US Elections (& Politics) :)

I was listening to CBS radio news on the way home. They did mention that all the officials in all the States have said there is not voting fraud at all, but somehow managed to miss GA doing a recount. That's amazing....NOT!
This is great. What worries me about all these recounts, however, is that a lot the damage has already been done. Envelopes with postmark dates were discarded. Corrections were already made to ballots. Ballots may have been thrown out. We just don't know what was done during their secret activity time. What recourse is there for this?
I was listening to CBS radio news on the way home. They did mention that all the officials in all the States have said there is not voting fraud at all, but somehow managed to miss GA doing a recount. That's amazing....NOT!

That reminds me of asking the kids circled around something broken who broke it and "no one knows"
I saw a video today of votes being found in the garbage at a polling place in OK, which went for President Trump. All but one was marked as a Trump vote. That one Biden vote must have been an "oh shit" moment for someone.

I'm not a fan of social media, but have joined Parler. Interesting stuff pops up there and on Rumble, the Conservative answer to YouTube.
All the polls said trump would lose, now that he has suddenly it has to be fraud.

I voted republican last week, but in the past week I've seen little more than tears about what happened from the right, and desperate clinging to utterly ridiculous claims about such obvious lies such as watermarks and all this other tripe. I dearly hope that we can put this all to bed soon: either prove the fraud on a mass scale (not happening), or admit defeat and move on. The worst thing for the republican party will be if some portion of it acts like the democrats did with russiagate and keeps pushing this narrative for the next four years. It's extremely self-defeating.

Only when/if this happens can the republican party be honest about what happened last week. I've seen after four years many people are thoroughly incapable of appreciating what trump was and is.
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The thing is, fraud has already been proven. Is it enough to sway the election? I don't know. Nobody does. Nobody is asking to automatically give the election to Trump. We simply want an investigation. If that shows no massive fraud, we move on. Why is it that all of a sudden investigating and getting to the truth is suddenly a bad thing? Only dishonest people fear investigations.
You knew it was just a matter of time before they broke out the “racist” argument

“I remain unclear why there is such a wholesale effort to shutdown these challenges. Within 24 hours of the election, legal analysts and the media were declaring no evidence of fraud before we even saw a single court challenge. Now even the reference to “legal votes” or “illegal votes” is being declared racist. I have no reason to doubt that Biden is our president-elect. However, we have the time to address these challenges and assure all Americans that the election was legitimate. Almost half of this country voted for Trump. Those roughly 71 millions voters should feel that these challenges were given a fair hearing. It is the same assurance that Democrats have demanded in prior elections. Indeed, Democratic leaders declared before this election that Trump could not win by stealing votes and Hillary Clinton told Biden not to concede under any circumstances.

So let’s count the votes and conclude this election.”
All the polls were wrong, way wrong. That was also a part of the fraud against half (or more of) the country's voters.
Don't send money to this guy, he doesn't stand a chance. Don't bother to go vote for him either.

Do you think it was an accident that all those battleground states counted the "Trump counties" first and then all shut down the counting in the middle of the night and in the morning all the votes went for Biden? How many votes do we need to come up with? I don't know, just keep them coming until we're ahead.

Like the citizen asked the cop? "Do all these thieves really live in the Jacques Addition?" Cop says, "I don't know, but that's where they all run to when I chase them."

When you come inside dripping wet and shaking the water out of your umbrella, I can infer it's raining. You saying it's stopped now so prove it is a bit ridiculous.

Circumstantial evidence is a thing.

The dems have been stealing elections forever. The only thing different here is the scale and the "we know you know and we don't care we're still going to deny it and make you prove it" attitude.

It's like the destruction in the dem controlled cities. Everyone mask up and destroy everything. They'll catch some of it but most of it will fly under the radar and we'll cry racism if they dare to investigate.

They paper the windows and truck in boxes of ballots that no one can see. Poll watchers testify, "I saw them recount hundreds of ballots." What is the court going to do with that? Throw out hundreds of ballots? No. The dems are going to get away with most of their cheating like they always do. We can only hope that the elimination of dead people's votes and non-resident votes and vote-as-many-times-as-you-can votes and verified machine 'glitches' (read programming to cheat), etc., will be enough to result in the win for Trump everyone knows he got.

It's nothing like Hillary and the dems for the past four years whining about some conspiracy that never happened. There are people all over the country testifying to witnessing voter fraud. All of it in one direction.
Well, that entire press conference was a goddamn disaster. I'd like to just forget it happened. Nothing of value was gained by doing this conference. The Trump team didn't communicate any new information, and it gave the media things to poke at.

Uh yea, meet us at the Four Seasons. No no, not the Four Seasons Hotel, Four Seasons Total Landscaping. You know, the one between the dildo shop and the crematorium? Drive around back, through the gate, up the dirt trail, we'll be next to the dumpster. We won't even loosely vet who we are parading up here, so here is a guy known in Philly for being a perennial grifter candidate for local offices who also dittled kids. Who has questions?

Can you blame the media for throwing a match into that pan of gasoline so carefully set out by Rudy? How Trump hitched up with Rudy and keeps him around, I do not know. Put Rudy in the corner to dig in his pants, get a real lawyer.

Like, this is literally what Rudy did. The mind boggles.

Does this look like a place Trump should be having people talk? Rudy is a dim wit.

Edit 2:
I cant stop editing this post. I am serious, Rudy is a liability, an embarrassment, and really not worth much beyond name recognition. Even his name is dwindling. Time to uncouple the caboose that is Rudy.

research the owners of the four seasons gardening center you might get a surprise
I'd like to hear more from Parley--any updates?