Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Love that Yeats poem. It was featured in Babylon5, a favorite show of mine decades ago.

Of course G'Kar says we might be wiser than he thought. Personally I doubt it.

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Love that Yeats poem. It was featured in Babylon5, a favorite show of mine decades ago.

Of course G'Kar says we might be wiser than he thought. Personally I doubt it.

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I have not seen that movie. But always had remembers Yeats statement about the good lacking conviction. And really the worst being full of passionate intensity. Look at the German Nazi's, Pol Pot minions, Mau's minions that went around pulling people from their houses and killing them burning books (twitter and facebook have their own version of this now), or Antifa, or BLM (fiery but mostly peaceful protests). Why is it that half the country sits quietly by... the good lack conviction
Is anyone else starting to get concerned about what's happening with the coronavirus from Wuhan? It's difficult to know what is trustworthy information, and why is hype, but honestly, I'm starting to get a real uneasy feeling about what little 'legitimate' info is being reported from the WHO and CDC.

The latest information indicates the virus has an incubation period of up to 14 days, and just today, the CDC announced that someone infected may be infectious for the entire time they are asymptomatic. That's scary since it means infections are happening in areas that haven't seen any symptoms, for possibly a week or more.

As an ER doc, my wife is at the tip of the spear when it comes to treating people. And while I'm sure most that are not in the medical field will learn of local infections from word of mouth or local news reports, those reports come from those on the front line - who ultimately will be exposed before any warnings are issued.

I live in a very, very remote area (closest neighbor is more than a mile away, and the closest town with a Walmart is a 2hr RT drive). If things get bad, I can shelter in place (we have adequate food and supplies), but that will be of little consequence if wife is infected in the process of finding the first case of the virus in our area.

If anyone is concerned, the time to prepare is quickly evaporating. N95 and higher masks are all but sold out on Amazon. Emergency food rations are also expected to be exhausted as more people become aware of how real this threat is. As soon as people begin to hear of the increasing death toll and infections within their states, shelves will start to go empty. People will refuse to go to work - refuse to send their kids to school. It could get really ugly.

Many of us have cameras for, among other reasons, due to the distrust of fellow humans. The thin veneer of civility will quickly evaporate in conditions like this. I hope I'm wrong. But I am planing for the worst.
As filthy and unhygienic as Chinese live, mostly in the countryside, this pandemic should have decimated China by the millions. In USA, if you do drugs, eat junk and processed food and deserve what you get. All a political weapon to keep people corralled in their own home like cattle. How dumb are you people?!
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Sure glad Twatter tells us what to think and what is true and false. I mean without them we’d all have to use our own minds ...

*For the record I don’t twit.

Best not post information from the FDA study on Twatter I suppose...

So from the roughly 20,000 participants who did NOT receive the vaccine, 162 (0.8%) tested positive for COVID-19 during the evaluation period. And THREE (1.9% of the positive tests) had ‘severe’ Covid. [see page 30 of the report]
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I also understand there is a critical shortage of fire extinguishers from putting out all the hair that's been on fire.
I'm not really too concerned concerned about those reactions. Two out of how many thousand? At least one of them had known allergies, higher levels, and an eppi pen took care of it. I can't read the full story, since I don't subscribe to the Toilet Paper of Record the NY Slimes, so I don't know what the root cause of the second reaction was or the severity. Everybody in how they react to medications. I can't use certain antibiotics while other work fine, albeit in a higher dose for them to be effective for me. Just the way human physiology is. My big question is the long term effects, as in years down the road.
FWIW, actually, at that hospital it was 2 out of 144. My body reacts badly to a number of meds. I found that out when I went into ICU with accute Afib and the doctor tanked my blood pressure 3 times with 3 different meds trying to get my heart rate down. At my age, I'm concerned about long term for my kids and grandkids. None of them are going to get the jab until such times as all the Guinea Pigs have proven it to at least appear to be relatively safe...
Those seem to be the only reported reactions so far in this first wave of vaccinations. I'm sure if there were more the media would be setting their hair on fire to report them.
An entire town could die from the jab and the MSM wouldn’t say a word.
His royal Ego highness Fauci would blame it on some Republican official for not keeping the vax goop cold enough ...
Sorry guys if I missed it, been real busy. Has anyone found out the content of these vaccines? What is in them? Is it posted on CDC's site?

I just remember the Swine Flu vaccine that had Aluminum, Insect Repellant, Formaldehyde, Mercury:

What they fail to mention is that they welded doors shut and left people to die at home to achieve that. Was it worth it? We'll never know how many actually died in Wuhan as a result of that lock down. The other thing that is troublesome, at least to me, is that they seem to celebrate "unleashing" the CCP Virus on the rest of the world.
FWIW, actually, at that hospital it was 2 out of 144. My body reacts badly to a number of meds. I found that out when I went into ICU with accute Afib and the doctor tanked my blood pressure 3 times with 3 different meds trying to get my heart rate down. At my age, I'm concerned about long term for my kids and grandkids. None of them are going to get the jab until such times as all the Guinea Pigs have proven it to at least appear to be relatively safe...

Me and the Mrs. completely agree with you. I'm old, we have had our kids. Not worried about us, but worried about my daughters. Time will tell if they get it of not.
As filthy and unhygienic as Chinese live, mostly in the countryside, this pandemic should have decimated China by the millions. In USA, if you do drugs, eat junk and processed food and deserve what you get. All a political weapon to keep people corralled in their own home like cattle. How dumb are you people?!

I am not going to argue with your opening statement, but you just had to put it our there, right? If you Vape, eat spam or hotdogs, or get fast food, you deserve to get COVID-19? Really?

Well fuk me then. I had a can of Vienna sausages and two hard boiled eggs for breakfast, but followed that up with some oranges and some cheese crackers. Had McDonald's for lunch (normally I don't do McDonald's....been like a year at least) so under your guidelines, I now deserve to get COVID-19, quite possibly be hospitalized and even die, as I did use to smoke as well.

WHAT FREAK'N rock did you crawl out from?????? Wow...