US Elections (& Politics) :)

next it might be the IRS!
In a move that will make me wildly unpopular I want to stand up some for the IRS. Most of what we hate the IRS for is caused by congress, and the IRS is just administering their destructive nonsense. Congress uses the tax laws for its social engineering, and keeps piling new turds on top of the old turds, ending up with a bigger and bigger pile of :poop:. A well known example is the social security taxation worksheet, the 18 step calculation with seemingly nonsense steps, and no clue given as to what the steps are doing or why they're doing it. I tried making the calculation into an equation for a spreadsheet and finally gave up, and just mirrored the 18 steps. This and other worksheets that "ordinary" people are confronted with are the tip of the iceberg, very trivial compared to what trusts and corporations face. Like any big government bureaucracy the IRS is dirty, but the root of the problem is congress.

For an Oregon example, in 2006 the legislature set the estate tax threshold at $1 million. It's still $1 million 19 years later, capturing a large percentage of otherwise poor homeowners in the Portland and a few other areas. More and more people hate the taxing agency for this, but it's 100% the fault of the permanent democrat legislature.
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Staff at Politico did not get paid for the latest pay period. The company just sent several emails to employees saying it believes there was a technical error, and is looking into how to fix the issue.

Dear Team, Goli and I want to address this morning's payroll issue directly. Due to what we believe to be a technical error, employees did not receive their paychecks as scheduled. We understand the urgency of this matter and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Our team is working diligently with our systems vendors and the bank to identify the root cause and implement a solution as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated as we learn more and work to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Max Tani on X: "Staff at Politico did not get paid for the latest pay period. The company just sent several emails to employees saying it believes there was a technical error, and is looking into how to fix the issue." / X

Comment: Wow! Sounds like the USAID tit dried up!
In a move that will make me wildly unpopular I want to stand up some for the IRS. Most of what we hate the IRS for is caused by congress, and the IRS is just administering their destructive nonsense. Congress uses the tax laws for its social engineering, and keeps piling new turds on top of the old turds, ending up with a bigger and bigger pile of :poop:. A well known example is the social security taxation worksheet, the 18 step calculation with seemingly nonsense steps, and no clue given as to what the steps are doing or why they're doing it. I tried making the calculation into an equation for a spreadsheet and finally gave up, and just mirrored the 18 steps. This and other worksheets that "ordinary" people are confronted with are the tip of the iceberg, very trivial compared to what trusts and corporations face. Like any big government bureaucracy the IRS is dirty, but the root of the problem is congress.

For an Oregon example, in 2006 the legislature set the estate tax threshold at $1 million. It's still $1 million 19 years later, capturing a large percentage of otherwise poor homeowners in the Portland and a few other areas. More and more people hate the taxing agency for this, but it's 100% the fault of the permanent democrat legislature.

Lois Lerner on line 2 for you

Oh, and they’re incompetent as fuck.

We filed our joint return for ‘22 in April of ‘23 as many do. We were expecting $2342 back
Within 6 weeks we got a letter stating someone had used my SS to file a fraudulent return. So we submit the required paperwork, call to verify, send copies of everything with signature verify so they got it.
Don’t hear anything more so I call in January of 24 and they say oh yeah, that was resolved, you’re good. You should get your refund by end of March ‘24
I just called again the other day. They say “oh yeah due to Covid it’s taking on avg 493 days to resolve these” so you should have it by April

Now if you take them at their word, and their starting day for the clock was August 20, 2023…..that’s like 515 days and counting.
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“oh yeah due to Covid it’s taking on avg 493 days to resolve these” so you should have it by April
I sent a form to the treasury for a savings bond registration name change. They at least sent an email that they received it, and it will take at least 20 weeks. It's very close to 30 weeks now.
HOLY SHIIIT. The FBI just revealed that 5,000 out of their 13,000 agents were focused on January 6th protestors.

39% of the entire bureau, for this
This is hilarious coming from AOC


What's Happening Is Breathtaking...​

The short story is this is seismic. None of us have lived through what’s unfolding.
The #1 problem after the dust settles is term limits. Practically all of the corruption and grift stems from Congress and their complicity
We’ve promoted stupidity for far too long. Time to call it what it is


I was at Walmart, scanning and bagging nearly $300 worth of groceries, while the employee who wants $15 an hour "monitored" me. Then this happened:

Her: Why are you double-bagging all your groceries?
Me: Excuse me?
Her: You're wasting our bags!
Me: If you don’t like how I’m bagging, feel free to come over and do it yourself.
Her: That’s not my job!
Me: Okay, then I’ll bag my groceries however I please.
Her: Why are you using two bags?!
Me: Because the bags are weak, and I don’t want the handles to break or the bottom to rip.
Her: That’s because you’re putting too much in one bag. If you took half out and used a separate bag, you wouldn’t need to double-bag.

Cue 10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me: So, you want me to split these items in half and put them in two separate bags instead of double-bagging?
Her: Exactly.
Me: So I’d still be using two bags for the same number of items.
Her: No, because you wouldn’t be double-bagging.

Me pressing two fingers to my left eye, trying to stop it from twitching.

Me: Okay, so here’s a jug of milk and a bottle of juice, double-bagged. If I take the milk out, remove the extra bag, and put the milk in one bag and the juice in another, I’m still using two bags for two items.
Her: No, because you're not double-bagging them—it’s not the same number of bags.

Me looking around at about 10 other customers, all enjoying the show.

Me: Is this that Common Core math I keep hearing about?
Her: Never mind, you just don’t get it.

And with that, she went back to her little podium to continue texting, playing games, or whatever she was doing before deciding to critique my bagging skills.

~ author unknown ~

GSA seeks 50% spending cuts, nonvoluntary RIF after OPM’s resignation offer​

The Trump administration’s leadership at the General Services Administration is looking to cut the agency’s total budget in half, and looking to reduce staffing to reach that goal.

GSA leaders have notified staff they are expected to reduce total spending across all programs and personnel by 50%. Plans to meet that goal are due to GSA’s acting administrator no later than Friday.

GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service told staff in a town hall meeting on Jan. 31 that senior leadership is developing a plan to cut GSA’s spending by 50%. Potential areas for cuts include personnel, payroll and contracts.

GSA leadership didn’t offer a timeline for implementing the cuts, but employees were told that a nonvoluntary Reduction in Force (RIF) is expected “shortly” after Feb. 6. That’s the deadline for federal employees to accept the Office of Personnel Management’s “deferred resignation offer.”

GSA seeks 50% spending cuts, nonvoluntary RIF after OPM’s resignation offer
We’ve promoted stupidity for far too long. Time to call it what it is


I was at Walmart, scanning and bagging nearly $300 worth of groceries, while the employee who wants $15 an hour "monitored" me. Then this happened:

Her: Why are you double-bagging all your groceries?
Me: Excuse me?
Her: You're wasting our bags!
Me: If you don’t like how I’m bagging, feel free to come over and do it yourself.
Her: That’s not my job!
Me: Okay, then I’ll bag my groceries however I please.
Her: Why are you using two bags?!
Me: Because the bags are weak, and I don’t want the handles to break or the bottom to rip.
Her: That’s because you’re putting too much in one bag. If you took half out and used a separate bag, you wouldn’t need to double-bag.

Cue 10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me: So, you want me to split these items in half and put them in two separate bags instead of double-bagging?
Her: Exactly.
Me: So I’d still be using two bags for the same number of items.
Her: No, because you wouldn’t be double-bagging.

Me pressing two fingers to my left eye, trying to stop it from twitching.

Me: Okay, so here’s a jug of milk and a bottle of juice, double-bagged. If I take the milk out, remove the extra bag, and put the milk in one bag and the juice in another, I’m still using two bags for two items.
Her: No, because you're not double-bagging them—it’s not the same number of bags.

Me looking around at about 10 other customers, all enjoying the show.

Me: Is this that Common Core math I keep hearing about?
Her: Never mind, you just don’t get it.

And with that, she went back to her little podium to continue texting, playing games, or whatever she was doing before deciding to critique my bagging skills.

~ author unknown ~
I'm surprised she didn't say "Math is racist! Your racist for doubting my math! Police, arrest this man immediately!!!"

Turns out the ‘Deep State’ used USAID to OUST Bolsonaro from Brazil…​

Mike Benz on how USAID spent tens of millions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to remove Jair Bolsonaro from power and end free speech in Brazil:

“When populist waves swept the world within the U. S. in 2016 with Trump and with what happened all over Europe with Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini and Nigel Farage, USAID declared censorship holy war against every single populist group, including Bolsonaro. Steve, I’m telling you right now, if USAID did not exist, Bolsonaro would still be the president of Brazil and Brazil would still have a free and open internet.

It was USAID that spent tens of millions of dollars of American taxpayer money funding the push to get anti misinformation bills passed in the parliament there. Funding the legal advocates who pushed the censorship court there, the TSE, to crack down on Bolsonaro. tweets and WhatsApp and Telegram messages.

They built a censorship octopus in Brazil and it was built entirely on USAID because USAID declared Bolsonaro a populist, Trump of the tropics, and then set up this operation to control the information ecosystem there. One of the USAID grantees even said on a public call that the purpose was to eliminate the, uh, the international exchange of ideas between the Trump movement and the Bolsonaro movement.

That’s what USAID does. They kill domestic populism because it gets in the way of their foreign policy goals.”

Turns out the 'Deep State' used USAID to OUST Bolsonaro from Brazil... - Revolver News

Turns out the ‘Deep State’ used USAID to OUST Bolsonaro from Brazil…​

Mike Benz on how USAID spent tens of millions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to remove Jair Bolsonaro from power and end free speech in Brazil:

“When populist waves swept the world within the U. S. in 2016 with Trump and with what happened all over Europe with Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini and Nigel Farage, USAID declared censorship holy war against every single populist group, including Bolsonaro. Steve, I’m telling you right now, if USAID did not exist, Bolsonaro would still be the president of Brazil and Brazil would still have a free and open internet.

It was USAID that spent tens of millions of dollars of American taxpayer money funding the push to get anti misinformation bills passed in the parliament there. Funding the legal advocates who pushed the censorship court there, the TSE, to crack down on Bolsonaro. tweets and WhatsApp and Telegram messages.

They built a censorship octopus in Brazil and it was built entirely on USAID because USAID declared Bolsonaro a populist, Trump of the tropics, and then set up this operation to control the information ecosystem there. One of the USAID grantees even said on a public call that the purpose was to eliminate the, uh, the international exchange of ideas between the Trump movement and the Bolsonaro movement.

That’s what USAID does. They kill domestic populism because it gets in the way of their foreign policy goals.”

Turns out the 'Deep State' used USAID to OUST Bolsonaro from Brazil... - Revolver News

Show me a Conservative/Right Wing leader or government in the world that has been toppled and I'll show you the CIA and USAID

Evil sick fucks