One of the many disappointments of Biden in the WH is that we will no longer get Kayleigh WH briefings.
While this has been slowly happening for years now, at least since Trump was elected, it is now progressing at a blistering pace. What really frosts my cranberry bogs is that there really is NOTHING a person can do about it. They have even removed any possibility of posting comments on 'news' articles. Sure you can 'choose' not to use YouTube, FaceBook, or any others, but that does not stop the censorship, the bias, the control of information. Do not kid yourself, this is all about the control of information which leads to the control of the people.FYI - good discussion on tech and mainstream censorship of "Wrongthink" .. including political wrongthing ( like Hunter's laptop )
Yep it’s going to be a fun 4 years for Obama/Harris