US Elections (& Politics) :)


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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How's this for over-the-top propaganda? It just keeps getting worse and worse:

"most conservatives think the purpose of journalism is to wage partisan political warfare"

Most conservatives don't understand purpose of journalism, says founder of website on media bias
Good my mom would say "talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

From Wikipedia:

"Oho!" said the pot to the kettle;​
"You are dirty and ugly and black!​
Sure no one would think you were metal,​
Except when you're given a crack."​
"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot;​
"'Tis your own dirty image you see;​
For I am so clean – without blemish or blot –​
That your blackness is mirrored in me."​


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Biden: I was Buck Naked, Trying to Pull My Dog's Tail When I Broke My Foot

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?

Biden: I was Buck Naked, Trying to Pull My Dog's Tail When I Broke My Foot (

Me: This is the latest iteration of what happened to Joes foot. The story keeps changing. I don't see this fool lasting a year in office.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
NM GOP files lawsuit to impound ballots in Bernalillo County, citing ‘unusual’ election activity

NM election results haven't been under as much scrutiny as the big 6, but apparently there is at least some intent to investigate, as NM is a Dominion state. There's a link in the article to contribute to NM GOP to aid their efforts. NM GOP Chairman Steve Pearce will be on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 today at 10:30 AM MT to discuss.

NM GOP files lawsuit to impound ballots in Bernalillo County, citing ‘unusual’ election activity (


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
No, Trump did not lose a Nevada decision

The headlines all say Trump lost yet another case in Nevada. He didn't. The case in Nevada involves parties other than President Donald Trump, and presumably without his resources. However, the judge's decision is a useful insight into the hurdles that Trump and his supporters face on the way to the Supreme Court. It also reveals that Perkins Coie, the law firm that paid for the Steele Dossier, is involved in the post-election legal battles.

On Friday, mainstream media headlines were exultant:

Forbes: "Trump Campaign Has 'No Credible or Reliable Evidence' Proving Voter Fraud, Nevada Court Rules."

ABC: "Biden win over Trump in Nevada made official by court."

Washington Post: "Nevada judge dismisses Trump effort to overturn the state's election results, finding campaign failed to prove fraud."

I'm sure I've mentioned before that today's pretend journalists are complete ignoramuses. If I didn't, though, let me mention it now. What none of these people responsible for purveying news to the American public understands is that neither Trump nor his campaign was a party to this litigation.

Instead, when you look at the court's order, you see that the parties are several individuals, all of whom are "candidates for presidential electors on behalf of Donald J. Trump." (And let me say that I admire all of them for their valiant effort.)

To double-check that Trump is truly not a party to this case, go to the last page of the order, entitled "Certificate of Mailing." There, you'll discover two interesting things. First, there isn't a Rudy Giuliani or Jenna Ellis to be seen on that page. Again, Trump is not a party.

Second, guess who shows up as a party to this litigation. Perkins Coie!

If that name seems familiar, it's because Perkins Coie acted as Hillary Clinton's intermediary

Trump did not lose a Nevada decision - American Thinker

Interesting fact:
Perkins Coie acted as Hillary Clinton’s intermediary in commissioning the infamous, fake Steele Dossier that led to the claimed Russia Hoax. After two years and $35 million, Mueller exonerated Trump of all collusion charges.
The firm also recruited CrowdStrike to search the DNC server after it was hacked (and as a reminder, the FBI never saw the server). Perkins Coie isn’t so much a law firm as it is a Democrat operation with lawyers attached.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
The Academy Awards have become a meaningless platform for virtue signalling. Their viewership has been on constant decline as a result and they keep going further and further down the sewer hole. It illustrates, beautifully, how stupid these people truly are.
yeah but they influence what people will watch. What they are doing will bury this movie for the most part. So tell you friends and family about the great movie you just found out about ;) But also be aware this is from Ron Howard and will paint conservatives in a bad light.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I gave up on going to the movies when they started charging ten bucks for a box of Rasinettes. I also gave up on using the Oscars to gauge a movie back in the 80's when it became obvious it's nothing more than a popularity contest between the "intelligentsia". I don't think they have anything close to the influence they once had, and it, too, is steadily declining.


Getting comfortable
May 30, 2020
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I gave up on going to the movies when they started charging ten bucks for a box of Rasinettes. I also gave up on using the Oscars to gauge a movie back in the 80's when it became obvious it's nothing more than a popularity contest between the "intelligentsia". I don't think they have anything close to the influence they once had, and it, too, is steadily declining.
I will still hold on my AMC shares. :)