Known around here
Lets review shall we?
Three liberal defenders pop in today to spit out one liners and troll. Thats what "progressive" liberals do. But they dont want to engage or defend the news topics of today, like these:
One Third Of US States Have Now Joined Texas SCOTUS Bid To Overturn Election
Hunter Biden Reveals He Is Facing Tax Fraud Investigation
Look Who's Standing In The Schoolhouse Door Now: The Chicago Teachers Union
Republican Lawmakers Call For "Compromised" Swalwell's Removal From Intel Committee, Congress After Chinese-Spy Links Exposed
Michigan Lawmaker Stripped Of Committees, Faces Further Disciplinary Action After Calling For Attacks On 'Trumpers'
48 States, FTC Unveil Anti-Trust Push To Break Up Facebook
In Stunning Rebuke, LA Judge Strikes Down 'Abusive' Outdoor Dining Ban As Lacking 'Science, Evidence Or Logic'
Portland Police Attacked In Broad Daylight After Antifa Erects New 'Autonomous Zone'
YouTube to Begin Removing Claims of Election Fraud
ONE DAY worth of news - all about liberal Democrats with a clear lack of morals, ethics, or integrity, but big on lying, cheating and Hypocrisy.
They must be proud..