US Elections (& Politics) :)

cya guys in food bank line, already 30 or 35 cents increase on McChickens. more to come
Try taking the shoot gun out in the back yard and blasting away a tree rat.
Chop it up, flour it, then fry it.
You now have McHomie nuggets.
Cost 30 cents for the shell.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Only problem is ammo is more expensive now.
It's called a bow. 40 yards or less and I've pinned them to a tree trunk while they're busy checking me out many times. Pull the shaft out carefully, rinse, repeat. Cost? Zero...

I don't do it for the meat though. I do it because they're tree rats and like to eat what we like to see and/or eat.
It's called a bow. 40 yards or less and I've pinned them to a tree trunk while they're busy checking me out many times. Pull the shaft out carefully, rinse, repeat. Cost? Zero...

I don't do it for the meat though. I do it because they're tree rats and like to eat what we like to see and/or eat.
Good aim.
I have never ate a tree rat, I was just trying to be funny. But if there was a food shortage, they would be the first on my plate.
As of now, I put out cracked corn for the turkeys and birds. And of course the tree rats are getting fatter as well. It's my plan anyway.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
California slips further down the abyss..

With businesses and citizens leaving in record numbers, Stupid Liberal Progressives double down on their efforts to destroy whats left.
LA County's New District Attorney Releases Stunning List of Radical Changes to Justice System

In his directive to all deputy district attorneys, Gascon wrote the following misdemeanors will be declined for prosecution, except for certain cases:
  • Trespassing
  • Disturbing the peace
  • Driving without license
  • Prostitution
  • Criminal threats
  • Drug possession
  • Minor with alcohol
  • Drinking in public
  • Public intoxicating
  • Loitering
  • Resisting arrest
  • Under the influence of a controlled substance
Fox 11 also reported Gascon has done away with cash bail, the death penalty, all sentencing enhancements, and the special circumstances committee.

George Gascón was previously the DA of San Francisco and absolutely turned that place into a hell hole.
Gascón’s “progressive” programs caused a historic surge in crime and during his tenure, San Francisco’s property crime rate spiked a whopping 37%.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, in 2017, San Fran reported over 31,000 car break-ins – the WORST year on record.

Now Oracle's exiting California for Texas. Will the last one in Silicon Valley, please turn out the lights?

I feel zero sorrow or sympathy for those left in the shit hole that is California if you voted Democrat. You deserve the crime, high taxes and coming economic hardship.
Suck it
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Nevada DMV Records Suggest 3,987 Non-Citizens Voted in 2020 Election

Nevada Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) records suggest that nearly 4,000 legal and illegal aliens cast votes in the 2020 general election, according to a sworn affidavit filed with a state court.
As part of legislation enacted by the state’s Democrats, the DMV automatically registers to vote every person who obtains a driver’s license. In Nevada, both legal and illegal non-citizens can obtain driver’s licenses and identification cards.

Jesse Kamzol, an expert engaged by the Republican Party as part of an election lawsuit, matched the 110,164 non-citizen records from the DMV, which were obtained through a subpoena by the state’s Republican Party, against Nevada’s voter file. He determined, with “high to mid-high confidence,” that 6,260 non-citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens had voted.
While he noted that the number may contain false positives due to limited information, Kamzol said the matches were nonetheless significant enough to merit further investigation.
“One of our most basic checks in the electoral process, that this sacred right is limited to those with the privilege and responsibilities of citizenship, was subverted by the DMV,” the state’s Republican Party said in a statement.

“And where are our law enforcement officers? We found this evidence without the help of our Top Cop in Nevada. Attorney General [Aaron] Ford: why are you not investigating voter fraud? You’ve made your position very public saying that you will investigate and prosecute voter fraud.
“Yet, we have blatant vote-buying, non-citizens receiving and casting ballots, deceased voters, people voting twice, etc., and you choose partisan politics to ignore the hundreds of pages of evidence while continuing the narrative that there was NO fraud.”

Nevada DMV Records Suggest 3,987 Non-Citizens Voted in 2020 Election (
Try taking the shoot gun out in the back yard and blasting away a tree rat.
Chop it up, flour it, then fry it.
You now have McHomie nuggets.
Cost 30 cents for the shell.
I've always all chickens have "nuggets" are is it just the roosters? :highfive:
I'm beginning to think that voter fraud is a huge problem and has been for some time and that BOTH parties like it that way. NOBODY wants to investigate it, which tells me just how corrupt our government is. DOJ might as well be hall monitors at middle schools...
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California slips further down the abyss..

With businesses and citizens leaving in record numbers, Stupid Liberal Progressives double down on their efforts to destroy whats left.
LA County's New District Attorney Releases Stunning List of Radical Changes to Justice System
I don't feel too bad for those people and businesses, after all they elected the libs, year after year so they're reaping what they sowed BUT...
what pisses me off is they're fleeing to red states guessed it....they'll vote dummocrat AGAIN and AGAIN until they run that state into the ground....then they'll flee that state.

Reminds me of the kind of pests you'd hire an exterminator to rid your house of ..... :blankstare:
The problem isn't only there though. Rather it's those (insert expletive here) liberals that will move elsewhere and still vote the exact same way thus working to destroy yet another state... my post above! Great minds think alike!
Oh, and while you are at it New York, keep voting for brain dead, socialist bartenders......can you say, 'Thank you AOC for NOT allowing Amazon here..' I thought you could!

New York City business owners haunted by Amazon loss amid pandemic
'The city has no solutions. We have a do-nothing mayor,' fumed CEO of Modern Spaces realty