US Elections (& Politics) :)

Interesting reading. Two relief requests are: to appoint a new set of Electors in a manner that does not violate the Electors Clause, or to appoint no Electors at all.

If no Electors, Biden goes from 306 to 244. Trump remains at 232. Neither man has the requisite 270 Electoral votes. Thus, the House votes for President and the Senate for VP.

Getting my popcorn ready...
More evidence that the democratic party owned press thinks they decide the elections:

From AP:
Despite Trump's venting and threats, Biden's win is sealed
"Not only has the ship sailed but it has reached safe harbor and dropped anchor. "

To hell with the supreme court, we decide the elections!!!
Brad Raffensperger (Ga SecofState) was scheduled to appear and testify tomorrow before GA House Committee about 11/3 election fraud. He just backed out...

Brad Raffensperger (Ga SecofState) was scheduled to appear and testify tomorrow before GA House Committee about 11/3 election fraud. He just backed out and cannot be subpoenaed unless special session is called. Brian Kemp refuses to do so. How convenient. DEMAND ANSWERS Patriots.

Lin Wood on Twitter: "Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState was scheduled to appear & testify tomorrow before GA House Committee about 11/3 election fraud. He just backed out & cannot be subpoenaed unless special session is called. @BrianKempGA refuses to do so. How convenient. DEMAND ANSWERS Patriots." / Twitter

My comment: What is this guy hiding? Why is he afraid to go before the GA House Committee?
Georgia GOP accuses Ossoff of failing to disclose payments from company tied to China

..."Jon Ossoff tried to hide his connection to a media company with direct ties to the Communist Chinese government. We’re asking the Senate Ethics Committee to look into this further, because we believe this was an intentional effort to conceal information from the people of Georgia," Georgia GOP Executive Director Stewart Bragg said in a statement on Wednesday.
"The Republicans allege the timing of the disclosure, which came after the Democratic primary, meant "Georgia voters were not given an accurate assessment of his financial situation."

Georgia GOP accuses Ossoff of failing to disclose payments from company tied to China | Fox News

My comment: Looks like Ossoff has a China problem.
After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They’re Holding Seth Rich’s Laptop

After four years of stonewalling, the FBI is now starting to come clean and admit to its previous lies. Why now? If the FBI was confident that Joe Biden and friends would take over in January, they could have continued to lie. Today’s revelation means the FBI is now trying to get ahead of revelations to come. The importance of this development extends beyond the case of Seth Rich and his alleged role in the leaking of DNC emails.

HUGE: After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They're Holding Seth Rich's Laptop (
That’s very interesting.... why come clean now?
There’s China again....

I wonder if any of our astute liberal trolls would like to pontificate on this.?
And once again, Comrade Brennan speaks....this guy deserves a one way ticket back to Mother Russia...

John Brennan says those trying to overturn election advocating for 'authoritarianism'
Brennan’s tweet came the same day 17 Republican attorneys general signed onto a Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election results in 4 battleground states
I just wish Pelosi would STFU already and retire. It's bad enough we are paying her for destroying this country....isn't that something? Paying her and Schmuker to destroy the very country they live in....amazing times.
I'm not on YouTube and have zero interest in getting on that site for any reason, so I'm stuck putting this up as a file.

This is a recording demonstrating how the "operator" of a Dominion voting machine can easily, very easily, manipulate the vote count in any manner the operator may desire. And this was "the most secure election ever"? More bull from people with either an agenda, too stupid to remember to breath or deliberately misleading everyone.

View attachment QoA8TnHmjZ9f_small.mp4
And WHY are these 'punk-@ss' POS's still being allowed to do this shit? When will we say, enough is enough? About time to get 'online' and sweep the town.....

Portland’s ‘Red House’ protesters ready ‘for the long haul,’ guest tells Tucker
"They’ve got a stockpile of weapons. They’ve got armed guards. They’ve got a kitchen ready,” a radio host told Tucker Carlson
Oregon is becoming liberal "progressive" Democrat heaven.
Between this and legalizing all narcotics, I think we should encourage them ALL to move there. I'll pitch in..
And WHY are these 'punk-@ss' POS's still being allowed to do this shit? When will we say, enough is enough? About time to get 'online' and sweep the town.....

Portland’s ‘Red House’ protesters ready ‘for the long haul,’ guest tells Tucker
"They’ve got a stockpile of weapons. They’ve got armed guards. They’ve got a kitchen ready,” a radio host told Tucker Carlson

Those idiots in Portland voted for this nonsense. At this point I could care less as long as it stays in Portland.
I'm telling you this is a golden opportunity. Free shit, legal narcotics, no police, liberal progressive paradise!

We pay them all say $10,000+, free drugs, free rent, free college, free food, free medical, a guaranteed social justice warrior job to move there.

Then nuke it from orbit