US Elections (& Politics) :)

So the liberals are now eating their own. Was only a matter of time:

"Not even liberal Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has been spared. The committee sought to remove her name from an elementary school with Jeffries alluding to allegations that she flew a Confederate flag at City Hall when she was mayor."

This was from the same article that @sebastiantombs was talking about.
California slips further down the abyss..

With businesses and citizens leaving in record numbers, Stupid Liberal Progressives double down on their efforts to destroy whats left.
LA County's New District Attorney Releases Stunning List of Radical Changes to Justice System

In his directive to all deputy district attorneys, Gascon wrote the following misdemeanors will be declined for prosecution, except for certain cases:
  • Trespassing
  • Disturbing the peace
  • Driving without license
  • Prostitution
  • Criminal threats
  • Drug possession
  • Minor with alcohol
  • Drinking in public
  • Public intoxicating
  • Loitering
  • Resisting arrest
  • Under the influence of a controlled substance
Fox 11 also reported Gascon has done away with cash bail, the death penalty, all sentencing enhancements, and the special circumstances committee.

George Gascón was previously the DA of San Francisco and absolutely turned that place into a hell hole.
Gascón’s “progressive” programs caused a historic surge in crime and during his tenure, San Francisco’s property crime rate spiked a whopping 37%.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, in 2017, San Fran reported over 31,000 car break-ins – the WORST year on record.

Now Oracle's exiting California for Texas. Will the last one in Silicon Valley, please turn out the lights?

I feel zero sorrow or sympathy for those left in the shit hole that is California if you voted Democrat. You deserve the crime, high taxes and coming economic hardship.
Suck it
Pretty sure you know I didn't. But I'm 3rd generation and not a spring chicken, so I know how it used to be before there were homeless in every public place or open land near the coast.
I apologize once again for posting a file rather than a video link, but I saw this and think it's worth your effort to watch. If true, wait for a nuclear explosion in the near future as the Obummer Administration myth explodes very violently.

View attachment 76iFnZiwAEy7.mp4
Wow, Bizzaro World working in full force. I heartily agree with Sarah Palin!?!

You can't make this shit up.....Yes, Americans were duped by this traitorous....soon to be....First Family!

Hunter Biden in 2017 sent 'best wishes' from 'entire Biden family' to China firm chairman, requested $10M wire
And even more PC Bullshit....

GOP lawmakers' second Christmas tree vanishes from Wisconsin Capitol
Reps. Paul Tittl and Shae Sortwell had acted in defiance of Democratic Gov. Tony Evers

Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is Garbage Because Her Dissertation Is Garbage | National Review

My friends, I have read this document in its entirety and it is so equally lacking in rhetorical force, boldness of conception, and original research that it amounts to a triple null set, a vacuum inside a blank inside an abyss. If Ingmar Bergman were alive and hired to make a film about this paper, he would say, “I can’t do it, there’s so much emptiness even I cannot grasp it,” and it would sound so much worse in Swedish that suicide hotlines would have to hire extra staff. Gene Simmons has a better claim to be a Doctor of Love than Jill Biden to be a Doctor of Education; after all, Simmons has spent a lifetime demonstrating mastery of his field. As for Biden, she has spent a lot of time teaching remedial English to slow learners in community colleges. Which is like being a rock musician who’s in a bar band. That plays covers. At mixers. Held in assisted-living facilities. Mrs. Biden’s dissertation emits so much noxious methane the EPA should regulate it, Greta Thunberg should denounce it, and Hollywood celebrities should hold a telethon to draw awareness to its dangers.
@Oceanslider nailed it with his observation in the Pandemic thread
Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

The Democrats don’t care what you think about their scandals | Spectator USA

The bottom line that is escaping my friends on the right who demand accountability is that they — the media, Democrats, Big Tech and their defenders — simply don’t care what we think about them. We are just deplorables hanging out in those red counties. All they care about is that they won and roughly half the country will adore them for the lies they told to win. Biden is in and Trump is out. Period.

Don’t get me wrong: there should be accountability for people who were knowingly wrong. A compromised media is simply bad for America. Big Tech clearly taking the side of one political party over the other won’t end well. But we are past that now. The right needs to realize that the left will seek victory at any cost so if they aren’t prepared to meet them in the caged arena in a fight with no rules, then they should accept defeat and move on. Otherwise, start fighting back. I hear Ken Starr might have some time to serve as a special counsel.
So much for unifying the country...

President-elect Joe Biden’s deputy chief of staff, Jen O'Malley Dillon, called Republicans "a bunch of f---ers" while praising Biden's call for unity in an interview with Glamour magazine.
^^^ Nothing hypocritical about that, it's a statement by a Liberal/Socialist/Marxist. They can do no wrong.
As long as you brought up "Justice" Roberts I stumbled across this a little while ago. Besides being on Orgy Island what was he doing hob knobbing with Bill I Never Had Sex with That Woman Clinton? -

I am so tired of the term 'experts' used by the media. Everybody the media quotes is an expert. But who determined they were an expert? There is no test given, no review of professional credentials, no interview of one's body of work, just whoever in the media spouts the media's version of a topic is declared to be the EXPERT.

Donald Trump ‘was right’ - YouTube