US Elections (& Politics) :)

Anyone beside me find this ironic?

Sorry but I have to release some stress.


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Now, rinse and repeat about a dozen times and I am WITH YOU! But it really was no surprise......JOE AND THE HOE!!!!
Communists and Socialists, past Time choices...



Threesome of Biden-Xi-Harris makes complete sense considering the Chinese PRC have corrupted Biden and Hunter in the past...

Perhaps a better image would be Xi the puppet master of the other 2? Here's a photo of just one puppet...

I've been thinking about the timing of the Hunter/Swalwell/China story. I have felt, strongly, that Creepy, Sleepy, Crooked Joe Bunco was just a figure head, a place holder, for people to vote for, if you can call what happened voting. He is there to supply an air of stability, or is that senility, to campaign with. He is a disposable commodity to the party higher ups, like Obummer and Clinton, and it was probably the plan to have him out of office at the earliest possible time assuming he got elected somehow. Bingo! Along comes this mess involving Hunter, his brother and his uncle, I think it's his uncle but it is another Bunco. A perfect way to get rid of Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked Joe, conflict of interest and possible involvement. Isn't that convenient? He has already lied during the debates and his campaign by denying any knowledge and saying Hunter got nothing from China. Are we all ready for President Comrada? Lord help the USA, please.

There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption
Oracle is joining HP in the great exodus from Commiefornia.
With the supreme court refusing the Texas case, I'm rightly or wrongly assuming the Biden will be assuming the presidency. I'm very unhappy that none of decisions were based on disproving the credible evidence of multiple fraud occurrences. If the democrats and/or judicial system wanted to incite a civil war, this was the way to do it. If there was really no fraud, they would have gone out of their way to prove it to win the hearts of those who thought there really was fraud. It looks like they attained victory through fraud and bullying, and don't give a whit about changing that appearance.
While I'm not very hopeful, there still are a number of discrete court cases in all four State that may, or may not, be heard. The time window is getting very short, but I believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court will be hearing arguments tomorrow. Last scuttle butt I heard was that 170,000 votes were found with no record of the voters on Wisconsin voting rolls. That's not confirmed, but if true.... The Georgia Senate runoff is the firewall and more, and more, crap is coming out about the, alleged, Democrats in that one.

The funny part of the SCOTUS ruling is that they said, specifically, Texas had no standing, but actually didn't dismiss the case. Of course when they might ever hear the case is another question. It's also interesting to note that Roberts, of all people, and Alito dissented on that "no standing" opinion. Maybe Roberts did it as cover to try to hold onto some credibility with Conservatives, I don't know.
Maybe Roberts did it as cover to try to hold onto some credibility with Conservatives
I beg to differ. There is no reason for him to even care about his credibility with conservatives. Why would he? He has his job until he want to leave or dies. He needs nothing from conservatives or anyone else for that matter.