Thats great if that is the case, but you are the exception. Most in your party were cheering it on, right alongside the biased media. They were not looking for relief from fraud or any kind of wrongdoing, either. They were claiming he was not fit for office. That was a textbook example of wanting to overturn the election, to go against the will of the people. This election is different. There is proof of fraud, whether or not you choose to believe it. Trump and most of us believe that the will of the people were not reflected in the election, due to fraud and bias from big tech and the msm. All Americans should want to get to the bottom of this. If this was simply a case of Trump being a sore loser, I would also frown on him not conceding. This is more. Even if it still ends up being not enough to change anything this time, I want it to light a fire under everyone's ass to get this election business tightened up for next time so that we all have some confidence that we are not voting in some third world country. I know they want us to just shut up and go away, but its not happening.
I love Swalwell, the perfect Democratic/Socialist HYPOCRITE. He's complaining about agencies being "weaponized" against him when he advocated, and shouted from every rooftop, the same thing be done to President Trump. What a piece of sh&^^ this guy is.
Three liberal defenders pop in today to spit out one liners and troll. Thats what "progressive" liberals do. But they dont want to engage or defend the news topics of today, like these:
ONE DAY worth of news - all about liberal Democrats with a clear lack of morals, ethics, or integrity, but big on lying, cheating and Hypocrisy.
They must be proud..
I am afraid that under a Biden Presidency attacks on Trump supporters will become more common and physical violence will increase more than they are now.
I certainly hope not but I can say this: If directed at me or a loved one and it is up-close and physical, they better make the most of their opportunity...they'll only get one chance.