They have become SO FUCKING BIASED it is vomit-inducing. In the next 6 months, Biden will do NOTHING WRONG and make NO mistakes of any kind whatsoever. He will NEVER mis-speak or get any facts wrong, and he certainly will never LIE. And THAT is my prediction of political coverage on CBS.
Fuck Gail King
Fuck Margaret Brennan
Fuck Major Garrett
and Fuck every other biased liberal fucker on that network.
Major Garret especially has been ASS-HURT ever since he got spanked so fucking hard by Kayleigh McEnany in a press conference. He got so pissed that she would not accept the bullshit fakenews premise of his gotcha question-- and she just kind of laughed at him and moved on after publicly ridiculing him.You really should let us know how you really feel instead of being so obtuse
Another disturbing feature of this supposed win by Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked Joe and Komrada is that it only encourages the lamestream media into being even more negative, vitriolic, lying, misleading, sycophantic Socialist/Marxist/Communist/ Progressive lying sacks of shit.
Have Faith my Brethren, they are deceived:I'm in such disbelief over how brainwashed some people are. The local newspaper has a biden celebration article today with happy statements from people. One of them is:
“I’m happy there is someone who can bring morals and ethics back to the White House,”
All I can think is that there's no hope. We're screwed.
You think Reddit is bad....DON'T go on Imgur then!
Reddit censors a lot of conservative posts while pushing the same narrative as other MSM, nothing new, most of regular conservative accounts are blocked due to factual facts posted that hurt dems feelings.Just think! If Trump wins we get to see 4 more years of chaos and it wouldn't end... The dems would gear up for the next election and it would be the same fight over again...
Shit needs to change at school and the media..
I don't know if any of you are on Reddit but its Liberal cesspool... I have got in countless arguments with this idiots about things I've lived in CA with gun control and policies. They still tell me I'm dead wrong with what the dems will do.
wow cant believe how crook they areAlright--- interesting piece of CNN video examined.....
So do you know how crooks get caught? Bragging...think about it...Alright--- interesting piece of CNN video examined.....