US Elections (& Politics) :)

Good presentation worth listening to imho on Democratic failure to perform up to expectations.

Republicans will need to find ways to counter the MSM and Social Media domination by the left.

One of the top comments:
When is Pelosi going to be removed for her failure this election?

Krystal Ball's Dem Autopsy: How Corporatists, Impeachment, And Wokeness Nearly Blew The Election
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Good find...I am recording all of these...If one dumb guy does this on camera you know there are thousands of others like him...
Yup. Agree. Just goes to show you that they will do anything, say anything, to get elected. Notice that that shit Colbert did not say "...makes strange bedfellows" and the real saying goes. That would be too literal for her.

If she is sworn in as the VPOTUS, her office will represent all of the affair laiden, stained bed sheets she has left behind. A whore is a whore. She is certainly that. And as much as I loathe Barrack Obama, hell even he was never at the level of disgust, vileness, and morally lost that this creature of the night is. Hell, even her OWN staff didn't like her when she was running for president!

And I can't really say how I truly feel about her....but this is close enough for now.
Please do not insult Obama that way.... she is much worse imho.

Kamala "it was a debate" is simply one of the most evil and vicious politicians I have witnessed running for President of the US.

Like Obama or not, Obama completely outclasses Kamala.

She 1000% supports Biden, hahaha, I never have understood those who pick their opponents for V.P. Now all of a sudden they support them...o_O
Trump needs to make more public appearances to show what he is actively doing in the fight against COVID-19; Biden has already put together his COVID-19 Council. More people will be tuning in more to Biden as Trump disappears from the public eye. Haven't seen that many Trump press conferences lately. Is his administration aware of that?

The most recent one I stumbled across on YouTube was this one

Has the YouTube algorithm been manipulating the search results?

And here's Biden

Good presentation worth listening to imho on Democratic failure to perform up to expectations.

Republicans will need to find ways to counter the MSM and Social Media domination by the left.

One of the top comments:
When is Pelosi going to be removed for her failure this election?

Krystal Ball's Dem Autopsy: How Corporatists, Impeachment, And Wokeness Nearly Blew The Election

Thank you for this. Really sums up how well Trump did during this election and how bad the Dems did...It's all about winning the War!!!
"Biden's Transition Team has been hard at work since Summer," According to CBS This Morning :facepalm:

Another news on Political Action Committee's

Anyone feeling brainwashed?

Biden's team considering "other actions" against Trump's team. WrestleMania anyone?
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Trump needs to make more public appearances to show what he is actively doing in the fight against COVID-19; Biden has already put together his COVID-19 Council. More people will be tuning in more to Biden as Trump disappears from the public eye. Haven't seen that many Trump press conferences lately. Is his administration aware of that?

The most recent one I stumbled across on YouTube was this one

Has the YouTube algorithm been manipulating the search results?

And here's Biden

In Truth Trump did exactly what he said he would do, Biden did not talk about Pfizer during their debate. The ONLY reason the stock market soared yesterday was ONLY due to Trump and what he put together with the Military and Pfizer (July 2020). Operation Warp Speed...Biden gets Zero credit...just another thing they want to Steal...

This is just a typical liberal media staining of an issue:
View attachment 74558
Let's not talk about the actual fraud, let's attack the person bringing the news. The whole piece just drags the guy through the mud for something he did over 20 years ago. I do not condone what he did, but they are just trying to say his vote fraud experience is moot because he is a convicted sex offender.

If the witness was a democrat no one would care haha

Same thing Hitler did, same thing Russia did on their take over of East Germany. We were warned!!!

Yeah come get me, are they going to lockup 70 million Trump voters? Put me on your list, oh and also add I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!
The hypocrisy is off the charts with the Dims.

This is the exact same thing Gen Mike Flynn was prosecuted for....

Fuck you Democrats. There’ll be no “Unity” for the next few years, it’s been cancelled. Get used to it. Nothing and I mean Nothing you say will be believed or accepted. NOTHING
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The Brown Shirts are getting angry and restless..... So when are we to sew 'T's on our clothing?????
^^^ Tapper is a lightweight asshole, if he wasn't his last name would be Hammer!
Same thing Hitler did, same thing Russia did on their take over of East Germany. We were warned!!!

Yeah come get me, are they going to lockup 70 million Trump voters? Put me on your list, oh and also add I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!
LMAO my parents are muslims, These dems thirsty for power, and they are the future hitler. All clinton and obama administration did was funding the terrorists in middle east.