US Elections (& Politics) :)

Pretty good, actually. It seems a judge agrees that you can't just change election rules at will to suit your desired outcome.

Possible appeal to bring this before the US Supreme Court??? Guess we will see...
The main goal for all true Americans is that this process shines a bright light on the cockroaches and swamp creatures that think they can manipulate the will of this country. If votes results are overturned, great. If not, I'll just be happy that Trump served his country one last time by draining a little more of this swamp.
A few interesting facts regarding voting "irregularities".

The overwhelming majority of votes cast by dead people were for Biden/Harris, so far.

As recently as 2019, I believe, the Democrats in Congress were "concerned" about the reliability of Dominion voting systems, among others, and worked to try to stop their use. That work stopped around the time the CCP Virus showed its ugly head.

Even the New York Slimes, alleged newspaper of record, acknowledges that mail in voting is the most easily tampered with system and allows easy cheating.

The Democratic Party has fought constantly against voter ID, purging voter rolls and various other methods to help insure election integrity.
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FYI - numerous electronic voting machines have been proven to be hackable.. good to shed light and force better systems that allow audits.
First of all, there is no such office called "Office of the President Elect". Second, Biden is only 'presumed' to have won the election based on the Media stating so. But the Media has no official say. Until the Electoral College actually votes, there is no "President Elect".

“Their letters made reference to allegations made by Trump’s legal team, claims of witnesses about irregularities at polls, and a glitch that switched 6,000 votes from a Republican official to a Democratic official in Antrim County that was later corrected and acknowledged by the secretary of state’s office, although the Michigan GOP said the same software - Dominion “
a glitch that switched 6,000 votes from a Republican official to a Democratic official in Antrim County that was later corrected and acknowledged by the secretary of state’s office
I am really sick of the MSM saying it was a 'glitch' or a 'computer glitch' or it was 'just a glitch'. A glitch is almost always operator error. These systems should have safeguards in them to prevent operator error from ever being an issue. Like how hard is it, really? You feed paper ballots through a machine. How can you possibly screw that up? You plug in a USB drive into the machine and the software reads it. How can you screw that up?

If a glitch can happen, then how does anyone know that others did not happen? Totally bullshit.
you guys will believe anything :)

President Donald Trump falsely claimed on Twitter that an election technology firm “deleted” large numbers of his votes or “switched” them to count for Joe Biden — the latest in a series of baseless theories suggesting vote counting problems that the president has been promoting.

His tweet Thursday amplified a “report” built on empty claims that originated in anonymous comments on a pro-Trump blog.

Trump and his supporters have launched groundless attacks on one of the most widely used technology firms in the U.S., Dominion Voting Systems, seeking to sow doubt in the results of the 2020 election, despite no evidence of any serious irregularities.

Here’s a look at the claims in Trump’s tweet:


THE FACTS: There’s no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, or of major problems with Dominion’s systems. Election officials from both political parties have stated publicly that the election went well, and international observers confirmed there were no serious irregularities.

Glad to see you are so open-minded. :thumb:

Trump got that data from this guy's analysis. I don't know a damn thing about Python scripting or analysis of live data streams. Wish I did so I could make my own informed decision about the numbers coming out of his analysis script. i am skeptical, but I am also interested to see where this goes. He has put all the info out there--- so someone with that kind of knowledge will be able to decipher that mess and decide if it is Hoax or not. Maybe you should wait for the experts to look at what he produced and make a determination. If he's a fraud-- then that will come out soon enough. Automatically rejecting what you don't like is a sign of your bias. Think Critically.

OK--- a programmer dug into this guy's website. he is analyzing Edison EXIT POLL DATA--- EXIT POLLS!!! He is NOT analyzing actual VOTING DATA. Based on that-- I would have to say it is BS.
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Saagar Enjeti: Media, AOC's DANGEROUS Push To Cancel Everyone Who Worked For Trump

Saagar Enjeti explains the dangers of the calls to cancel or render every person who has ever worked for Donald Trump as unemployable.

Saagar Enjeti: Media, AOC's DANGEROUS Push To Cancel Everyone Who Worked For Trump

Saagar Enjeti explains the dangers of the calls to cancel or render every person who has ever worked for Donald Trump as unemployable.

And this is the face of the cancer infecting our Government. Do not look at her as some dimwitted ex-bartender. She is far more dangerous then that, and do not underestimate her. Many have failed to realize how powerful the words from such 'revolutionaries' really are to the minds of the weak. That is who they target, and THAT is how countries have been taken over by them. Her, and the rest of the squad need to vanish. They a terminal cancer, there is no cure for them.
Has he been right about anything he's dumped into this thread? Seriously. He does a driveby every once in a while dumping fake crap straight out of the Dem playback. It is then shown to be completely fake, but he never admits he was proven wrong. Just moves to the next load of trash. His new nickname should be Debunked.
Vanish, now there's a word.. Fecebook may be canceling that word soon.

Cancelled, now there's a word that kind of reminds me of vanish.....:D