods so looters got looted, and about 30 shootings. Several of the shooting victims are hospitalized but I don't think there were any deaths, attributable to poor aim from holding the handgun sideways while firing. A full investigation of the original, police involved, shooting is underway according to the Chief of Police.